The society the radical left calls for will never exist because it simply cannot

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      Society will never be what they wish and it never can be as those fantastical views can only exist as a parasite on a functioning society. If this all continues then inevitably, the host dies as so does the parasite.

      People used to be productive because they had to to avoid the harsh realities off life. Many alive now are so disconnected and distant from those realities they act as if those realities do not exist. It’s usually at the point where you forget about reality that it comes back to remind you who’s boss. And before it wrecks you entirely it won’t ask for your pronouns, your race or orientation as realty is an equal opportunity force.

      So at the end of the day the ideas of the left will never take over society.  They only exist because there is a society for them to rage against but those ideas are not self sufficient. We see evidence of this now in places where those ideas have mostly taken over, they do nothing but unravel civilization and cause human suffering.  Ultimately if those ideas do take over it won’t be a leftist society, there simply will be no society.



      The delusional left agenda (marxism/communism) has proven time and time again to fail 100% of the time.

      And the cry “but it never was properly implemented” is a BS point.

      East Germany, the Soviet Union, etc all fell because communism is a failed system.

      China only survives because its communist regime realizes it needs capitalism to stay in power.  (using the profits from the sales of its goods to the rest of the world to maintain power over its people).

      Remove capitalism and the CCP will not survive the revolt of the people.

      Net-zero world is a sci-fi dream too.

      Everyone living with enough cash/income without working/building society/maintaining infastructure.

      Them being the ruling class (with serfs/slaves) doing the menial chores.

      Time and time again, history shows people revolting against those type of societies.


        “Time and time again, history shows people revolting against those type of societies.

        Yes , but unfortunately usually only after society crumbles and things are so bad that risking your life for more is  a worthy risk vs. reward scenario.

        “Net-zero world is a sci-fi dream too.”

        It’s a dream built on a fallacy built on a lie.

        It’s no more reality than believing a man can turn into a woman. And most everything done in the name of it is simply a form of control or money laundering.

        The reality is while people are so freaked out by the propaganda they are willing to trade their freedom for something that is intangible and cannot be conclusively proven, we continue to cause actual harm to our ecosystem through plastic pollution and other such manmade things.  No one will have to worry about the planet getting warmer in 50 years because after we mass kill the oceans and other major waterways with microplastics no one will be left to notice.  And no, paper straws don’t help.

        The whole idea we need to save the planet is a farse.  The planet is 100% fine.  Sure, we may succeed in killing ourselves off but the planet has seen galactic events we cannot even conceive of over 4 billion years.  It, will be fine.

        If the dingdongs gluing themselves to things , destroying paintings and blocking traffic ever realized they are doing the bidding of the billionaire elite I am not sure that is an epiphany they survive.


        Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.


          “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.”

          I agree with that 100%.  But somehow morality plays into that.  It cannot just be strong, it must also be moral and good.

          Right now we suffer from weak men and a lack of morality.



          It cannot just be strong, it must also be moral and good.

          Right now we suffer from weak men and a lack of morality.

          Weak women as well.

          If a woman lacks morals and principles, how do you expect their children to be raised with morals and values and principles?

          A strong united loving family is core.

          But the left “don’t need no man” (just their resources and sperm).

          The fact single mom household’s sons are (IIRC) 10x more likely to commit crime/be jailed than in a mother/father raised family.

          The left’s solution… not to jail, not to prosecute, not to make those crimes “criminal”.

          The left’s solution… tax the rich so they can give money to people so they don’t have to work for a living (dependent on the state for everything).  But once the rich and their corporations leave for a better state…. their system breaks down yet again.

          So long as the left is able to “steal from the rich”… but without that wealth to take, all that is left is self imposed poverty.

          State cannot just print money.  But if we get to the national level, printing money leads to inflation.  Printing LOTS of money leads to hyper-inflation.  Just as what happened to Venezuela.  They stole from the rich, confiscation/turned private corporations into government institutions, and you get the left utopia… hyper inflation, poverty, crime, people eating any animal they can for food (dogs, cats, rats, zoo animals, etc).

          Oh, but they did not start wealthy enough.  But the end result is the same once you burn through all the wealth, it only will happen slightly later, but it WILL happen.

          This is the lunatic fallacy of the left today.  Regardless how many times it is tried, with 100% failure, they delusionally hope for a different result the next time around.


            “Weak women as well.”

            Yes true, but when I said “men” I meant people in general.  Clearly both sexes have to work together to make the world work. Each is an incomplete half of a whole and the nuclear family (1 man / 1 woman) is the foundation of society.  Which is why in the attempt to destroy society that was attacked first.

            Feminism has ruined the family and women wanted to be like men.  Well, how is that working out for everyone?

            People are lonely and end going into their later years with cats and box wine or your right hand and a beer instead of kids and grandkids.

            The 1 critical mistake the feminists made is they did not realize what hurts men, hurts women, hurts men and so on. So they did not take some grand position in society, they did not make themselves happy they simply made everyone equally miserable.

            In the pursuit of self satisfaction, contentment is never found as that is something you must work towards and it is not built by endless episodes of short term pleasure.

            Now all those things you listed about the radical left.  Those are all things that we all know do not work and actually only make things worse.  In essence, while there is a fire raging the left lies to all saying well if we just pour gas on it, it will burn itself out.  They know it’s wrong and absolutely stupid, but their goal is not to douse the fire but to make sure it all burns to the ground so they can lord over the ashes.

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