The Old Republic (Eternal Empire)

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    I am a big EU Star Wars fan and I wanted to just drop some lore from the eternal throne. More unique than what Disney ever did with the franchise. Nothing like an Empire that took out the Sith empire and republic in a month due to their naval forces. I love good tactics.

    [BCU]Zakuulan Code

    [CU]Oblivion Father, strong to save,
    [CU]Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
    [CU]Who woke the mighty Zakuul sleep
    [CU]Its own appointed limits keep;
    [CU]Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
    [CU]We give, we fight, we live for He!

    [CU]Oblivion Father, whose voice we heard
    [CU]Who hushed our raging at Thy Word,
    [CU]Who walked on the horizon’s sun,
    [CU]And amidst the evil did he shun;
    [CU]Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
    [CU]We give, we fight, we live for He!

    [CU]Oblivion Father, whose might is tower
    [CU]Our family shield in danger’s hour;
    [CU]From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
    [CU]We protect he whereever we go;
    [CU]Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
    [CU]We give, we fight, we live for He!

    [CU]Old Life & Old Gods

    [IC]Before Valkorion’s rise to power, Zakuul was a backwater planet in Wild Space with almost no contact with the rest of the galaxy. Forced to settle in bogs and swamps, early Zakuulans were a superstitious, nihilistic people who worshipped a pantheon of ruthless gods. These deities expressed their power through the pain and suffering of their followers. The pantheon’s father was Izax, the god of death and the Ultimate Devourer. The ancient Zakuulans believed their fate was tied to the will of the gods and belonged to Izax. Those who challenged this view were considered demons. While most Demons were outcasts and expelled from society, a prophecy emerged claiming that one would climb beyond Izax’s reach an immortal god of gods who would topple the pantheon and usher in a new age for Zakuul. Claiming to be the Demon Savior of prophecy, Valkorion began his campaign against the Old Ways eventually being expelled by an outsider.


    [ICU]”…Honor the omnipotence of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer: father, ruler and bringer of death to us all. His forms are infinite, but his great glory flies on serpent wings….”

    [IC]Izax, considered the God of Death and Ultimate Devourer, was the primary deity of the Old Ways. Husband of Scyva and baring four children, he was the pantheon’s leader and ultimate authority. Even centuries after Vacio Ragnos transcended his status as the Oblivion Emperor, Knights are still heard crying “Izax claim you!” when charging into battle.


    [ICU]”…Walk the path with Scyva, the Constant Companion. Wife of divine Izax and avatar of sorrow, she weeps beside those who gladly march to embrace the Ultimate Devourer…”

    [IC]Scyva, honored as the Constant Companion and the Mother of Sorrows, was one of the six primary Old Gods, the deities worshiped by the people of the planet Zakuul before Valkorion’s ascension as Immortal Emperor. Scyva was the wife of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, and the goddess of sorrow. Scyva was said to weep beside those Zakuulans who marched to embrace Izax, and Scyva and Izax had four children: the god of rage Tyth, the twin goddesses of passion and envy Aivela and Esne, and Nahut. The Heart of Scyva was a frequent invocation among Zakuulans.


    [ICU]”…Storm the battlefield with Tyth, god of rage. The Firstborn of Izax and Scyva leads us to victory against the profane outlanders. Raise your bloodied fist and cry triumph…”

    [IC]Tyth, the Firstborn, was the warrior god and avatar of rage. The first of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Tyth was accompanied on the battlefield by his sister Aivela, and Zakuulans believed that Tyth would lead them to victory against outlanders.


    [ICU]”…Burn all doubt in the fires of Aivela, our goddess of passion. The Favored Daughter stands beside her brother Tyth on every battlefield, radiating grace to the fearless…”

    [IC]Aivela, loved as the Favored Daughter, was the firey goddess of passion. One of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Aivela was the twin sister of Esne, the goddess of jealousy, and Aivela accompanied her brother Tyth on the battlefield, where she shone her light on fearless warriors.


    [ICU]”…Beware the shadows of Esne, goddess of envy and twin of Aivela. Forever eclipsed by her sister’s incandescence, she will use her venomous tongue to test the faithful and cull the weak…”

    [IC]Esne was the goddess of envy among the Old Gods. One of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Esne was the twin sister of Aivela, the goddess of passion, and Esne’s greed and hatred of her sister led her to test the faithful and weed out the weak from among them by inciting jealous and envy. The Eyes of Esne was a common metaphor for jealousy among the people of Zakuul.


    [ICU]”…Bear a single torch for Nahut, the Hated Son. Gray, formless and cold, he is denied by all but the Mother of Sorrows. Do not follow him into the dark. Light the way to lead him home…”

    [IC]Nahut, reviled as the Hated Son, was one of the six primary Old Gods. One of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Nahut was considered to be gray, formless and cold, and was denied worship by all except his mother Scyva. The Old Ways taught that Zakuulans should not follow Nahut into darkness, but should instead “light the way” to bring Nahut home.


    [IC]Stories of the dragon Zildrog predate Izax’s pantheon. In the earliest legends, Zildrog was a guiding mentor who tested the strength of a warrior’s spirit. A fallen warrior would be consumed by the dragon, feeding its everlasting power. However, a victorious warrior was rewarded with the Breath of the Dragon. This boon imbued a soul with burning fire, lighting the way to a fortuitous future. During the height of the Old Ways, Zildrog was one of Izax’s many forms a terrible beast that brought only death. To most modern Zakuulans, the dragon is little more than a bedtime story about a mysterious creature in the swamps around the Spire. But a powerful syndicate of zealots in Breaktown who call themselves the Heralds of Zildrog wait for the creature’s second coming. Led by the Exalted, the Heralds worship Zildrog as a god.


    Not a fan of MMOs. I heard the story was good but just not my thing.


    Long live the EU.


    The mmo is a grind fest. I stopped playing a couple of years back. Hopped on recently to see how they finally end Revans story with the Emperor and it was good.


    SWTOR is a great game. All the stories are fantastic, and in the form that it is now, the entire game can be played solo.

    SWTOR is best played in a group. Some of my best gaming memories are leading raids for my guild from 2011 to 2014. We kicked a lot of ass and had a great time. It also has, imo, one of the best PvP set ups across a lot of MMOs. And with the changes in the past few years, the bolster system lets you just jump right in and brawl.

    Huttball is amazing with a premade team. So much fun.


    KotR is the pinacle of SW gaming far as Im concerned.


    I played it for 4 years, DAILY. It was literally all I had to do for entertainment a few years since I was unemployed (not by choice). I was in a helped run a guild until it broke up. I bounced around to a few guilds until I found another.  I was in, and helped run raids, that guild until I stopped playing. You may know them, they were quite big in the game. WOOK.

    Around the end of 2015 I stopped playing for various reasons, once being I got a good job finally. I am WAY out of the loop now. I have been wanting to get back into it, but kind of feel lost since so much has changed since I quit. The gear is all different now too. : /

    I have over 30000 cartel coins because I never ended my sub while I stopped playing. lol

    The servers merged and I lost the name to my main Sith character too. And that pissed me off. Luckily with text manipulation I still got the name, but is just looked different.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by DarthVengeant.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by DarthVengeant.
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