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Casino Paradise Zone (Act 1)
Casino Paradise Zone (Act 2)
Ice Mountain Zone (Act 1)
Ice Mountain Zone (Act 2)
God, I love winter stages in Sonic games. They always manage to be something beautiful.
If Sonic Adventure 2 had been made for the MegaDrive, these would be perfect Boss themes:
Sonic Advance 2 aka “oh god i’m going too fast aiiiiiieeeeee~~~” *Catapulted off-screen and dies*
Hot Crater (Act 1)
Hot Crater (Act 2)
While Sonic Advance 2’s second half has an insane difficulty curve, the visuals, level design and soundtrack are all fire. Might’ve been the best of the GBA trilogy if it wasn’t for the aforementioned difficulty spike, where the slightest error is punished with instant death.
Sky Canyon (Act 1)
Sky Canyon (Act 2)
“okay so we’re gonna make you go as fast as possible through this sky level and if you miss this platform because you have the reaction time of a drunk hobbit you can fall to your death”
The developers must’ve been bullied as children.
After both Sonic Adventure games got a re-released on the GameCube, I thought Sonic Team were prepping for an inevitable third installment… Only we got this instead.
Opting to recede on the story with just thirty second cutscenes, Sonic Heroes emphasized more on the classic gameplay, but with an added twist of team-based characters that worked together to overcome obstacles. It’s unique entry in the franchise though causes a split between older and younger fans.