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Very compelling argument here Shifygism… LMAO
Are you competing with Greg777 for wasted spaces on forums?
Jussie Smollet bleach story
Bubba’s noose
LeBrons gate
Michael Bennett in Vegas.
All lies. If there is so much racism in America, why do they have to keep making up racial incidents?
The answer is there is no racism in America really. If you doubt me, just go travel if you want to see real racism. Hell, go to Africa and see the slave markets. Go to Saudi Arabia and see the blood drains there. (Yes, they do exist. I was a consultant right before 9/11 and was slated to go work over in Saudi Arabia.) Go to China. The Chinese are so racist they will literally call blacks subhuman on TV. God forbid if China ever rules the world. There will be no blacks left. Do not listen to the American MSM they are garbage and they just lie. They lie a helluva lot.
I see racism every day in America, 85% of it is from Black People. (Edit) To be fair, lots of white people also being racist against other whites. They make up this 85% total I stated. Which % is based off what I see in the world today.
Do I even need mention Neo Nazi groups and KKK members? They have been irrelevant for decades and decades. Everyone laughs at these idiots.
Sooner or later people will also realize BLM is cut from the same cloth.
Don’t forget Democrats are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow Laws. Biden is pro prison industry complex, you know how many people Biden had locked up over non sense charges?
Racism is something that will never end. As long as humans exist, there will always be those who don’t like someone based off of some trait; whether it be the color of their skin, the color of their eyes, their hair, their gender…it doesn’t matter. If someone wants to hate, they will find something to hate. It’s like the war on drugs or the war on terror. You can’t get rid of feelings; you can however manipulate them and that is what the media and politicians do every day. Just the word “racism” is wrong. We are all of the same race, the human race. Skin color should be referred to as a sign of ethnic heritage, not race.
Like I said, there really is not a lot of racism in America. Only complete idiots think there is. If anything, America is racist against white people and I can easily prove this. But you can prove me wrong. Hop on a plane and as I said:
Go to Africa and see the slave markets.
Go to Saudi Arabia and see the blood drains there.
Go to China. The Chinese are so racist they will literally call blacks subhuman on TV and have concentration camps.
This guy and his fucked ideology aren’t worth the time spent on an argument.
I am just noticing you are not the OP of this thread here. Why is your giff at the very top of this thread?
So you just enjoy poking at people that you disagree with? Stir the pot much bro?
Yeah, because shit topics like this aren’t?
Also, it’s a weird glitch…already been reported.
If we burn the DNC to the ground like what should have happened in 1865 racism would end.
Thanks for reporting it. Really messed up the way I see this thread now.
I thought you where doing something you are not guilty of doing.
Nah man, you have every right to offer your opinions on here as you see fit. The way the thread was set up I thought you made a thread with the OP as that giff. Then I looked closer and noticed you are not the OP.
Moving on now.
He was actually quite upset about it, I saw his glitch report
Unfortunately, I don’t think the glitch has been resolved yet. It has been messing up the order of post and threads, and even preventing some threads from showing up at all. It’s a mess. I think it started when they tried moving some topics from one forum to another, and encountered some kind of timestamp conflict.
“Like I said, there really is not a lot of racism in America.”
Pretty sure that’s the first time, in this thread anyway. Thread title says “There is no racism in America”, post #170675 says “there is no racism in America really”. None of those are the same as “not a lot”.
Ignoring the earlier variations, I have no debate with “not a lot”, relatively speaking.
I’m black and have rarely encountered any racism in my entire life (32 years). The only time i’ve ever even heard the ‘N’ word was once as a kid by a neighborhood kid upset with me. I just laughed because it didn’t mean anything to me, which only made him more made.
I think most of the racial tension i see is from race baiting idiots online who fuel hate and want to divide the country. They are mostly from the left ironically. Just look at all the pandering to BLM and all the riot/looting being excused. Its ridiculous.
I am white and my best friend in college was black. In fact, we came from the same hometown and he lived down the road from us. His dad was a general in the military and we were a military family. We were both really good ballplayers. The only time we heard the N-word was going to play at Run-N-Shoot in Atlanta or some inner-city basketball court. It would infuriate my friend Ben. I also dated a black girl for a long while until distance became an issue. I can honestly say that in any 1 on 1 real-life interaction with me and any black person, there was never a racial component either way. I simply did not care. They simply did not care. You know the ironic thing? When I dated Sharon, (the black girl), you know who made it hard? People around us. It was very irritating. Just a few idiots. Nothing more. Most people were fine with it.