The NPC social justice mob is coming after tabletop gaming

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    Hi all table top gaming is a growing part of nerd culture and the agent smith that is social justice is starting to infect it. I was wondering if the team could warn the public like Jeremy (banned from Twitter haha)  was a head of the curve Warning us about the last Jedi. Maybe even add it to the sites forums




    Heyas Impotent Jedi.

    Yeah, they’re gonna revamp the next edition of the rules to be less “offensive” to delicate fe fe’s.

    Magic the gathering has even go so far as to fire some of their artists.  Which is just preposterous.  Here comes gamer gate for tabletops.

    I haven’t played tabletop in a very long time, but I’ve heard that Vampire the Masquerade and WereWolf is also getting a lot more to the woke end.

    Back when I still played, I played by second edition DnD rules, and that was it.  Nothing after.


    I haven’t played D&D rules for over 20 years. The last time I ran a campaign, it was with homemade rules, because D&D rules became garbage years ago. I was using a d20 rule structure long before they finally decided to do it.


    Everyone I know who runs or plays in a campaign these days use homemade rules. I don’t think serious tabletop gamers bother with this shit anymore.


    So go ahead and bend the knee. You’re worthless anyways.


    Yeah, when GW put out the usual ‘well we don’t want your custom then’ statement? I knew the infection was spreading. I’m a 40k fan and over the last 4 years I’m amazed how many ‘fans’ have turned into genderbending manimals on twitter. The rage for whamen Space Marines is ridiculous, they do offer female representation with the Sisters but it’s never enough. Nothing is ever enough.

    I pay top cash for the stuff I want but I’m also happy to go to my mate ‘Ali McSpress’ to buy much much cheaper versions


    Remember when it was the right who was always coming after our games?

    I remember when those stuffy assholes would claim it was the DEVIL!  Evil!  Burn the witch!

    They didn’t get to far and only made more interest for the game.   BUT… There is a big difference between the fundies on the right then, and the progressive scumbags of today.

    These leftist are actively invading and taking jobs in high places within our games.  The right would just bitch and moan, but they had no real power other than their complaints.

    The left puritans have gained so much ground on taking these things away from us in a public setting.  They get inside the hobby, pretend they are interested and somehow they get their little troopers inside.  Their true interest is to destroy and take control.

    I am actively working on making new gaming spaces for people who just don’t want that in their table top games.  We do this to have fun, create bonds with new and old friends.

    I never cared who joined my games as long as they are there for fun.  I shouldn’t even have to point out the fact I have gay boys, lesbian girls, POC in my gaming circles.  Never ever had to point this out.  You know because we are normal people who act like normal people.

    Yet I am called the bigot, or racist.  It is beyond sickening and has ruined much of the fun for conventions and taking this out in the public arena.

    So I just keep my games privates.  Who are these people?  I don’t fucking know cause in my life the only time I see them is online.

    And they have taken so much ground that it is forcing everyone into a corner.  My gay friends are like man, these people do NOT speak for me!

    I tell them, look dude, I know man, yet your going to have to be the one who stands up to them.  AS when I do I am put out instantly cause I don’t check boxes.

    He explained to me theory of the purse puppy.  These leftists would come at them 10 times harder than they do even us.

    Even his boyfriend said yeah, they would actively ruin our lives in the community if we speak out.  They will doxx harass and nail anyone in that community that speaks out.  They are afraid to.

    Shaking my fucking head.  There has to be a solution here.


    This probably belongs in a thread about best table top stories, so I’ll just be brief.

    What I am about to recount would set SJWs hairs’ on fire. They would come for me and everyone who played it.


    This happened in a homebrew game I ran way back in college. I took the route of allowing my players to basically direct the game. I set up several paths and really let them just choose where to go. This lead to them not being heroes, but bad guys. Total assholes. At one point the party ended up in a brothel. One guy, who was basically a hippy druid who specialized in fire magic, got super drunk and went head first into the whores. Well, the set up was that the brothel was actually run by succubi, so I think you can guess where this goes. Massive battle ensues, and at one point the druid is standing on a table, completely naked, shooting fire out of his dick at everything.


    The one girl in the group left the game after that session. The two guys we brought in to replace her, one decided to be a freaking pixie, were immediately bum rushed by the party, imprisoned, had all their gear stolen, and made to fight goblins with spoons for their entertainment.


    The game got progressively crazier after this. This was REAL gaming. Gaming that no SJW NPC would ever be a part of, because they are not gamers. This is the kind of crazy shit that goes on in games, and anyone who has ever table topped knows it. Memories are made by real people who are in it for the love of it.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

    Ha ha! The story I’m about to tell is not really the same but in the spirit of things, Gaming IS made by the gamers! I remember back in the day playing ‘drunk Goldeneye toilet mine Russian roulette’ with my mates. Hear me out, it was simple, 3 mates left the room and one stayed an put a mine on the back of one of the doors in the Goldeneye MP level with the toilet. Then they rest came back in and took turns in opening the doors tilll BOOM! It was the most childish, stupid gaming thing I think I’ve ever done but when drunk and in our late teens (In the UK we can drink after 18)? fucking hilarious. We still laugh about it now, one time Dave got killed like 30 times in a row, we didn’t tell him I kept putting mines on all the doors!


    Orcs Lives Matter.


    As  a RPG gamer I find that entire thing so stupid

    Here is a comment I left on a YouTube video about the subject:


    White woman RPG player’s opinion because Drows are also mentioned (DROWs are an evil matriarchal race with beautiful women wielding great power)

    ALL the gamer girls I know that played Half-ORCs or DROWs did it because they liked the race’s culture and backstory
    What girl wouldn’t like to play some fantasy of being a Drow? A badass adventuress whose very name as Drow sends chills in people?

    or a girl player I know she loved her Half-Orc fighter
    The ‘evil’ nature of the race made her feel wicked awesome (as it should!)
    She challenged the city’s underworld best pit fighter and won.
    After she seduced the city’s crime lord to get half the spoils
    In time she replaced him
    If that’s not women empowerment I don’t know what is
    Side note: she even had posters done and criers hired to build her name, using the local people’s fear and hatred of orcs to boost her rep
    It basically went: try to unseat the current champion, that evil half-breed and also a woman to boot etc etc
    Men of (name of city), are you really going to let that go?
    Now isn’t that the coolest ever?

    Gamer girls I played with and know 95% like the raw uncut spicy nature of the game

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