The Summer Games Showcase was millennial Cringe

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    Well, I’m not sure how to feel about this video. I knew it was  not going to be received well based on the topic. The video  is a reaction to this summer’s Game Showcases for the Xbox, Pc & Devolver & how my generation, the Millennials have ruined entertainment for everybody. I knew if people would comment negatively, it would be vile & toxic as heck. 1 woman commented & yup, you can bet she was triggered. I pinned her comment & some people called her out, less toxically.
    I don’t know or understand why the liberal Millennial is so dark spirited but I was having a bad enough day & have been contemplating stopping my uploads since the channel is not being suggested properly to it’s intended audiences. I’m still on the fence about it.
    So about the video, these game showcases target an adult audience, yet they entertain us like we are Stupid children that like Caca Peepee jokes. Most of the games they showed (in my video) were Stupid, silly games that were over the top cartoony slap stick with music that would drive you up the wall.
    Why can’t Millennial liberals make normal stuff? They all act like grown children with no boundaries, but you better respect their boundaries.
    Anyways, it’s a bit of a long video, there are some funny parts.
    I hope you enjoy my suffering through stupid kid daycare showtime lol


      I read that lady’s comment the day you released that video.  To be so vile and hateful against someone you do not even know whom made no personal attack on you tends to just prove everything you are saying.

      I don’t think just millennials are to blame for what is going on in the creative spaces, it’s also the hiring system.  After a couple decades of diversity hires and pushing some demographics out the meritocracy has fallen apart and woke has consumed the creative process.  So now instead of the most exciting and freshest ideas coming to the forefront all you have is activist messaging.  And on top of that due to their activism they turn creative companies/departments into little cult fiefdoms that they lord over and refuse to allow anyone in that is not part of the cult.  So not only has the meritocracy rotted it has been ejected and is kept out by force.

      This explains games, comics and Hollywood.


      Leftist ideology is afraid of anyone who thinks outside their box, and so the institutions of “higher learning” train young people to think inside their box, and the big corporations happily take the new box-minds and slot them into their corporate structures.

      The problem is that without a culture of thinking outside the box, innovation dies. A box-mind can be an operator, but not an architect.


      Guys, it’s crazy how people are actually villainous today towards one another. I have seen toxic behavior from right wingers as well, but it’s never on this level.
      Anyways, I am in the process of uploading my Nintendo Direct showcase reaction, it should be up tomorrow.
      I want you guys to watch it, keep this video over here in mind while you watch. You will see such a stark STARK difference between how Japan targets children & adults with their games without treating us like stupid crack heads. It was SOOOooo good. I know you guys watched Jeremy’s video, but mine is also good :)
      Stay tuned.



        Yes there is blind hatred on all sides that is for sure.  But that leftist side is created from and operates on hatred.  So there is a difference.  But at the end of the day they want everyone in a tribe at war with all the other tribes.  We have to stop playing into that.  Folks need to remember how to disagree and try to give each other a chance.

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