This transgender thing has gotten out of hand

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions This transgender thing has gotten out of hand

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      Back when I grew up we had crossdressers and transexuals.  A crossdresser was someone (usually a man) who liked to wear clothes of the opposite sex.  But that was as far as they took it.  Then there were transsexuals who were the folks that actually had surgery.  They were very few and far between for obvious reasons.

      How the hell did we go from that to hacking up children and calling anyone who wears a wig or lipstick transgender and equating that to BEING the opposite sex????

      I see the argument that is just because these people are free to be whom they really are.  If that’s the case you would see a broad spectrum of people doing this whereas in reality it is almost entirely young women.  Why?  Because this is mostly all social contagion, peer pressure and the human need to want to matter.

      And lets not look past the fact that you ARE whom you really are.  If you feel the need to have radical surgery to be whom you really are that is a severe mental situation that we somehow seem to treat with surgery.  Does anyone else recall the last time we had surgery for mental issues?  Lobotomies is what they were called and we now consider them beyond barbaric.

      Here is the truth. We must all accept who we are because THAT IS WHO WE ARE.  You cannot surgery or hormone that away. And you CANNOT change your sex.

      I find the whole thing entirely silly and nothing but harmful ESPECIALLY to children.

      Where do we draw the line?  Look at me I am trans-roo.  I demand you cut off my opposable thumbs and surgically give me a pouch you bigot! No?  You TansPhobe, Trans-Roo’s exist!


      “If you cannot accept who you are I will not accept you for who you aren’t”


      • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Vknid.

      Indoctrination, peer pressure, and the need to be a victim.

      The need for attention/validation.






        This is how deep this delusion runs.

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