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Depopulation was always the goal.
eat the bugs, live in the pod, no airports, no shipping, no steel, no concrete, no plastics whatsoever
I’ll only believe in stuff like that when I see people like Greta taking part in stuff like that. If I start seeing her eat bugs or her turning up to these events WITHOUT a car then I’d believe Greta. Until then, I’m going to sit here and laugh at her and ask her how did the last ice age ended.
Depopulation is fine, the world needs it. Just too many people, period.
But the way the elitists and people in “power” want to do it is wrong. It’s about control for them, not what anyone, or earth, actually needs.
The elitists/globalists only want enough serfs/slaves to serve them. No more, no less.
In the mean time, it is always “do as I say, not as I do”.
The elitists/globalists will NEVER give up their fancy cars and planes, their luxury homes, their exotic vacations, etc. (The 2013 movie Elysium is a good example).
They will continue to eat their stakes while telling you to eat bugs and dandelion tea.
While I do believe that climate change is happening and it accelerated by humans, it’s occurring at a rate that humans can adapt. Humans can migrate north and live elsewhere if it gets too hot outside.
Here’s an idea: what if the government uses our tax dollars to good use and gives people sustainable drinking water instead of banning stuff.
“Depopulation is fine, the world needs it. Just too many people, period.”
I think your logic here is massively flawed but I don’t think it is intentional nor do I believe malice is in your heart. I think ,like me, you heard a number of tropes repeated in the media and socially growing up. What sounded liked like revolutionary information then is now what we consider propaganda. The world being overpopulated is one of those tropes. I think you have heard it for so long, you just believe it without question. This is a common situation and is no different than say the religious belief people have in man made global warming.
No if you wish to disagree with me there that is perfectly fine and I suspect you will. But if you do I ask you this. What evidence do you present that the world is overpopulated vs. simply mismanaged as I tend to think?
And if you truly believe the world needs to be depopulated, why? To save the planet? To save humans? To save animals? To what end does that serve?
What number of people on the planet do you find acceptable? How do you plan on depopulating? Are you ok with starving people to death to achieve this end or are you ok with forced sterilization or eugenics?
I hear what you are saying but I think almost all of what we see for “climate change” is absolute garbage propaganda intended solely to induce fear so that humans give away their rights and funds to the powers that be.
Why do I say this? Here is a short list:
– there is indeed climate change, because it always changes, always has and always will
– do humans affect the system we live in? yes, we are part of it so we affect it but to think we are the only or largest factor is silly
– be beyond suspicious of any crisis where the only solution is to give away your freedoms and funds
– the Earth is not fragile nor is it some simple system we can control and assuming both will lead to catastrophic failures like Bill Gates wanting to block the Sun
– look at the people beating the drum the loudest and most often, do they appear like caring concerned and informed people?
The elitists/globalists will NEVER give up their fancy cars and planes, their luxury homes, their exotic vacations, etc. (The 2013 movie Elysium is a good example).
To slow down the climate change that would be a good place to start. Putting restrictions on private jets etc as they contribute so much more negatively than cars, trains, regular flights and so on. Libs trying to change by going (and advocating) vegan, driving less and so on is a cute thought but won’t do nearly as much as restricting people from flying around private jets.
Actually, if the idea was really that the climate was changing mostly due to human activity (a notion I challenge on all levels) you would not do squat about cars or jets. Sure you might get down to that eventually but the first thing you would do is force China and India to stop/slow down their massive pollution output in their industrial sectors.
In fact this right here is one of the ways I know that “climate change” is mostly BS. The biggest polluters by far are not only ignored but go unspoken while restrictions are placed on everyday people’s cars, gas stoves and now farms are being attacked. Clearly the current motivation for all this nonsense is control.
Logically, either the world is not “burning” or it is and the folks saying they care really don’t and are just getting theirs before we all go up in flames.
The climate has been changing for the last 4 billion years and being shocked it continues to do so is illogical. While I am certain humans play a role as we do have a seat on the bus, to pretend we steer the bus or can, is hubris that cannot be measured.
At the end of the day, the planet is fine. We are not going to hurt it. We might kill ourselves off but if we do so it won’t be with climate change 100 years from now it will be from plastic pollution in the next few decades. One mass ocean kill and we all starve.
Climate change isn’t even the biggest problem in my opinion, but rather ocean acidification, and the acidification of bodies of water in general. Humans can migrate north as much as they want, but if the pH of the ocean drops even a little, then millions or even billions of organisms will die, which would starve many people who rely on ocean fish for food. This is also why plastic pollution is also another major problem that is not talked about enough either.
The climate has been changing for the last 4 billion years and being shocked it continues to do so is illogical. While I am certain humans play a role as we do have a seat on the bus, to pretend we steer the bus or can, is hubris that cannot be measured.
in theory we can, by getting rid of everything that strains the earth. It’s another question if we will do it. As you said, good luck in trying to convince China and India to reduce pollution.
“in theory we can, by getting rid of everything that strains the earth. It’s another question if we will do it. As you said, good luck in trying to convince China and India to reduce pollution.”
On paper I agree with this assertion. I have always been of the mind that we mismanage what we have/use and the best way to solve the issues we cause ourselves is to properly manage our existence on the planet not perform insane schemes that we have zero clue of the downstream effects of. However, I do not believe we “strain” the planet. We aren’t going to destroy it nor harm it. Sure, we can kill ourselves off but the planet is fine. We only exist here because nature allows it, not in spite of it. At what point its done with us it shakes us off like we were never here.