The Return of EVS on the High Council

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube The Return of EVS on the High Council

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    I think it’s safe to say…

    RIP TFM, RIP THC …. ?


    For me, it’s unwatchable now… just drama… chick stuff, giggles… sjw stuff… randomly metoo culture… woke culture inside the “community”… it sucks… I dunno, maybe for some people it’s still okay, but not for me…

    FNT is so much superior than everything else now. I’m happy to watch Nerdrotic, Young Rippa, G&G, EVS… they’re just on another level… And they don’t let any bs affect them, they don’t allow sjws. Because we all know, as soon as you let sjws come in, they’re time-bombs, it’s a matter of time they’ll come for you… they will cancel you as soon as they got something, it’s in their adn.

    We should not let sjws hijack our entertainment, we say this everyday, and suddenly they already hijacked our youtube channels… it’s crazy.  they’re here.

    Anyway, just my 2 cents and shit…


    I actually watched the THC for the first time last night in a….year?

    I don’t follow YouTube drama, so I had no idea it was changing til I saw it pop up last night. Just to make sure I was informed, I did some quick research just to satisfy my own curiosity. To be honest, after EVS and Jeremy left THC….it got VERY boring in both how topics were covered and who was there. So like I said, I checked out.

    But last night…it actually kept my attention. I don’t dislike anyone who was there, and what and how they talked about the topics was okay.

    Therefore, I might check it out again and put it back in my weekly rotation.


      I have to ask, did he ever apologize publicly?

      Did he apologize privately (if he did that don’t mean shit and he played you again) because you turned the heat off, and that is what WB and HE wanted.

      Again if he did, great,  and point me to it, an apology goes a long way. But it has to be HIM actually doing it and not THROUGH someone or EXPLAINED by someone saying he did. A physical apology by ZS to the fans.

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