This is a Nationwide test of the Emergency Alert system…October 4th, 2023

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events This is a Nationwide test of the Emergency Alert system…October 4th, 2023

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    In preparation for…emergencies. Right?


    The alter didn’t work in the recent Hawaii fires.


    That’s because they chose to not let them work during an emergency


    We had ours in the UK a while back…which most of us ignored completely by having our phones on silent or our phones weren’t receiving it because they were a couple of years too old for it😏. I never got my “emergency alert” because; a) phone was on silent, b) my phone was three years too old for the system🤣.


      I understand local alerts and weather alerts and such but I cannot foresee a situation where there would be a national alert where we would be told anything of value.

      Now, maybe 10 years from now they will use that to tell you which re-education camp to attend that day or what time the breadline starts and where to find your bugs.

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