This is Mordor Country! Rings of Power Panel Show I’ll be hosting

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions This is Mordor Country! Rings of Power Panel Show I’ll be hosting

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  • #277918

    Howdy, all.

    With Rings of Power knocking on our doorstep, many of us are gearing up to take it on. I, among many upon many others in our sphere, will of course be reviewing it. And like many others I plan on not just doing the basic review, but intend to run a panel discussion on Saturdays to roast the hell out of that week’s episode.

    If you are familiar with my channel, then you’ll likely see the familiar faces that show up on my shows.

    That being said, I’m putting out an open call to anyone who may want to add their voice to a RoP panel, but do not have an option to do so at this time. These forums have been good to me in terms of making connections, so I wanted to make sure to announce this here.

    So if you are interested in joining my upcoming RoP discussion panel titled This is Mordor Country, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]

    You do not need to have a YouTube channel. You just need to be a nerd or geek with passion and something to say.

    Thanks for your time.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

    Maybe you guys have already done it, because it was your idea, but is there any way you could start copying all those hilarious comment lines ripping on this show?

    I’ll never forget the scene when Galadriel stepped into the bank of Barad-dur and said ” I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.” So stunning and brave.

    The scene where Soyron tweeted to his army “be inclusive, be nice, respect pronouns and never hurt anybody” just melted my heart.

    The part where Elrond said, “You’re a wizard Galadriel” and she responded “Don’t mansplain to me” and kicked him in the crotch was so empowering.

    One Flop to rule them all,
    One Flop to find them,
    One Flop to expose them all
    and in the wokeness blind them.


      It is done often, Where the Name for the show came from was the comments.


      It was your idea as far as I know. I mean like a list. A compiled list of all those amazing fan comments.
      Those lines make me laugh hard. I need like an A.I. aggregator of those comments from various videos.


      Mordor Country returns in two weeks, where the reviews and opinions are 100% more entertaining than the actual episodes they had to watch so we don’t have too.


      @acrobatyikes what does your SPAM post have to do with “This is Mordor Country” and talk about the “Rings of Power”?

      what does your SPAM post have to do with “This is Mordor Country” and talk about the “Rings of Power”?

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