Thor 💖Love and Thunder⚡

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  • #266236

      I swear i already started this thread but can’t find it anywhere ???

      Anyways, now that the trailer is out


      And there is LADY Thor at the end of the trailer.

      Is there anything in this trailer to make me EXCITED for this film?


      phase 4 is DEAD.

      Time to move on.


      This is all you need to know about this coming piece of crap.

      They release this poster:


      The one and only THor love and thunder poster shirt


      Then drop the intersectional version:




      These fucking SJWs think this is hilarious, but they only reveal how fucking simple they are in the head, while showing us exactly what they think of Thor and how they are more than happy to push him aside.

      Fuck the MCU.

      Fuck Disney.

      Fuck this movie.


      these new movies are for specific audiences… it’s not for all of us… and I guess that’s… fine…?

      I don’t care about this, i won’t watch this, just like i don’t watch any new marvel/disney tv show or movie… for me it’s trash lol there’s nothing in the trailer that attracts me.

      i watched the new spiderman movie only for the nostalgic factor, but I didn’t really enjoy it either…

      But if some people can enjoy this, it’s ok…



      Never even bothered watching the trailer. I don’t CARE if Christian Bale (whom I’m sure Marvel/Disney hired just to try and get bums on seats for this rubbish film) is in it. I don’t CARE if Loki somehow cameos on a end-credits scene. I won’t be watching this trainwreck of a film! The only thing I find more offensive than Thor being replaced by a woman is that it’s out a few days after my birthday. “Thank you” Disney and Marvel for ruining it! I’ve always stood by the Thor films- even ‘Dark World’- but this will be the only one that I will NOT be watching!


      They bragged about the woke box-checking in the movie. This movie will be about as full of woke as you can get. I really appreciate the comments by you guys, especially Roas.

      I’ll just stick with material made by real fans:


        “Gay moment” … these SJWs do know both Thor and Star Lord have had girl friends, right?? 🤣🤣🤣



        Nope they don’t because they don’t read the comics or watch the films😏…


        The day they announced this on stage my stomach sank, and I honestly cringed when they all got on stage with Portman. I had no interest then, and nothing I have seen has change it.

        A 110lb girl as Thor? Uh Huh.

        The horrible character known as Valkyrie with her bisexuality “front and center” in the story? Uh huh.

        I personally hated Thor Raganrok, and have never watched it again. I hated all the comedy and Valkyrie.

        The only good Marvel since Endgame has been the Sony Marvel. Spider-Man NWH and Venom LTBC. Flat out. And for that matter, Spider Man No Way Home was better than Endgame. I hope this movie bombs like a 20lb turd coming out of Disney’s ass. From the looks of it they will cuck Dr. Strange next week too, and I loved the first Dr. Strange movie.  So f**king fed up with Disney and Hollywood now, it'[s nauseating. Everything I once loved has been destroyed. Just done with it. I spend my time watching Japanese and Korean TV/Movies or Anime now days, and I love it.



        • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Blood.Ranger.

        Another look at Portman as Lady Thor:

        OMG, can someone get the fashion police please???


        the Christian Bale bait is well done… Even I was caught off guard. He’s a great actor and he looks good.

        BUT… that’s just bait. All the rest just looks cheap, boring and not interesting at all… it’s the same formula all over again… “brave mary sues women with no flaws”, “men are so dumb”, “omg they’re objectifying a naked man while eating popcorns omg so relatable”  -_-     Imagine that same scene but with opposite genders, disney would be canceled in a matter of minutes lol…






        Still not watching it lol! This is why I’m getting put off from watching Top Gun 2 at the cinema in case a trailer for this bs comes on which I bet it will since it’s now May. I think after when I eventually see Dr Strange 2 I’m going to be done with the MCU and the only thing Marvel related I might watch will be the Venom-verse which is looking more interesting than the MCU these days. Not even Bale is going to draw me into seeing this poor excuse for a film.


          I thought about possibly seeing this when released, but I decided to rub shaved glass and lemon juice in my taint instead.


            I already know what the best part of the movie will be

            love & thunder poster - kawaii goats

            Awwwwwwwwww 😻😻 Look at those… soooo cute… they’re smiling 🐐💖🐐

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