Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Star Wars › The reason why you really dislike Star Wars Last Jedi ?
Besides how they treated Luke Skywalker I feel like Poe and Finn were shafted in this movie. Both of them had a lot of potential to be great characters and they just felt wasted to me.
The lack of a coherent story, dreadful characters and ignoring everything that came before in previous films.
That doesn’t even take into account Disney’s demand that everyone has to like it or they are a white male who is a racist/sexist etc bigot.
There are a dozen reasons this is the most disappointing film I’ve ever seen, but if I had to pick just one, it’s the total character assassination of Luke.
KK’s involvement…which is the reason I really dislike any Disney Star Wars film…her involvement is the catalyst to every other problem the franchise has had since Disney acquired it.
*cracks his knuckles*
1) Destroyed the entire franchise (what was left of it). Erased the backstory of every single significant male character, going all the way back to ANH.
2) Terrible story. Terrible plot elements. Completely incoherent. 2+ hour long space “chase”. Most boring scifi movie ever.
3) Elevated terrible female characters at the expense of male characters in general, let alone male characters that had potential to become real heroes.
4) Per feminist propaganda. Really, really tired of having “strong female characters” shoved in my face. You can’t find legitimate male characters anymore. They’re all castrated, ball-less cucks groveling before the never-ending parade of Mary Sues. Not just in Disney’s Star Wars, but in movies and television in general. Remember, the Force, and everything else, is female!
5) Walked out of TFA with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. TLJ reaffirmed it and crushed all hope that Disney wasn’t going to ruin the franchise. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave.
Disney approved of KK’s vision.
George Lucas should’ve had the cajones to run with Darth Jar Jar!!!
i would honestly be down for a darth jar jar reaveal, they should have dd that instead of bringing back sidious