Thor 💖Love and Thunder⚡

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    The only audience that can appreciate the male hero of an action movie being humiliated and emasculated are angry feminists who hate men, who are not a legitimate audience as far as I’m concerned.

    Generally, the idea of a superhero action movie is for the male hero to be challenged (without being made a fool of) and then for him to eventually triumph.

    This movie looks like it will bomb, as most people will not enjoy it.



    Do you know what Thot: Lust and Blunder is gonna do?

    It will make Thor: The Dark World look like a masterpiece!


      They might as well start naming every Hollywood movie like this.  It would really simply things.


      “The Message”

      “The Message Returns”

      “The Message Again”

      “You Got It, It’s The Message”

      “Hey, It’s Me, The Message”

      “The Message 6”

      “The Message 7”


      I’ve not seen much enthusiasm for this film. I’m surprised that Disney isn’t claiming that “It’s going to be super popular; it got lots of views within 24hrs!” like they were trying to claim with ‘Eternals’ (this didn’t even get to a million within 24hrs from what I can remember)…and of course we all know how that went! Especially since they didn’t even bother reading the comments at the time which were mostly criticizing the glaring plot-holes in the trailer. I smell a bomb.


      I’m a woman and in normal circumstances I wouldn’t have minded the gender-swapping…if it was written well and there’s a decent actress in the role (good example is Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One on the first Dr Strange film). As one that respects Portman’s acting abilities, even I took one look at this and laughed at the idea of her being a female Thor. I don’t like seeing male heroes I like being dumbed down to make a female character look good. I want to see strong, masculine (swash-buckling is a bonus here as well I admit 😂) men saving the day; not being dumbed down for Twitter! Hence why I’ll NEVER forgive them for what they did to Thor on ‘Endgame’ just to appease Brie Larson 😠!


        Well if they wanted it to be a hit and make since…. Putting in Gina would have gotten them a true Strong female lead that would be believable… But that is NOT what they really want. They want THE MESSAGE.



        I’ve been saying that for ages😂. Or they could’ve had Emily Blunt as Lady Thor. Either one of them is taller than poor Natalie Portman.


        Putting in Gina would have gotten them a true Strong female

        Gina caramba is a pretty average actress tho.

        It’s funny how people are already saying it’s the worst movie in the MCU before the movie is even released. Reminds me of when Eminem said why he never promotes or tells in advance about his new albums becase people are gonna judge it by the tracklist and features like ”ohh this has Beyonce featuring so it has to be shit” and speculate about ”there needs to be songs like this or I’m not fucking with it” and basically make up their mind about the album before even being released. Jeez ppl should relax


        Speculation on Marvel movies is a pointless exercise. They all follow the same formula. Character starts at a low point, events set in motion by villain usually motivated by revenge or lust for power or some misguided attempt at doing something good (i.e. thanos solving overpopulation in the dumbest way ever). Character then teams up with another hero, finds their mojo again during some light hearted buddy comedy before a climactic CGI battle during which the villain has the upper hand only for the hero to then achieve victory through some late surprise.

        They’re all the same. Aside from the first Iron Man, second Captain America, Guardians 1 and Infinity War, they all kinda suck. They’re the most bland, generic films ever, filmed on dinky green screen sound stages with some of the cheapest adobe after effects plugin sfx ever.

        As for 50 year old Natalie Portman with cgi arms calling herself Thor (like it’s a title, not a name)… it’s and idea about 12 years past its due date, and it’s dumb as hell. In general what Marvel did to Norse mythology is disgusting. Let’s see them gender swap Mohammed or Jesus if they want to take creative liberties with other people’s religions.



          Natalie Portman is a tiny human.  Her playing the part is ridiculous. But I do agree that the movies are now just overdone, overplayed and are just rinse and repeat at this point.  I liked the early ones a lot but the newest crop are hot garbage.  I turned off End Game within the first 10mins because the Captain Marvel thing was just beyond silly.


          One word describes this movie: Craptacular.


          Indeed. But what are they going to do, recast the role to some bodybuilder lady? Not gonna happen. Even if they did, it would still be stupid since “Thor” isn’t a title, it’s a name. They’re shitting all over norse mythology / religion.

          If they want a big buff female brawler or valkyrie character, then just write one. There are plenty to choose from, since Norse and Dane women did occasionally enter battle, have been buried with full arms and armor, and fight in several sagas. Super strong women were also part of their mythology (Brynhild).
          Case some buff MMA fighter, give her acting lessons and you have a character that’s 10 times more interesting than decrepit Natalie Portman deaged and digitally enhanced and called “Thor”. It’s like Disney is trying to be as crap as possible.


            I want to go to Infinity Conez 🍦




            I’m surprised that even the critics hate this film. I would’ve thought that they’d be all over it like what happened with Captain Marvel. Never thought about the Thor films being like the previous Batman film series. Only difference is, is that I personally think that ‘Batman and Robin’ is 10x more watchable than this rubbish:


              Rottenveggies is still trying to prop it up… IMBD is being a little more honest. This thing is a stinker

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