Thor 💖Love and Thunder⚡

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Thor 💖Love and Thunder⚡

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      Here is the thing.  If you can poop in a box and sell it you will keep pooping in a box.  No one has to say its the best thing ever as long as someone keeps buying it.  Same thing with these movies.  As long as they are raking in the cash making garbage they will keep making garbage because there is zero motivation to do better.


      Just saw the movie today. It wasn’t very good. Bale was probably the best part of the movie. The jokes were very annoying (especially the screaming goats). There were one or two scenes I didn’t cringe at. Overall, I’d rate this 4.5/10.


      What struck me is how absolutely cheap these Marvel movies look. Yes, there’s a ton of cgi, and cgi costs money, but almost nothing in these films is real. The actors are performing on tiny green soundstage sets, and almost everything is digital.

      Say what you will, but CGI action will always look like a cartoon. The hits have no weight, the physics feel off. And it just feels small and fake. Take virtually any one of Jackie Chan’s stunts:
      or the Matrix highway chase
      or Goldeneye:

      And compare it to this cgi mess from Captain America 2:

      They didnt even track the door right. It’s fake as fck. Where’s the artistry? In decades past filmmakers would set up the most elaborate stunts, come up with ever more creative ways to show mayhem on screen that delighted us. Disney just serves up fake, cheaply produced conveyor belt garbage. It’s an insult to cinema.



      I was watching the making of for the ‘Walking With Dinosaurs’ TV series (not the God awful film released ten years ago) the other day. It’s one of the few making ofs that I enjoy watching on repeat. They used real locations for the settings and animatronics for the close-ups of the dinosaurs. Despite it being done in 1999, the series still holds up to this day and I highly recommend it (especially since Kenneth Branagh was the narrator during the series). The making of is fun to watch, especially the in-between parts where I suspect that the animators got bored and had some fun lol! Also, the end credits and after credits are funny to watch too!


      Clearly these people are NOT fans if they’re demanding a trigger warning for something like this! Where were they during ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and the first ‘Deadpool’ film then??? These are the same kind of people that probably need a trigger warning for whenever they go out the front door. If they ever go out the front door that is!


      I think they are the same people who need a “TRIGGER WARNING” when they look at a mirror.

      They are the ones who are offending by existing, and nothing you do will ever be enough.



        The jokes were very annoying (especially the screaming goats)

        NO!!! The screaming goats were adorable 💖🐐💖🐐💖



        Clearly these people are NOT fans if they’re demanding a trigger warning for something like this!

        “It hit hard”… yeah, maybe because it was suppost to it hard? Maybe that storyline was suppost to evoke emotion??

        These people aren’t triggered, they just need something to complain about so they get in the news, the fact they don’t even know one of the main plot points of a comic that they were the target audience of is hilarious, these people don’t feel triggered ’cause they can’t feel, they’re shallow AF


        I watched the movie yesterday, it wasn’t one of the best MCU movies, but it was still an enjoyeble watch, it told a very sweet story, and i can say, this was a team-up movie, there was no “Jane is better than Thor wamen power REEEE!!”, they worked together, helped eachother out, each with their own streanghts and weaknesses, there were some cringy jokes here and there (how much do you bet the Lady Thor joke was a reshoot after everyone called her Lady Thor 🤣), but nothing to ruin the movie, and like Korg said, i think Thor will be a great dad :)

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by DigiCat.

        Made by comic book fans that just really like Thor. They are really into it. This comes later in the storyline.


        @DigiCat I don’t have a problem with the screaming goats if the joke was played once in a while.

        The problem is that the joke is played too often, and sometimes at tonally-inappropriate times.

        But hey, if you like the goats, then that’s fantastic!

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