The point at which an abortionist realized he was wrong

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions The point at which an abortionist realized he was wrong

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      “I mean it all depends on when you believe it becomes a living human being.”

      The fact you don’t consider a living human being which a fetus is by definition points to your thought process of dehumanization. This is the same idea used many times for killing millions. If Hitler believed Jews were every bit of a valuable human as Germans there would have not been a Haulocost.

      “I do believe in modern medical experts who claim ”consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established.”. If it was proven that fetuses gain consciousness immeiately I would be against abortion, sure.”

      Modern medical experts.  Known to never be wrong, bought or biased such that they can never be questioned. Modern medical experts in Germany in the 30’s were practicing eugenics sterilizing certain groups.  I am not sure anyone (unborn) or otherwise wants to be in a position where you are a medical opinion away from not being human.

      The thing is conciseness I believe is just a misdirection.  If you have a unique set of human DNA that is alive it is a human being period regardless at what point you decide to assign it personhood. If you don’t interfere with he or she, regardless of what goal post you set for personhood, it will be a baby that is born.  So whether you murder a baby in the womb or shoot someone in the face on the street you are removing a human from this Earth.

      Plus let’s not kid ourselves.  Abortion was a thing long before current day medical knowledge. All these hairs people try to split scientifically attempting to prove a baby is not a person until X number of weeks has nothing to do with why it started or why it’s done.  All that was an afterthought in attempts to make it OK but none of that had to do with the initial motivations.  I could write a book on why bombing Japan was morally acceptable  because eventually those people would have died anyway.  It’s very much the same misfocus.

      “The development of a fetus brain can be monitored with magnetoencephalography,”

      Again, modern medical science is often wrong and or paid for such that it confirms what it’s told to. You can argue all day to try to rationalize why stopping a human from developing once it’s already a living human is not the same as killing someone but it’s the same.

      ==The very idea that it’s not a person until a certain point is simply ridiculous.  It is a human being, period.
      “according to you, sure. But many base it off what they believe life to be, which is consciousness.”

      No, by definition it’s a human.  Killing a baby is still killing a human, the stage of development is meaningless.  You can play all the word games you wish and try to get so close to the minutia of the argument that context is lost but it’s just rationalization.

      “For me this strongly indicates that functioning brain and consciousness is what defines if something is a living human being. So if a fetus does not have a consciousness and is unable to react to anything, it is not yet a living human but rather an organism.”

      It is a living human.  If you want to argue consciousness or not go ahead.  But it is a living human with human DNA that is alive.

      Everything alive is an organism that includes you and me.  So trying to use a more nebulous term does not make it less of a human. Same goes for the “clump of cells” argument.  We are all clumps of cells.

      But I’m curious, when do you think life starts?

      Conception.  Does that mean I find IVF also wrong?  Yes, yes I do.

      Even if you yourself think there is only a 1% chance you are wrong and killing half a million or more people a year (just in the US)  might be murder, would you weigh that at all against your own convenience?  If you had a young child, and I offer you the chance to win 5 million dollars if you put your baby in a machine called “Rich or Dead” and the baby only had as 1% chance of being ripped to shreds would you do that?  Would you do that 500,000 times a year?

      I bet if I asked you whether you believe it is better for several guilty criminals to go free than for 1 innocent person to be jailed you would agree with that.  So you are happy to play the odds so that their is justice based on a morality.  Would you calculate that differently if that innocent person was inconvenient to you?

      At the end of the day, if we control ourselves and make simple positive decisions this is very rarely even a conversation.  Abortion is killing a person inside of you hoping that you are right because it would be really inconvenient if you had to bear the consequences of our own actions.


      The fact you don’t consider a living human being which a fetus is by definition points to your thought process of dehumanization. This is the same idea used many times for killing millions. If Hitler believed Jews were every bit of a valuable human as Germans there would have not been a Haulocost.

      Hitler didn’t have that convincing arguments though about killing jews.

      Modern medical experts.  Known to never be wrong, bought or biased such that they can never be questioned.

      Surely they can be wrong or biased, but not to the extent of the whole world. Also, we put a lot of faith in medical experts in a lot of things. Maybe band aids cause long term illnesses, or cough medicines and so on. But with the knowledge we have, it absolutely is true.

      If you have a unique set of human DNA that is alive

      Chimpanzees have 99% of the same DNA as humans and even sperm has human DNA and are technically ”alive”. Would you wanna throw every person who has ever jerked off into prison for murder?

      If you don’t interfere with he or she, regardless of what goal post you set for personhood, it will be a baby that is born.

      but that’s the thing, it will be but it still isn’t. Burning wood or destroying concrete is not the same as destroying someone’s house, because it still is not a house even if it is 100% the same material a house has.

      Abortion was a thing long before current day medical knowledge. All these hairs people try to split scientifically attempting to prove a baby is not a person until X number of weeks has nothing to do with why it started or why it’s done.

      Unknowingly doing something doesn’t make it wrong though.

      No, by definition it’s a human.  Killing a baby is still killing a human, the stage of development is meaningless.  You can play all the word games you wish and try to get so close to the minutia of the argument that context is lost but it’s just rationalization.

      that’s not an argument though, that’s just a statement.

      Everything alive is an organism that includes you and me.  So trying to use a more nebulous term does not make it less of a human. Same goes for the “clump of cells” argument.  We are all clumps of cells.

      We are all clumps of cells but we have consciousness. A brain dead person is also considered dead, even if their other organs are functioning. Consciousness is what makes us living human beings, otherwise it would be murder to ejaculate since sperm has human DNA.

      Even if you yourself think there is only a 1% chance you are wrong and killing half a million or more people a year (just in the US)  might be murder, would you weigh that at all against your own convenience?  If you had a young child, and I offer you the chance to win 5 million dollars if you put your baby in a machine called “Rich or Dead” and the baby only had as 1% chance of being ripped to shreds would you do that?  Would you do that 500,000 times a year?

      No I wouldn’t, since it is established that there is a reasonable chance for the child to die and the child is a living human being. But are people immoral for driving their baby to the kindergarten every day, since they are every day putting themselves at risk for a car crash?

      Would you agree to use any method possible, even massively raising taxes to make health care free for everyone because 45 000 people on average die every year from not affording health care?



        —-Before you read this huge post of mine.  I wish you to understand, while I disagree with you on this topic very strongly, none of this is based on anger or any sort of ill will towards you.  This is a hot topic, as it should be, but it’s just a conversation.


        “Hitler didn’t have that convincing arguments though about killing jews.”

        That has nothing at all to do with what I stated.  How convincing Hitler’s points were or were not is somewhat superfluous to what happened.  But let’s say it’s true.  So you are saying Hitler was responsible for millions of deaths based on little?  Maybe just propaganda and lies?  I claim the same for being pro-abortion. Most of the pro  arguments are simply founded on fallacies and propaganda.

        “Surely they can be wrong or biased, but not to the extent of the whole world”


        “But with the knowledge we have, it absolutely is true.”


        “Chimpanzees have 99% of the same DNA as humans and even sperm has human DNA and are technically ”alive”. Would you wanna throw every person who has ever jerked off into prison for murder?”

        I see this tactic get played a lot, the whole misdirection thing and false equivalency.   If I say a rose is not a dandelion and you disagree you would say well don’t they both have green leaves?  Which is beside the point and attempts to breed the idea one is equal to the other.  You know exactly what I meant.  That is to say I was referring to a unique set of human DNA.  I said that in my statement so I am repeating myself.  Chimp DNA is not human.  The DNA in sperm is not unique such that it is a subset of the fathers DNA.  Unique human DNA would be a human being comprised of a subset of the mother and father’s DNA.

        ” Burning wood or destroying concrete is not the same as destroying someone’s house, because it still is not a house even if it is 100% the same material a house has.”

        Again, repeating myself here to clarify against your false equivalency.  I stated if you don’t interfere with an unborn child it will be born.  This is not the case with wood or concrete.  You can let it sit there a million years and it won’t form a house by itself.  It’s the opposite as it requires intervention to be anything more than it is initially.

        “Unknowingly doing something doesn’t make it wrong though.”

        You’ve heard of manslaughter right?  And now for the 3rd time false equivalency as everyone knows what abortion is at this point.

        “that’s not an argument though, that’s just a statement.”

        Correct.  It is a statement of fact.

        “We are all clumps of cells but we have consciousness. A brain dead person is also considered dead, even if their other organs are functioning. Consciousness is what makes us living human beings, otherwise it would be murder to ejaculate since sperm has human DNA.”

        You use terms very loosely.  I am not sure if that’s intentional as it clouds the argument.  “a brain dead person”, is still a person.  And you just said it was.  That is also an entirely different argument vs. abortion.  That refers to life support where without human intervention the person dies. Abortion is the opposite where without human intervention a person lives.

        Consciousness is very difficult to quantify or prove scientifically. So using something like that to say a baby is not a person is no different than me claiming the same to you but on the premise of a soul.

        The DNA in sperm is not a human being.

        “No I wouldn’t, since it is established that there is a reasonable chance for the child to die and the child is a living human being. But are people immoral for driving their baby to the kindergarten every day, since they are every day putting themselves at risk for a car crash?”

        You overuse the false equivalency thing.  Driving your child to school is not the same as putting them in a machine with a small chance of death based solely on monetary gain.  My point is that you a betting the lives of MILLIONS of people (babies) that current science is 100% correct.  There is no time in history where science was anywhere near 100% correct.  So over 500,000 people are possibly being murdered every year based on assumptive certainty of something that has a very high chance of being incorrect.  The hypocrisy of “black lives matter” unless they are unborn is so stark as to be almost comical.  The left will absolutely rage against  a single black man being killed.  Riots, looting, protests.   But killing more black babies in New York city than what is allowed to be born is just fine.

        “Would you agree to use any method possible, even massively raising taxes to make health care free for everyone because 45 000 people on average die every year from not affording health care?”

        There is zero chance you don’t realize how silly that premise is.  You are clearly intelligent and put thought into things.  So you stating that has to be an intentional attempt at propaganda.  But I digress.

        What you propose there is entirely not possible and nonsensical.  If taxes are raised to pay for this supposed health care then it by definition is not free. Whether I pay a $25 co-pay (plus my premium) or get 25% of weekly wages taken, I am paying for it. Government does not have any funding it does not take from someone else.  Government is not a business,  it produces no product and therefore does not generate profit or revenue.

        Also, this assumption you put forth that socialized healthcare ensures healthcare for all sounds great in theory but in practice does not happen. I am very suspect of numbers about dying due to lack of healthcare.  Certainly that happens but that is very difficult to prove and estimate accurately.  But lets run with it and say the numbers are true.  So 45,000 people die annually because of no healthcare.  Where?  The US?  That is terrible and my answer is to get government out of the business of regulating that industry and allow the free market to solve much of that.  Now, let’s take your case.  Nationalized healthcare.  How about the NHS in the UK, good example?  They estimate over 120,000 people died in 2022 while being on a waiting list for care.  That is England alone. They have a population of about 56 million.  The US is at least 320 million.  So that being 5x more you are saying 45k is abhorrent but you are theoretically advocating for increasing it to 600k if we play devil’s advocate with those numbers.  Yes that is playing fast and loose with numbers but you get my point I am sure.

        You appear as a very staunch advocate of abortion.  I hope you are supporting that horrific practice based on a far more complete and more informed thought process than you just used for national healthcare.


        I claim the same for being pro-abortion. Most of the pro  arguments are simply founded on fallacies and propaganda.

        how is it fallacies and propaganda? I think it is rather consistent with how we define life.

        That is to say I was referring to a unique set of human DNA

        But having human DNA doesn’t make something a living human being. Chopping off an arm and placing it on a table doesn’t make it a human being.

        I stated if you don’t interfere with an unborn child it will be born.  This is not the case with wood or concrete.

        The point is that something potentially becoming a thing does not make it the same as the thing. In no ontological category, does a potential thing count as the same as the thing itself.

        What I seek for is a consistent moral and philosophical framework, where all that matters is defining when a life starts and ends. To which, my answer is when the brain can react and a consciousness is found. I am not sure about when you consider a person to be dead, but it sure can not be heartbeat or existence of DNA because humans with heart failures and a pacemakers are not seen as dead, the DNA exists long after death. Everything seems to point towards brain activity and consciousness.

        Swap the brain between person A and B, and person A is going to be the one with person A’s memories and consciousness but person B’s body. The reason we keep comatose people plugged in is because we hope they regain consciousness. If they have no chance of regaining consciousness, we call them dead and pull the plug.

        a brain dead person”, is still a person.  And you just said it was.  That is also an entirely different argument vs. abortion.  That refers to life support where without human intervention the person dies. Abortion is the opposite where without human intervention a person lives.

        A brain dead person is a dead person. The question in abortion is, ”when does it become something worth protecting?”  The same applies to ”when does something cease to be worth protecting?”. And the answer to the latter is, when the consciousness isn’t there anymore. Which naturally would mean that it is worth protecting as long as it has a consciousness and brain activity, which would then suggest that before a fetus can develop consciousness, it is not a living human being.

        You overuse the false equivalency thing.  Driving your child to school is not the same as putting them in a machine with a small chance of death based solely on monetary gain.

        I wanted to demonstrate that we bet a lot on things which may have a slight chance of going horribly wrong. The appeal to emotion through repeating killing babies is not gonna rattle me. It’s as effective as me saying that if you are wrong, you are advocating to turn women into baby incubators who are forced to carry something unwanted and restricting their lives, even if they have been raped.

        What you propose there is entirely not possible and nonsensical.  If taxes are raised to pay for this supposed health care then it by definition is not free.

        The point was not to argue about healthcare, it’s irrelevant in this discussion. I am trying to test your moral framework to see if this is a discussion worth having. I have been talking with too many who claim they are pro life, but are in reality just anti abortion due to social grouping. These people start with the conclusion of being anti abortion and then work backwards to justify it.

        My question is basically, if 45 000 people die yearly because they can not afford healthcare, do you think anything should be done to make them afford it, via taxation for example or any means necessary?


          “how is it fallacies and propaganda? I think it is rather consistent with how we define life.”

          You keep moving the goal posts.  First is was being human, than a person and now “life”.  Clearly a living thing inside a woman comprised of the mother and father even if you choose not to call it a baby is life. I very much tire of the mental gymnastics played to attempt to explain how a human is not a human and how a baby is not a person.  The only reason all that energy is wasted is so you can defend how not keeping it in your pants is OK and your choices have no consequences because you can murder the results of your actions.   You cannot devalue some life without devaluing all of it.  The future you demand could come and the equality you hope for will exist but only in the equal suffering of all.

          “But having human DNA doesn’t make something a living human being. Chopping off an arm and placing it on a table doesn’t make it a human being.”

          I have accused  you of being a propagandist several times.  A charge you have never answered.  I accuse you of it again.  Clearly a baby inside it’s mother is not an arm lopped off.  A living human with a unique set of DNA is a reference to the entire body of that person in any stage and not just a portion of it.   At this stage your definition of a person is when it becomes “conscience” and that is mailable enough to be whatever you wish it to.

          “The point is that something potentially becoming a thing does not make it the same as the thing. In no ontological category, does a potential thing count as the same as the thing itself.”

          It is when that thing is a developmental stage of the same thing.   A tadpole is a toad/frog in the larval stage.  We don’t consider it not a toad or a frog because it is not fully formed.  If I offered you a free Lamborghini without wheels or a windshield I am sure you would accept it in a heartbeat and not think well since it’s not a fully formed Lamborghini it is not a Lamborghini and as no value.

          “What I seek for is a consistent moral and philosophical framework, where all that matters is defining when a life starts and ends. To which, my answer is when the brain can react and a consciousness is found. I am not sure about when you consider a person to be dead, but it sure can not be heartbeat or existence of DNA because humans with heart failures and a pacemakers are not seen as dead, the DNA exists long after death. ”

          What you seek is a river of reasons to do what you please without any moral ratifications. There is no such thing regardless of how many scientists you quote whom are seeking the same as you.

          Life starts at conception.  The only reason anyone would consider it different is so that you can end a person before they are born because their existence is inconvenient to yours.   You cannot find consciousness.  Meaning that thing itself is difficult to define and impossible to assign a point at which it initially exists.  But that’s the point of your nebulous argument so that you can take an indefinable thing and place it wherever you wish and when someone challenges that you ask them to prove an indefinable thing wrong.

          Death is the end of a cycle not the beginning of it and comparing one to the other is another attempt to devalue life. For someone who claims to be so caring of others and so tolerant you appear very willing to deport as many as you can from the ranks of “alive”, “human” and “person”.

          “A brain dead person is a dead person. The question in abortion is, ”when does it become something worth protecting?”  The same applies to ”when does something cease to be worth protecting?”

          You should have your own business moving goalposts for the NFL.  You would do well because you seem to be able to move them effortlessly.

          Abortion is not at all about when is something worth protecting.  What nonsense.  Abortion is murdering a baby.  Period.  Only folks like you attempt to dehumanize an unborn child so you can murder it to ease your own life.

          “I wanted to demonstrate that we bet a lot on things which may have a slight chance of going horribly wrong. The appeal to emotion through repeating killing babies is not gonna rattle me.”

          I think you have already firmly established that you are happy to kill babies repeatedly.  I am fairly certain that won’t rattle you.

          “The point was not to argue about healthcare, it’s irrelevant in this discussion”

          Then why did you bring it up?  And I see you do so again.

          “I am trying to test your moral framework to see if this is a discussion worth having. I have been talking with too many who claim they are pro life, but are in reality just anti abortion due to social grouping.”

          I have never encountered such a person who was pro-life.  But for me, I DO NOT speak of any topic that I have myself not researched and or put much thought into.  I am not defending regurgitated talking points, I am demonstrating the courage of my convictions.

          “My question is basically, if 45 000 people die yearly because they can not afford healthcare, do you think anything should be done to make them afford it, via taxation for example or any means necessary?”

          Can they be helped?  Certainly.  Through taxation?  No.  That is a known failure as I demonstrated to you in regards to the NHS and their 120k people who suffered a similar fate in a country 5x smaller. Through any means necessary?  No.  Like what robbing people?  Taking things from them forcefully?  No.  Are you a communist?

          No system is perfect but a free market with minimal guiderails is best. In such a place the economy thrives and as such charity abounds.  And you can have social safety nets (not lifestyles) but in the end charities do the best work.  I rather donate my money to causes (which I do) then than have the government put a gun to my head take my wallet and then tell me who they will give the money to which is mostly themselves.

          If you want such things through taxes make them optional.  Given everyone a form each year that takes some small percentage for government needs and have a list of do you wish to donate to this cause or this cause.

          What is freely given to one is forcefully taken from another.


          You keep moving the goal posts.  First is was being human, than a person and now “life”.

          I may have been unclear with my definitions, what I think matters is when does it become a living human being. I know fetuses and even sperms are technically alive, but I do not consider them to be living human beings before consciousness.

          The only reason all that energy is wasted is so you can defend how not keeping it in your pants is OK

          Not at all, I think abortion is a bad contraceptive method.

          I have accused  you of being a propagandist several times.  A charge you have never answered.  I accuse you of it again.

          Well, what is there to answer? I’m not? I have little to no interest in answering these accusations, I go with what I philosophically consider a living human being is.

          If I offered you a free Lamborghini without wheels or a windshield I am sure you would accept it in a heartbeat and not think well since it’s not a fully formed Lamborghini it is not a Lamborghini and as no value.

          a car without wheels or windshields is a car in the same way a fetus without hair is a fetus. A slightly better comparison would be a car without the engine or any other interial equipment required for it to function. But if we are talking about living things, a seed is not considered a tree. You don’t get penalized for stomping on a seed in a protected forest as you get for chopping down a tree.

          Life starts at conception.

          Death is the end of a cycle not the beginning of it and comparing one to the other is another attempt to devalue life

          But why does it start at conception? And I think it is important to discuss death also, because life starts and ends in the same way. The function which is required for something to be a living human being needs to be defined, when it has this function it is worth protecting and when it ends, it ceases to be worth protecting. So when do you consider life to end?

          My reasoning (without any propaganda involved, I’m telling you) is that in conception you have the DNA sure, but if you go by DNA then you also have to believe that it is alive as long as there is DNA. If I ask you, when is a car considered ”active” I believe it is not a consistent answer to say ”from the moment you step out your home door and walk to your car until the engine is turned off”. There needs to be a something that starts it and it needs to be the ceasing of the same thing which ends it. It is purely a question of philosophy. Interacting with a fetus without consciousness is the same as interacting with a braindead person.

          Abortion is murdering a baby.  Period.  Only folks like you attempt to dehumanize an unborn child so you can murder it to ease your own life

          I truly am open to reconsider things but the issue for me is that I haven’t heard a convincing argument to why it starts at conception. But maybe it’s just a propaganda stance to make women into babymachines.

          I have never encountered such a person who was pro-life.

          I have had my fair share of people who are anti abortion unless it’s a case of rape or incest.

          Can they be helped?  Certainly.  Through taxation?  No.  That is a known failure as I demonstrated to you in regards to the NHS and their 120k people who suffered a similar fate in a country 5x smaller. Through any means necessary?  No.  Like what robbing people?  Taking things from them forcefully?  No.  Are you a communist?

          I mean of course not by forcefully stealing from people but let’s say high taxation on the wealthiest people in the country and hand it to people who can not afford healthcare.

          I rather donate my money to causes (which I do) then than have the government put a gun to my head take my wallet

          it’s a shame everyone is not as noble. But if it was guaranteed that an added taxation to the wealthiest people in the country would be used to pay for people in desperate need of medical help, wouldn’t that be great?

          If you want such things through taxes make them optional.

          there’s a huge risk people are too selfish to not do it


            “I may have been unclear with my definitions, what I think matters is when does it become a living human being. I know fetuses and even sperms are technically alive, but I do not consider them to be living human beings before consciousness.”

            It’s not that you are unclear, it’s that you are incorrect.  A fetus is a human being.  Sperm is not a human being. But yes both are alive. Consciousness does not add to or detract from being a human being.  If you dig up a corpse from 1,000 years ago and asked someone what it was they answer a human being.  Yet there is no life nor consciousness at that time.  You could dig up a pile of broken bones and maybe you cannot tell exactly what it is but you can DNS test it somehow.  You would find it was a human being.  Now we do call that a corpse but that relates to a state and not lack of humanity, just like fetus.

            Did you ever see any of the secret recordings from an abortion clinic years ago as it related to selling the human parts?  The journalist or whomever it was, was shown a picture of a “disassembled human” or the actual thing.  He/she did not know what it was. He/she asked this person from the clinic what that was.  The answer?  “a baby”.  That’s right.  Not a fetus nor a clump of cells.

            Let’s not kid ourselves.  Instinctively we all know what is what here. It’s very black and white.  Grey in this situation is sought so people can rationalize selfish choices.

            If you want to dehumanize people so you can guiltlessly murder them as they are inconvenient to you or someone else go right ahead.  But that “not a human” magic wand will get used more and more as we have already seen with abortion up to birth and even mention of it afterwards.  Thoughts/ideas can be bad on their own standing, they can also be bad because of where they lead.  And saying well I supported everything up to the step before but not this final step, does not grant you absolution from the point we ultimately arrive at.

            “a car without wheels or windshields is a car in the same way a fetus without hair is a fetus”

            No, not at all.  A car without wheels or a windshield  (and you called it a car not a clump of car parts) is a car in a stage of development as a fetus is a human at a stage of development.

            “But why does it start at conception? And I think it is important to discuss death also, because life starts and ends in the same way. The function which is required for something to be a living human being needs to be defined, when it has this function it is worth protecting and when it ends, it ceases to be worth protecting. So when do you consider life to end?”

            At conception you have a unique human being that is alive. At an early stage yes, but that does not mean it is not human nor that it is not alive. Your obsession with defining the absolute moment of life is a fools errand.  You never going to be able to 100% define or agree on well it’s not a person here but as of 1/1/24 12:32:45 it is. The only reason to try to define this is to attempt to dehumanize a person so they can be done away with.  This is functionally no different than Hitler conjuring reasons that Jewish people were not human so they could be killed en masse.

            You are also conflating your words.  And this is why I accuse you of being a propagandist because this is what a propagandist will do to confuse the issue and bend it to their agenda. Maybe you are not intentionally doing it but I am pointing it out anyway.

            A human being is a physical being.  Life in this context is a state.  A human that was alive 5mins ago is still a human being, he/she is now just no longer alive.  This is because life has ceased, all processes have stopped and decay has begun.  A fetus when left alone will grow into a fully formed person and is alive.

            “My reasoning (without any propaganda involved, I’m telling you) is that in conception you have the DNA sure, but if you go by DNA then you also have to believe that it is alive as long as there is DNA.”

            DNA equates to being human in this case.  DNA does not mean alive.  But a unique human set of DNA that is in a living breathing growing thing fully intended to be a born child is a live human being.

            ” It is purely a question of philosophy. Interacting with a fetus without consciousness is the same as interacting with a braindead person.”

            If it was purely a question of philosophy why do you keep trying to prove your point scientifically?  A fetus and a braindead person can be similar if you only compare some things but overall they are not at all the same thing.  A fetus if left alone will grow and be born.  A brain dead person is typically only still technically alive generally because of life support and once removed would indeed be dead.  If you want to split hairs and say its someone born braindead this is still different as without human help that person would die naturally whereas the fetus would not.  Again, I find trying to define a majority in the same way as you see a tiny minority is a propagandist mechanism.

            “I truly am open to reconsider things but the issue for me is that I haven’t heard a convincing argument to why it starts at conception. But maybe it’s just a propaganda stance to make women into babymachines.”

            If you were open you would not be looking for all the things to affirm your stance but could invalidate it. This does not relate to what you are posting but how I believe you are thinking about it based on your posting.

            You are very good at dehumanizing.  You just called women baby machines. Again, it is a propagandist mechanism to speak of a silly extreme to invalidate an argument.  No one says women should be baby machines.  The only goal is to stop murdering children.  Does that mean women have no choice?  No, that’s propaganda.  Keep it in your pants at typically well known times and most of the time you are fine.  Cases outside of that might be inconvenient or very difficult but that does mean it’s no longer a human you are killing.  If life or your status as a human being is a calculation based on convenience than anyone can be made inhuman.

            “I have had my fair share of people who are anti abortion unless it’s a case of rape or incest.”

            Well that is better than not being that way but that is still inconsistent and is hypocrisy.   It’s good you find that an incorrect stance.  Now you need to apply that recoil from hypocrisy to your other modern leftist stances that are equally hypocritical.

            “I mean of course not by forcefully stealing from people but let’s say high taxation on the wealthiest people in the country and hand it to people who can not afford healthcare.”

            Man you bite hard into whatever propaganda they throw at you.  Taxation (not voted on)  is stealing. It’s not a choice and they take everything from you if don’t pay it. No different than some dude on the street saying give me your wallet or I will beat you into the ground.

            Wealthy people are not a bad thing solely based on being wealthy.  Being bad or good is based on your actions as a person and not how many zeros are in your bank account.  Why should wealthy people pay a higher rate of taxes than anyone else?  That is unfair.  What’s also unfair is lower income people paying no taxes.  Why go after the wealthy constantly?  That is propaganda again.  And it actually does not happen.  Politicians will talk that talk but never walk it.  Why?  Because they are wealthy as are all their donors.

            Now again you are conflating.  This time  tax rate, welfare and the cost of healthcare.  These are all problems and one can make the other worse but they need to be solved separately and not in some silly combined method. So who is at fault then?  Who needs to do more?

            Taxes are too high for normal folks right?  Who’s fault is that generally?  Government.  The wealthy are technically taxed at a higher rate who’s fault?  Government.  The wealthy even with their rate have tons of loopholes so often they don’t pay what they should.  Who’s fault?  Government. Welfare seems to never be enough, the system appears broken, money is just being set on fire.  Who’s fault? Government.

            My point? Stop expecting the body that causes your problems to solve them.  Now, we must be fair. Much of the government is elected and that is the fault of the people when that does not work well.  But much of the government is now not elected.

            “it’s a shame everyone is not as noble. But if it was guaranteed that an added taxation to the wealthiest people in the country would be used to pay for people in desperate need of medical help, wouldn’t that be great?”

            Again with the wealthy.  This is a guarantee you cannot make and historically fails.  So offering something that has already failed many times is nonsense. That’s not a solution that’s propaganda.  This actually already exists in the US.  It’s called the VA.  And it’s typically horrible and historically so.  Do you really want a trip to your doctor to be like going to the DMV.

            “there’s a huge risk people are too selfish to not do it”

            But at least they can choose to be selfish. This assumption that the government’s job is to care for people is why so many people today are in need.  And they keep expecting the people that did not help them to help them.  This is why we spiral out of control.

            Taking money from people for altruistic purposes overall is not a risk.  Why?  It’s almost always fails.

            Freedom is a risk.  Always was, always will be.  But it’s a risk with choice that affirms our God given right to self determination.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.


              Even if you consider a living unique set of human DNA  that would be a person within 9 months as not a person.  Which is mental gymnastics.

              At the very least, extinguishing that life (call it a fetus, call it a clump of cells) is taking off the planet a unique set of attributes via DNA that has never existed before and will never exist again.  Think of anyone you admire or consider influential.  I don’t care if it’s Einstein, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, or Zefram Cochrane. Every abortion has a chance of another type of that person not existing.  Over 500k unborn children are killed every year in the US alone.  How many Einsteins, George Washingtons,  Gandhis, Newtons, Teslas, Socrates do you think have been taken off the planet because they are inconvenient to their mothers?  How much better would the world be if we did not kill children because we could not keep it in our pants and chose death of a child over being bothered with something that did not allow you to concentrate on yourself?

              Play all the scientific games you want.  Dehumanize as much as you want.  What I just stated is a fact nonetheless.


              It’s not that you are unclear, it’s that you are incorrect.  A fetus is a human being.  Sperm is not a human being. But yes both are alive. Consciousness does not add to or detract from being a human being

              I’m still waiting for an argument or reasoning. So far you have just made statements, and your backing arguments have been ”well it’s true”.

              If you dig up a corpse from 1,000 years ago and asked someone what it was they answer a human being.  Yet there is no life nor consciousness at that time.

              it was a living human being, but it’s not anymore. It’s just as much of a living human being as a fetus without consciousness. Meaning, not worth protecting.

              Did you ever see any of the secret recordings from an abortion clinic years ago as it related to selling the human parts?  The journalist or whomever it was, was shown a picture of a “disassembled human” or the actual thing.  He/she did not know what it was. He/she asked this person from the clinic what that was.  The answer?  “a baby”.  That’s right.  Not a fetus nor a clump of cells.

              appeal to emotion is not a very strong argument. It’s as effective as me saying a woman got raped and has to carry the scar of that incident for 9 months and possibly raising it.


              At conception you have a unique human being that is alive. At an early stage yes, but that does not mean it is not human nor that it is not alive. Your obsession with defining the absolute moment of life is a fools errand.

              I’m not asking you for a precise moment when it becomes a living human being, that’s a Loki’s wager fallacy. I can’t give you an exact answer either on what second a fetus gains consciousness as it can be at week 22 or week 25, which is why I would put the limit at 20 to be sure.

              What I am asking is for a consistent reason to ”why”, not ”exactly when”. Why does life begin at conception, what is it that changes and makes it a living human being at conception, and why is the definition suddenly different at the end of the life? Because I believe if something is ”existing” or ”being something”, there has to be something that determines it. Without having this thing determined thing, it is not a human living being. And using what we determine to be the thing that makes us worth protecting is not heartbeat or having DNA or certain organs, it’s consciousness. In all cases. Which is why I believe that before having consciousness, it is not yet a baby or living human being ontologically.

              If it was purely a question of philosophy why do you keep trying to prove your point scientifically?

              Asking when life starts is a philosophical question in itself. Our answers are both based on philosophy, but in order to determine as closely as possibly when it starts and ends is scientific. Basically, me sahing life starts and ends with the existence of consciousness is through philosophy. Determining how consciousness starts and ends is scientific, so science is a tool to help determine but the answer itself is philosophy. Which everyone’s answer is.

              A fetus if left alone will grow and be born.

              Technically it needs its mother to grow. But still, my argument is that something becoming X ≠ being X. Like a seed is not a tree even if it will be when left alone.

              If you were open you would not be looking for all the things to affirm your stance but could invalidate it

              I just haven’t heard a single argument about why life starts at conception.

              You are very good at dehumanizing.  You just called women baby machines

              I said appealing to emotion is not a good argument. Like me saying ”you just want to turn women to baby machines” is as good of an argument as ”you just want to murder babies”. Muh feelings are generally a hail mary.

              Well that is better than not being that way but that is still inconsistent and is hypocrisy.

              I believe not. I think it shows that you don’t have consistency in your beliefs and only adapt to stances based on ulterior motives. And it cracks the whole core of the argument.

              Now you need to apply that recoil from hypocrisy to your other modern leftist stances that are equally hypocritical.

              Sure, if leftists believe abortion is okay at anytime I would be critical of that. Like saying life starts at birth is a bad stance in my opinion for the same reason life starts at conception is. It lacks consistency in what life is determined as. Plus, they are actually murdering babies that have what determines life.

              Taxation (not voted on)  is stealing

              sure, but it’s not the point here. Again, I am not debating taxation here. My hypothetical scenario is that in a perfect world, wouldn’t it be fair to make sure everyone can afford health care to ensure all lives that can be saved are saved? Make sure health care is affordable to every person in the country no matter their income, even unemployed people?

              At the very least, extinguishing that life (call it a fetus, call it a clump of cells) is taking off the planet a unique set of attributes via DNA that has never existed before and will never exist again.  Think of anyone you admire or consider influential.  I don’t care if it’s Einstein, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, or Zefram Cochrane. Every abortion has a chance of another type of that person not existing

              Every time a man jerks off, he denies the possibility of Einstein 2 being born. Theoretically, every time a man sees a woman and decides to not have sex with her, he denies the existence of a future human being. Appealing to the potential of something existing is not really an argument you can build around.

              What I just stated is a fact nonetheless.

              What you stated is a statement with no framework.


                “I’m still waiting for an argument or reasoning. So far you have just made statements, and your backing arguments have been ”well it’s true”.”

                They are statements.  They are statements of fact.  I don’t have to back them up beyond that as they are what is.

                A fetus is literally a human being.  In the early stages of development yes, but it is a human being nonetheless.   You seem to work very hard to dehumanize people.  I find this confusing.

                How are housing, citizenship and healthcare human rights but being born is not?

                “it was a living human being, but it’s not anymore. It’s just as much of a living human being as a fetus without consciousness. Meaning, not worth protecting.”

                Worthiness of protection is not what is at hand.  Establishment of what is a human or not is.  And you seem to be all over the place on that.  What is live is one thing.  What is a human being is another.  To be alive does not require humanity, and life is not required to be a human being.  To be a live human being then yes both are needed.

                Assigning human being status based on “consciousness” is a way to move the goal posts wherever anyone wants.  That is a highly subjective thing, sometimes not entirely definable and there is no way to prove or not prove when a baby is at that point or when the soul is put in place.  That sort of subjective thinking so you can use the magic “not a human” wand  is how a lot of bad things happened.

                “appeal to emotion is not a very strong argument. It’s as effective as me saying a woman got raped and has to carry the scar of that incident for 9 months and possibly raising it.”

                It was not an appeal to emotion.  I did not mention anything emotional.  What I did is demonstrate how even an abortion clinic knows it’s a baby and not not a human clump of cells.

                Wow, so now he/she is not even just 0non-human.  Now he/she is a scar? First off let’s recognize  that out of the over half a million abortions performed in the US annually, a tiny fraction might from rape.  This is again a propagandist’s game to attempt to view the majority through a tiny minority so as to distort the view.

                A baby is not a scar.  Even if it was from rape.  It is still a baby.  Murdering a child does not erase what happened.

                You really do enjoy using that magic “not a human” wand.  If the value of life is subjective then murder is fine.  I don’t see how the stage of development matters.

                ” Why does life begin at conception, what is it that changes and makes it a living human being at conception, and why is the definition suddenly different at the end of the life? Because I believe if something is ”existing” or ”being something”, there has to be something that determines it. Without having this thing determined thing, it is not a human living being.”

                I just explained it and I will explain it again.  At conception you have a new and unique living human being.  It is living, and it is a human being based on the DNA of course but obviously because if you allow to grow it forms into a human being.  That is not a fallacy.  And that is 100% deterministic since you seem to demand that as if something only exists or is if humans can determine it.

                So if you cannot personally perceive something it does not exist?   We can eject observation and reality from the conversation because it cannot be mathematically proven?  I hate to break it to you but regardless of what you or I think, reality is reality.  The reality is a baby will grow into a full formed human being.  The reality is it is alive.  The reality is it is a unique human.  Now if you wish to play in theory and guesses so you can do what is convenient go right ahead.

                “Asking when life starts is a philosophical question in itself.”

                No it’s not.  You are conflating your own argument.  A fetus is clearly a live.  It is clearly a unique person. It is clearly a human being.  You assertion is to try to pick when it’s a person and when it  isn’t so you can freely stomp out a life.

                You are trying to rationalize death, I am trying to rationalize life.

                “Technically it needs its mother to grow. But still, my argument is that something becoming X ≠ being X. Like a seed is not a tree even if it will be when left alone.”

                A seed and a tree are the same plant in different stages of development.  Just like a baby and an adult are different stages of a human being.

                “I just haven’t heard a single argument about why life starts at conception.”

                Again, whether you deem she/he a person or not it is most certainly alive.  And I have explained this to you many times at this point so yes you have heard that many times you just choose to not believe it.

                <b><i>I said appealing to emotion is not a good argument. Like me saying ”you just want to turn women to baby machines” is as good of an argument as ”you just want to murder babies”. Muh feelings are generally a hail mary.</i></b>

                Appealing to emotion is not an argument at all.  So it’s probably a good thing I did not do that.  When I say you just want to be able to murder babies,  that is a literal description of what you are advocating in my view.  It’s nothing to do with emotion at all.  It’s the reality of it.  You want to intentionally kill (which is murder) a young/unborn human because they are inconvenient.  That is murdering babies and there is zero emotion in that calculation.   Your only disagreement with that is you wish to make that moral because you get to use your magic “not a human” wand.


                “I think it shows that you don’t have consistency in your beliefs and only adapt to stances based on ulterior motives. And it cracks the whole core of the argument.”

                I am going to assume “you” means the people you were referencing and not me specifically.  Now if that is true I agree.  It does show inconsistency.  But I do not think it proves ulterior motives or does it destroy the argument.  It means that most likely the person is either being a parrot or has not fully vetted what they thing in their own head.  For example, I used to believe capital punishment was OK.  I used to believe IVF was OK.  But now that I have run my beliefs to the bottom of the rabbit hole (for now) I see both capital punishment as murder and so is IVF.

                “Sure, if leftists believe abortion is okay at anytime I would be critical of that. Like saying life starts at birth is a bad stance in my opinion for the same reason life starts at conception is. It lacks consistency in what life is determined as. Plus, they are actually murdering babies that have what determines life.”

                Leftists DO believe that.  All of them?  No.  Many?  yes.  As a tenant of that “faith”, yes.

                There is no inconsistency.  A unique human life begins at conception.  It is a human.  It is alive.  If you want to play games and try to determine when its conscience then go ahead but you are claiming irrefutable evidence of something no one can prove.

                Again, things that are do not require your or my permission to be. The universe, our galaxy, solar system and even our planet are involved in processes we cannot even wrap our minds around.  And for the entirety of human history , minus the last few hundred years, we did not know any of those things existed.  But there they were nonetheless.  Whether we call Pluto a planet or a dwarf planet, there it is as it always has been.  And when we determined it was a dwarf planet instead of a planet it did not change nor cease to be what it always was.

                “My hypothetical scenario is that in a perfect world, wouldn’t it be fair to make sure everyone can afford health care to ensure all lives that can be saved are saved? Make sure health care is affordable to every person in the country no matter their income, even unemployed people?”

                I mean if you are going cut away all tethers to reality and speak of things that do not exist.  I would say that we just make it so no one ever gets sick.  Then there is no need for healthcare at all.  Problem solved.

                Every time a man jerks off, he denies the possibility of Einstein 2 being born. Theoretically, every time a man sees a woman and decides to not have sex with her, he denies the existence of a future human being. Appealing to the potential of something existing is not really an argument you can build around.

                Now you are just being a contrarian.   I was referring to an already existing human being and she/his actual potential as a human being.  That is not really an argument that is just an observation.  A room full of random car parts does not have the potential to win a race.  A race car has such potential.

                If you worked half as hard to help people live as you do trying to split hairs so you make a moral argument to kill them, I bet you could do some real good in the world. And that’s your potential.


                They are statements.  They are statements of fact.  I don’t have to back them up beyond that as they are what is.

                A fetus is literally a human being.  In the early stages of development yes, but it is a human being nonetheless.   You seem to work very hard to dehumanize people.

                All I want is to hear why these are ”facts”. Based on a framework or anything other than ”it just is like that because I think it is like that”.

                Worthiness of protection is not what is at hand.  Establishment of what is a human or not is

                I think it goes pretty hand in hand. And the whole convo has been about when does it become a human.

                That is a highly subjective thing, sometimes not entirely definable and there is no way to prove or not prove when a baby is at that point

                Yes it is a subjective thing, defined through philosophy. Similarly to what is the meaning of life, when does a life begin is a philosophical question. That is why abortion discussions will never cease to exist.

                A fetus is clearly a live.  It is clearly a unique person. It is clearly a human being.

                A unique human life begins at conception.  It is a human.  It is alive.

                But why is it at that stage? You have several times appealed to the potential, saying it is killing a potential baby and potential consciousness etc.

                So I want to hear clear answers to these questions:

                Why is it at conception? Appealing to potential, sperm is a potential life too. What exactly is it at conception that happens which starts the motion and makes it a living human being? What is it that differentiates that moment from stages immediately prior and after? Basicallt, why do you draw the line at that moment?

                And why is the definition different from when it starts being a human living being and when it ceases to be a living human being worth protecting anymore like braindead or lacking activity in all organs?

                So it’s probably a good thing I did not do that.  When I say you just want to be able to murder babies,  that is a literal description of what you are advocating in my view.

                And I could argue you want to make women who get raped unwillingly baby pumping machines yet you are morally okay with that. It definitely is an appeal to emotions, the ”think about all the babies you are murdering” without establishing why they are babies is just trying to convince me through emotions of murdering a baby.

                I mean if you are going cut away all tethers to reality and speak of things that do not exist.  I would say that we just make it so no one ever gets sick.  Then there is no need for healthcare at all.  Problem solved.

                I engaged in your million dollar baby killing machine hypothetical scenario so I would wish you could engage with my scenario.


                  All I want is to hear why these are ”facts”. Based on a framework or anything other than ”it just is like that because I think it is like that”.

                  Your philosophical mistake is that you believe only if you can define it (and it’s not even you it’s scientists you put faith in) is it real.  You leave zero room for “what if I am wrong”, “what if scientists are wrong” , “what if there is something I don’t know” and so on.  This is not perusing Amazon reviews looking for the best Bluetooth headset.  This is life and death. In your mindset you are possibly murdering people by the thousands daily based on your faith in science.  Something that can and has been bought before and is wrong far more than it is right.  You speak often to inclusion, compassion and respect, up until the point it is personally inconvenient then rationalizing murder is OK. You are not for good or right.  You are for what benefits you.

                  It is an absolute fact that a baby in early stages is a unique human being.    It is a fact it would grow into an adult person if left to be.  You are trying to split hairs down to an atomic level because you want to wave your magic “not a human” wand so that people are not inconvenienced by their own choices.

                  Why is it at conception? Appealing to potential, sperm is a potential life too. What exactly is it at conception that happens which starts the motion and makes it a living human being? What is it that differentiates that moment from stages immediately prior and after? Basicallt, why do you draw the line at that moment?

                  I have explained this many times through this exchange.  You are not stupid in the least.  It’s not that you cannot understand, you don’t want to because of the ramifications.

                  At conception, sperm meets egg, you have 2 halves coming together to make a unique whole.  You have a unique person (set of genetic attributes) that has never existed and will never exist again.  This happens at that point and that is why that po0int matters.

                  If you have not understood by now I am not parroting talking points I have heard and I am explaining my own thoughts I am not sure what else to do on that point. I do not talk about things I have not researched or put thought into.


                  And I could argue you want to make women who get raped unwillingly baby pumping machines yet you are morally okay with that. It definitely is an appeal to emotions, the ”think about all the babies you are murdering” without establishing why they are babies is just trying to convince me through emotions of murdering a baby.

                  Do you wish to discuss actual points of consequence so as to learn things (bidirectionally) or do you want to lob ignorant charges that have never been mentioned?  How could a raped woman be a “baby machine”.  That makes no sense and you are veering off into disingenuous silliness.

                  Murdering a child, a potential human person, does not erase a rape.  It does not make rape better.  Life is full of hard things, we are all tested daily and sometimes to the brink.  Murdering a child does not stop this.  Doing the right thing is almost never easy nor do you get an award for it or a prize. The right thing is a selfless act and it does not end up with someone clapping for you or telling you how great you are.

                  Life is fckin hard. It always has been and always will.  If we equate easy to right you will end up in a world where nothing matters and no one is of any value.  This is what you are advocating for.  Don’t even think what this means now, think about what it means later.

                  Philosophically speaking, there is no middle ground.  It all means something or nothing means anything.  Have the foresight to consider the logical conclusions of what you propose.

                  I understand that I am being somewhat aggressive here.   This is intentional.  I am for life.  I am for good. Sure, I stumble all the time.  But I try.  The goal of perfection is never attained.  What matters is you keep trying.  I want the same for you.  I want you to do what I consider right so you too can feel peace and joy.  I wish the same heaven for you I wish for me.


                  Your philosophical mistake is that you believe only if you can define it (and it’s not even you it’s scientists you put faith in) is it real.  You leave zero room for “what if I am wrong”, “what if scientists are wrong” , “what if there is something I don’t know” and so on.

                  The reason abortion debates never cease to exist is because no one can say for 100% when life begins, it’s all philosophy. It cannot be measured by science, but science can be used as a measure after you have your philosophical argument. It’s true, I can not prove life begins at consciousness and you can’t prove it starts at conception. I have said many times that I can always be wrong, let’s say if scientists discover development of consciousness at 8 weeks or something. But my philosophical framework still stands the same, just the vehicle I use to determine the closest possible time has to be readjusted.

                  The thing is, it cannot ever be fully determined when it begins. It’s a question of philosophical framing, what people think is necessary to determine when life starts. I have presented my framework and you are free to attack it, like I’m asking questions to review your framework.

                  At conception, sperm meets egg, you have 2 halves coming together to make a unique whole.  You have a unique person (set of genetic attributes) that has never existed and will never exist again.  This happens at that point and that is why that po0int matters.

                  You answered past my question, so I will ask again. What is it at conception that makes it a living human being? I am not asking what conception is, I am asking why you believe this is the moment that defines when it starts. It seems like DNA is what you go by, and I’m wondering why? DNA is found in dead people long after dying, are people getting buried alive during their funeral? Why does your criteria change between life and death suddenly?

                  Also, the process of conception is explained via science. What if scientists are wrong?

                  You are trying to split hairs down to an atomic level because you want to wave your magic “not a human” wand so that people are not inconvenienced by their own choices.

                  I believe details are important when discussing matters. I’ve had enough of conversations where people gishgallop and throw 8 different arguments and when the arguments are thoroughly reviewed one by one, they don’t defend the argument but throws 10 more arguments that look reasonable at first glance.

                  I’m not saying you do it, but I’ve had a fair share of those discussions here. I’m just saying details are important.


                    because no one can say for 100% when life begins

                    If that’s the case then you are possibly murdering half a million people a year based on “no one can say for 100% when life begins”.

                    What is it at conception that makes it a living human being?

                    Please define human being for me.  If an unborn child is not a human.  What is?

                    Are you going to say an unborn child is a collection of cells?  You are a collection of cells.

                    Are you going to say an incomplete or not “fully formed” organism is not human?  You might want to inform all the folks born with severe defects.

                    Or is your take that the only thing between human and not human is birth?

                     What is it at conception that makes it a living human being? I am not asking what conception is, I am asking why you believe this is the moment that defines when it starts. It seems like DNA is what you go by, and I’m wondering why? DNA is found in dead people long after dying, are people getting buried alive during their funeral? Why does your criteria change between life and death suddenly?

                    At conception (as I think I have typed about 5 times now) 2 incomplete sets of attributes come together and make a unique set of attributes.  Those are human attributes.  And the resulting “thing” is most certainly alive.  So therefore, it’s a living human being.

                    Stop conflating being human with being alive.  That’s about the 3rd time you have done that.  They are 2 separate descriptors.

                    My criteria doesn’t change. An unborn baby is a live human being.  A corpse is a dead human being.

                    Ever been to any of the museums with the taxidermized animals?  If we were there together and I pointed to a stuffed 10 tall foot polar bear and asked you what that was, would you say I don’t know but it sure isn’t a polar bear because it’s not alive?

                    Also, the process of conception is explained via science. What if scientists are wrong?

                    What do you mean what if. Science has historically been far more wrong than right.  I made that argument to you several posts ago.  Your argument of “human not a human” is the one that depends on science.  Mine does not.  Clearly when men and women come together, via sexual intercourse , the woman can get pregnant and at that point a new (human) life is created.  And several months later a fully formed human child is born.  That is not science, that is observation.  I don’t need to know exactly when this happens or that happens.  That’s your rationalization not mine.

                    I believe details are important when discussing matters. I’ve had enough of conversations where people gishgallop and throw 8 different arguments and when the arguments are thoroughly reviewed one by one, they don’t defend the argument but throws 10 more arguments that look reasonable at first glance.

                    I’m not saying you do it, but I’ve had a fair share of those discussions here. I’m just saying details are important.

                    Well, I can respect that.  And I should have proven to you by now I do not speak of things like that I have not put much thought into.  That being, I am telling you what I think not what I have heard.

                    Details are important.  But details are part of the conversation, they are not the conversation.

                    You are metaphorically looking at a painting of the Last Supper through a telescope seeing only 1 small portion of it.   And you are telling me, hey look at that picture of a wine cup.  I look and I say dude, that’s the Last Supper look at the entire thing.  And you argue with me saying no, I can see it very well and it’s a picture of a cup.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Vknid.

                    If that’s the case then you are possibly murdering half a million people a year based on “no one can say for 100% when life begins”

                    I haven’t done a single abortion nor have I encouraged anyone. But yes, I might be wrong or I might be correct. You might also be incorrect, we will never arrive at a definite answer because it is not anything that can be proven.

                    Please define human being for me.  If an unborn child is not a human.  What is?

                    I mean human is just what our species is. An unborn child is of the human species. But I assume you mean the fetus without consciousness, I believe it is not alive and therefore not worth protecting.

                    Are you going to say an unborn child is a collection of cells?  You are a collection of cells.

                    Yes, but I have a consciousness. A chopped off arm is also a collection of cells, as is a braindead person.

                    Are you going to say an incomplete or not “fully formed” organism is not human?  You might want to inform all the folks born with severe defects.

                    Or is your take that the only thing between human and not human is birth?

                    People with severe defects have consciousness which is the critical point. And on the topic of severe defects, I would much rather have an abortion when the fetus has no consciousness, meaning it reacts the same way a dead body reacts to something (which is no reaction as it can not feel or understand anything) over a fetus with severe defects being forced out to live with Edward’s Syndrome and being in pain for a year before dying from their heart collapsing.

                    At conception (as I think I have typed about 5 times now) 2 incomplete sets of attributes come together and make a unique set of attributes.  Those are human attributes.  And the resulting “thing” is most certainly alive.  So therefore, it’s a living human being.

                    Yes you have over and over again explained the process of conception but not justified why these unique attributes determine when life starts. Or why these unique attributes are suddenly irrelevant when we determine when people are dead. Saying ”the resulting thing is most certainly alive, therefore, it’s a living human being” is not based on any framework, it’s just a statement. This is the part that I am curious to hear, I want to know why ”having these attributes” is what determines it.

                    An unborn baby is a live human being.  A corpse is a dead human being.

                    But why is the baby alive but not the corpse?

                    Your argument of “human not a human” is the one that depends on science.  Mine does not

                    The explanation of conception is through science though


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