The Wheel of Time

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      Who around these parts are Ta’veren?

      This series has always been very high on my list of favorites.


      I’m doing a full re-read so I can be ready to tear the new series apart if it is woke and inaccurate.

      Currently on The Dragon Reborn.


      Based on the casting choices we already know that the show is going to be pure ass.

      WoT is perhaps the second greatest fantasy setting ever written. Its a shame cancer got to Jordan before it was finished. Yes Sandersen did damned good at finishing it but its just not the same.


      Jordan was smart enough to at least have his story finished outline and notes wise. I will always give him credit for having it set in stone for Sandersen to finish. Best writers always know their beginning and end. The middle can change, but the end must be set in stone.

      George RR Martin can go jump into the grand canyon.


        I’m in total agreement. I got kicked from a Wheel of Time group when the casting choices were made because I said the girl cast for Egwene Al’vere was “Dora the Explores second rate friend is a terrible casting choice.” I was called a sexist bigot and they wanted me to apologize.

        I can hope that a tiny trickle of the source will seep into this show and make us and Jordan proud.

        GRR Martin can eat a giant bag of unsullied castrated dicks.


        Okay…I just looked up who was cast as Egwene…THAT IS NOT EGWENE!!!

        God damned identity politics crap.

        The moment they started billing the series with Moiraine as the lead character, I knew it was going to be a shit show. If they go the route of one book = a season…she’s barely in The Great Hunt. I just reread it, so I know for sure. Hell, even if they properly billed Rand as the rightful lead, they are going to run into problems when they reach Dragon Reborn Rand is barely in that one.

        These asshats probably don’t understand that WoT is an ensemble story for large swaths where characters like Mat, Egwene, Perrin, etc, carry the story without Rand around. We all know not a single one of them probably read a single page of WoT.

        God…imagine if they even get as far Crossroads of Twilight…nothing happened in that entire book after the epicness of Winter’s Heart.

        ugh….I’m all angry now.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

          I don’t care that much about the show but I agree. That’s not Egwene.


          I never actually saw any of the casting choices; listened to a youtube clip about them and it made my blood boil. Effectively from what I recall no one looks like their named character in the casting list.

          I have to agree that Jordan leaving the outline behind was a stroke of genius. And that Crossroads was the hardest to get through, Ive always suspected that was one of his rough chemo sessions.

          Re-reading that they are using Moirane as the lead for the season 1; is it possible that season 1 will take place during the prequel book New Spring to set up that Ais Sadai do not age the same as the rest of the world? I could almost accept that as a beginning, yet that would mean that having the rest of the cast during S1 makes no sense except Lan.


          I have a few other books Im working on; when is the series supposed to start? I want to know if I have to abandon the sci-fi stuff sooner rather than later.


          Im about 1/2 through Book 4 on my first read through and im loving it!

          I havent had much interaction with the tv show in terms of spoilers as i dodnt see the point until ive finished the series, but i have seen the casting choices. It always entertains me when people disagree with casting choices and the ‘other side’ assume bigotry almost like an involuntary reaction.

          But would love to know reasoning behind not liking the choices!

          Personally I’m staying apprenhensive about all of them, but the one closest to how I see them in my head while reading is Mat and at a push Moiraine.


          Crossroads of Twilight made me actually put down the series I was so mad. 600 pages of nothing was just so infuriating, especially after the conclusion to Winter’s Heart. Course, hindesight being what it is, I did not know Jordan was sick at the time, so I too believe that played a part in Crossroads being shit.

          I waited until the entire series was all done before reading it to conclusion, and I’m glad I did. That was a great 2 weeks (yes, I am a fast reader ;)  ).


            I read the WoT while I was growing up, I even used to read and write theories on the books at Dragonmount. Although my patience as a young reader was lacking, I read every book as it came out. Anticipating, waiting, and then Jordan got sick. Harriet began to help him write the books more and you could tell the difference. Especially when it came to who was the biggest whore contest.

            As for the casting, I was more bothered by the reaction of the fans to it. It instantly became virtue signaling if you had a problem with any of them. The young lady cast for Egwene, was in Dora the Exlporer (kids will watch anything). I don’t believe she has the gravitas to play this important character. She will probably do fine with the little wide eyed girl from Emond’s field, but the later adventures I doubt it.

            I hope to be surprised, but if GoT has taught me anything, the writers will allow a piece of themselves from this time into the story. Especially with the atmosphere being so racially charged right now. Every opinion is taken out of context and wildly extrapolated. The last thing I’m going to need is another story that I love transformed by current writers into complete shite.


            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Longlastname.
            • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Longlastname.

            The simplest answer to the question is that each of the characters is described in detail. They had a roadmap on how to make the series. They chose to play the identity politics game and race swap everything.

            The series is effectively a early middle ages European setting. There are changes of course; the vast majority of the northern population are Caucasian. The peoples near the southern coasts were more Olive skinned in description, the shipping people … the Windfinders… were dark skinned. Each region had peoples that made sense for the region based on real world representation.



            I agree with what you say for the most part – I saw the region as Sheitan = Northern European / Nordic, Midlands (Two Rivers, Camelyn etc.) = North Mediterranean  and Tear = North African / Middle Eastern.

            The only outsider to all this are the Seanchan (which I’m assuming with your georgraphy, theyd be from the Americas?) and the Aiel. Who are essentially Celtic / Nordic Desert Tribes (as a Red Head, this sounds like hell).

            I disagree with Middle Ages. Given there is Books, I’d probably say 17th / 18th century if given a 1:1 comparison.

            To play devil’s advocate for a minute. Was Robert Jordan ever questioned about the geography? Did he, or has the estate, ever mentioned its direct association to the Europe of our world?



            It was originally due out this year, not sure if still going to launch on time.

            It depends how fast you read, it’s a long old series and as much as I love them, some books really dragged. At least a month if you are quick.

            Sadly I think there is little hope for the tv series, which upsets me, as one of my favourite series of books.

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