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The reason why I made this because with all instability committed by Twitteratti Factions going on. It makes say and lend more towards this:
The West needs to be more like Japan. Like for example:
Become a more well-civilized just like Japan.
Raise and educate Youth of the West well as the Japanese
The majority of Westerners(which would be the normies and SJWs although the SJWs are a vocal Minority) need to be wise, fearless, and a bit careless as the Japanese and let By Gones be By Gones.
Western Entertainment Industry needs to function like The Anime, Tokusatsu, and Manga Industry as become pro-consumer since Comicsgate is already Pro-Consumer.
Japan has an extremely high rate of suicide. Also, in World War 2, they were brutal. Those days are gone though. I have nothing against the Japanese culture. My sister in law is Asian as a matter of fact.
The West needs to be the West though. We need to get back to Christian values because frankly after you peel away all the layers of what is going on in society, you will eventually find it is all satanic. The entire goal is to destroy Christianity. Jesus Christ was the single most important person to ever walk this earth. What he did was so perfect that no one can argue against it. To me, it is frightening to even contemplate a society where Jesus does not exist.
Frankly, I do not care what race a person is or what nationality. All I care about is whether or not you are with Jesus or against Jesus.
I don’t think people truly realize how satanic things are. From the Google logo to Monster Energy Drink, Satanism is everywhere and in the end, that is what we are all fighting.
Good point and as in West that it was once was before all this SJW-ism came to the world? I would totally agree with that. But I don’t know if it’ll happen because we’ll got the SJWs on our asses and of these people continue to prevent us from going to the times where things where stable, these people will make me anti-West as in anti-unstable West. But still, I’ll agree with you that West needs to go back in the West that we remember back in the days where things were stable. It’s just the SJWs man, thanks to them and their idiocy. It makes me want to go more towards “The West needs to be more like Japan.”
You never heard about lolicon ?XD
I live in Asia for more than 10 years and had plenty of Japanese classmates, their culture is amazing and they’re super polite. But in the other hand, most of them struggle at social events, like team building activities or just going out at night, etc. The best we could have would be a mix of western & asian culture.
But, it’s a fact and a big problem what’s going on with the new generations in western countries, especially in the US. They’re just way too spoiled, I just can’t believe that after a generation of “toxic masculinity” role models, badass heroes, strong male superstars, we would have a extremely spoiled generation full of little flowers being offended by everything. It’s a fucking disgrace if you ask me.
These new generations are why I lean more towards “The West being more like Japan” as well as making me go Anti-West as in Anti-ruined West. And I’m one of those new generations since I was born in year of 1997. I would like to apologize for all the wrongs the new generations have been commiting. Although I don’t represent the new generations but I’m part of the new generations.
It’s alright bro ;)
But why do you think most of them are like that? Is it the boomers parents lack of education or is it the liberal media consumption? For example, do you think they consumed different media than you? Do you watch mtv, E! Channel, and pop corn Hollywood movies? Cnn? :D
Appreciate your insight haha
Maybe it can be both. Although my parents discipline me through ass kicking. Like for example, if I ever do bad things, they kick my ass.
We need to get rid of social justice then all is good.
Japan is based.
SJW aka Massive Racists who think everyone else is inferior….yes we get rid of them and we are definitely on the right track back to a more free and positive society!
I absolutely love Asian culture and especially Japanese society. I am married to an Asian women and I hope to have some adorable Asian/Hispanic babies one day. However I do think the west needs to be the west and just leave Japan to itself otherwise there wouldn’t be something to admire in it if we all did things the same. The west needs to picks its balls back up, slam them bastards on the table and lay down the law by removing the megaphone attached to the SJW’s asses to the media’s ear.
Once that happens, clean up the schools and eliminate all the marxism being preached and we will be back on the way to maximizing freedom and liberty for all!
I’d say we could learn a thing or two from Far-East Asian societies – They stress an importance on societal cohesion; that your fellow countrymen are basically your extended family.
Compare that to the West, which has become too hyper-individualistic. The reason why identity politics has taken off so quickly is because of the lack of national identity. A significant number of people, sadly, don’t really believe in themselves and want to be part of something greater. In a society which basically tells you to find your own way in life and figure things out on your own, there will be people that become, well, lost and look to insane ideologies that tell them what to think.
Perhaps the biggest mistake the West made was moving away from Christianity and becoming post-religious. Something I’m not sure is reversible. There’s no spirituality in the West, anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, though: The West offers some of the greatest freedoms you won’t find anywhere else on the planet and I wouldn’t change that. But with those freedoms comes responsibility, and people seem to want to be absolved as of much responsibility as possible.
Japan has innate cultural homogeneity, and that makes it appear that they have greater solidarity than the U.S. which by contrast is less homogeneous and has greater diversity and therefore more dissenting opinions and a wider breadth of lifestyles. We’ve got a lot of problems in the U.S. right now, but something that has happened forever is for our people to point “grass is greener fingers” at other nations. This is usually done by inexperienced or uneducated people. This isn’t to say that other nations don’t have great accomplishments or that they haven’t developed systems here or there that are remarkable. But there’s a lot of tunnel vision that goes on when people make these assertions. There are a lot of problems in the nations throughout the rest of the world that the U.S. does not have.
The current issues are born of cognitive dissonance about the realities of social entitlement largely being asserted by a generation of people who got trophies when they lost as kids. There’s a lot of lack of education and lack of comprehension about these people. It’s like a cross section of millenial and younger generation who only took “leadership” classes where they learned how to argue in a compelling fashion, but accuracy and truth be damned. It’s like a group of people who saw those little motivational posters or framed pictures of mountains with slogans as their education, but never read a real book or looked at any actually well rounded data. They got trophies as kids and now as adults they aren’t getting one for failure and so their explanation for this injustice is that it’s systemic racism or some other life unfairness that they can’t compute (dissonance).
But with all of that being said, if the west does need to be more like Japan, then I would argue that it is only in being more humble in judgement (we’d have less rioting for example) and greater silence in respect (we’d have fewer empty arguers for example).