Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › General Gaming Discussion › The Sonic 30th Anniversary Soundtrack MegaThread
Knuckles Chaotix: One of the most obscure and overlooked games in the franchise. Only ever released on SEGA’s failed 32X system and has never been re-released since, so not many people have played or perhaps even know of this rather unusual spin-off.
World Entrance Themes:
Evening Star
I admit only ever playing the Saturn version of Sonic 3D, but the MegaDrive soundtrack is pretty funky, and some tracks would go on to be staple themes in later installments (e.g. Sonic Adventure).
Green Grove Zone (Act 2) (MD)
Rusty Ruin Zone (Act 1) (MD)
Rusty Ruin Zone (Act 2) (MD)
1997 – The Saturn era aka that time Richard Jacques composed Sonic music. Some seriously beautiful pieces that just made my childhood.
Green Grove Zone (Act 1) (Saturn)
Green Grove Zone (Act 2) (Saturn)