They lied about Afghanistan & about Iraq. Now they’re lying about Ukraine

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events They lied about Afghanistan & about Iraq. Now they’re lying about Ukraine

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    They lied about Afghanistan. They lied about Iraq. Now they’re lying about Ukraine

    The playbook the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, does not change. Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe and NATO, along with a “rules-based international order” is at stake. Victory is assured.

    Don’t forget WMD (weapons of mass destruction).

    The results are also the same. The justifications and narratives are exposed as lies. The cheery prognosis is false.

    The ends justify the means?

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine (was partially) provoked by NATO expansion and by U.S. backing of the 2014 “Maidan” coup which ousted democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

    But how then can claim that “freedom and democracy are threatened”?

    Oh right, the wrong preferred person won, so it was a threat to their New World Order.

    But this proxy war in Ukraine is designed to serve U.S. interests. It enriches the weapons manufacturers, weakens the Russian military and isolates Russia from Europe. What happens to Ukraine is irrelevant.

    Follow the money.

    “Second, Ukraine’s effective defense of its territory is teaching us lessons about how to improve the defenses of partners who are threatened by China.”

    Keeping people safe in Ukraine while watching the destruction of infrastructure is less important than HOW it is being done.

    Third, most of the money that’s been appropriated for Ukraine security assistance doesn’t actually go to Ukraine.

    So where does it go?

    It gets invested in American defense manufacturing. It funds new weapons and munitions for the U.S. armed forces to replace the older material we have provided to Ukraine.

    So because the US is not in enough wars of its own to use up all that older ammo and armour and vehicles and such, the Military Industrial Complex needs a proxy war do it for them.

    The pimps of war who orchestrate these military fiascos migrate from administration to administration. Between posts they are ensconced in think tanks — Project for the New American Century, the American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War, the Atlantic Council and the Brookings Institution — funded by corporations and the war industry. Once the Ukraine war comes to its inevitable conclusion, these Dr. Strangeloves will seek to ignite a war with China.

    And the excuse of “Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected.” will be used to protect Japan and Taiwan when (not if) it happenes.

    It has stopped mattering — at least to the pimps of war — whether these wars are rational or prudent.

    War = money = profits.

    Rebuilding loans and rebuilding contracts = money = profits.

    And what of the Ukrainian democracy we are fighting to protect? Why did the Ukrainian parliament revoke the official use of minority languages, including Russian, three days after the 2014 coup? How do we rationalize the eight years of warfare against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region before the Russian invasion in February 2022? How do we explain the killing of more than 14,200 people and the 1.5 million who were displaced, before Russia’s invasion took place last year? (to protect those ethnic Russians)

    Nothing to see here.  The legacy media won’t report on it, because that goes against their agenda/narrative.

    How do we defend Zelenskyy’s decision to ban 11 opposition parties…

    You can’t, as that is undemocratic.

    How do we deal with the anti-Russian purges and arrests of supposed “fifth columnists” sweeping through Ukraine, given that 30 percent of Ukraine’s inhabitants are Russian speakers?

    If it was the other way around, they would be calling it a racially/politically motivated.

    …reported from Eastern and Central Europe in 1989 during the breakup of the Soviet Union. NATO, we assumed at the time, had become obsolete. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev proposed security and economic agreements with Washington and Europe.

    But peace is not as profitable as war to the Military Industrial Complex.

    Secretary of State James Baker, along with West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, assured Gorbachev that NATO would not be extended beyond the borders of a unified Germany.

    And we have seen what an outright LIE that has become.

    After the end of the Cold War, NATO added 15 more members from 1999 to 2023.

    And all those nations had to…

    …reconfigured their militaries, often through tens of millions in Western loans, to become compatible with NATO military hardware. This made the weapons manufacturers billions in profits.

    Once again, it is all about the money/profits.

    It was universally understood in Eastern and Central Europe following the collapse of the Soviet Union that NATO expansion was unnecessary and a dangerous provocation. It made no geopolitical sense. But it made commercial sense. War is a business.

    And the US is one of the biggest when it comes to profiting off war.

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have happened if the Western alliance had honored its promises not to expand NATO beyond Germany’s borders and Ukraine had remained neutral. The pimps of war knew the potential consequences of NATO expansion. War, however, is their single-minded vocation, even if it leads to a nuclear holocaust with Russia or China.

    Death and destruction is their business.

    They don’t care about tomorrow, so long as they profit today.

    And if they think they can survive and be the last ones standing if they get their nuclear holocaust should frighten everyone.



      I think there is more at play here than simply directly profiting off of arms sales.  That’s a big part of it but there is more I believe although none of it is about freedom, saving a country, or stopping Putin.  It’s all nefarious.

      As far as all the other wars post WW2 the US has been involved in, ask yourself this.  How are those places doing now post having been “saved”?

      Also something few people talk about is all the local politics going on in Ukraine.  Ukraine was not 1 big happy country minding it’s own business when Putin out of no where rolled in.  Ukraine had some population of size (not sure how much) that considered themselves Russian.  They supported Russia and wanted to be part of it again.

      Here is a comment I found on a YouTube video (Jimmy Dore)  on a video about the reasons for the war starting. I cannot vouch for it’s accuracy nor anything about it but there is a lot of detail to it and I thought at the time it was worth saving.  If anything, it demonstrates how much was and has been going on there politically.


      Jimmy, at 3:01 you almost got the explanation right.

      1) After the 2014 US backed coup d ‘etat in Ukraine,the coup gov’t passed anti Ukrainian Russian speaking laws no longer recognizing the Russian language or culture

      2) After the coup and the laws passed, the Russian speaking people in Crimea held a referendum to gain their independence from Ukraine, The referendum passed 94%. Not a shot was fired, no one died. It was a peaceful referendum. Crimea declared their independence and then petitioned the Russian Duma to accept them into the Russian Federation. The vote was passed unanimously in the Duma.

      3) When the Russian speaking people in Luhansk and Donetsk (the Donbas region) saw what the Russian speakers in Crimea did, they held their own referendums. The referendums overwhelmingly passed in both Luhansk and Donetsk.

      4) Kiev was not going to allow Russian speakers in the Dobas to declare their independence and petition the Russian Duma, so they deployed the Nazi Azov Battalion, and other openly Nazi groups, with the Ukrainian military to invade and occupy the Donbas. The people in the Donbas formed their own militias to prevent Kiev and their Nazi collaborators from entering the Donbas region. The war was on.

      5) After 8 years and over 15,000 civilians deaths, and Kiev/US/NATO/EU’s failure to honor and instead sabotage the Minsk Peace Agreement, Russia began their SMO (Special Military Operation) in 2022.”



      I could’ve told you something was wrong the moment they started banning anything and everything Russian related, even innocent civilians going about their daily lives and trying to work for a living. Entertainment wise, you had Russian sports stars who couldn’t compete in other countries just because their country is “the bad guy” Oh and films like ‘Anastasia’ and ‘The King And I’ were getting removed from digital platforms because they were “offensive” to Twatter. I don’t remember the world banning anyone and everything from Germany during WW2.

      I was looking at a post on FB a while back that was about a train conductor in Russia who helped feed a cat every morning on his way to work. I was disgusted with a lot of the comments from people that were saying that it was “pro-Russian propaganda” when all it was was some innocent man helping what I can only assume is a stray cat!


      Thanks for posting that article by Chris Hedges. There was a time I was brainwashed into being a pro war neocon. It’s very strange to see the same thing happen to the left. Zelensky is an impossible figure for me to support or believe in. A comedy actor who runs around naked and acting like a pervert, who is not funny at all. It was like he was just handed a privileged life and I think these wars are for looting and anyone of any position who ever backed these wars and got payola basically received a form of socialism and they robbed the west of that money. I think the same thing of anyone who backs a foreign aid welfare state and tries to say they are an ally. If a media figure that does that, I suspect there is payola socialism involved.

      The Gulf War Did Not Take Place

      On a side note, Chris Hedges does believe in climate change and anyone who promotes that bums me out. See how there are multiple scams? War, climate change, etc.?


      Wag the Dog is a 1997 American political satire black comedy film produced and directed by Barry Levinson and starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro. The film centers on a spin doctor and a Hollywood producer who fabricate a war in Albania to distract voters from a presidential sex scandal.



        “Three Days of the Condor” from 1975 with Robert Redford, it’s about the CIA and the military industrial complex. Thrilling movie and now decades later, prophetic.


        Russell’s on point, as usual.


        It’s not even about profits. Those play into it, but they are a very small part. It’s about power. Russia, China, India and Brazil are the last obstacles to American rule over the entire world. Brazil and India could eventually be toppled. Even in China the CIA has been quite effective, at least for a while. But Putin stopped any attempt to turn Russia into a US vassal. Moreover, Russia thwarted Obama’s Arab Spring in Syria, when it bombed the hell out of IS and Al Nusra. And finally: Russia is the last bulwark against white genocide.

        Reasons enough for the US to go to war again Russia, sending other people to die and foot the bill of course. One can only hope that Russia learns more from captured Nato equipment than Nato learns of Russian tactics (or lack thereof).


          “Russia, China, India and Brazil are the last obstacles to American rule over the entire world”

          While America is being used as a proxy for evil things at this point it is not at all alone in that and America is not controlling anything.  The same people pulling political strings in America are pulling them all across the west.


          When the West canceled Russia economically and culturally, to an extent not even performed against Nazi Germany, they signaled to the rest of the world that no nation embedded in the Western economic system is safe.

          I expected then that non-Western nations would begin to explore ways of disengaging from the West’s system. It certainly looks like that has been happening, and I don’t think it will stop, not for a generation at least. As such, I believe Western globalism had sacrificed its opportunity to use soft economic power to control the rest of the world.

          All the Western globalists have left is violence, and at this point, I suspect they would be willing to engage in nuclear war if they thought they would survive victorious.


          You have to remember:

          The countries that have sanctioned Russia over Ukraine represent only 16 percent of the world’s population.

          Has the US sanctioned Saudi Arabia over its war with Yemen?

          And what of other conflicts around the globe?  (It is too profitable for the globalists and the military industrial complex cause peace is BAD for business).


          And just think, instead of an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden admin left how many billions worth of military hardware behind.  All that had to be replaced… giving the M.I.C. more money, more profits.

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