Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › Thought provoking video “what are we doing to white people”
This young man and young woman very succinctly point out how bad this has gotten and how wrong it is.
You cannot solve racism with racism. That is not a solution, it is just revenge that perpetuates the entire cycle.
Subscribed to him. The original video is below. He’s is only plainly and clearly stating the obvious. I was just watching a bunch of footage from the blockchain conference in Austin. It was mainly very sharp engineers from the East, places like India, China, Korea, etc.
What are We Doing to White People?
Charlie Cheon
130K subscribers
3,906,163 views Jan 10, 2023
I talk about the rising tide of racial hatred against White people that some are refusing to acknowledge is happening. Six minutes of this sixteen minute video is a compilation of what people are saying about White people online. Take a look for yourself, and ask yourself: where is all of this going? We can take a peek into the future by examining what is going on in this cultural climate: segregation and hatred of White people, sanctioned by government and law. You can shout all you want that such policies are remedial in nature, but that does not make it so. It is not true that people of color don’t have the power to discriminate against White people. It’s just that we are taking advantage of our newfound cultural power and change in social dynamics to propagate this falsehood while engaging in active discrimination. The schoolyard bully often says “I’m not bullying you” as he does just that. We’re going backwards. “History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes.” is his twitter.
Thanks for sharing. I also hit the bell for notifications from his youtube channel. How long before he’s removed and censored?
I subscribed as well. He makes many great points and brings facts to back them up.
At the end of the day we have to ask ourselves why this is the case. The answer is like many other things. It’s about political power and influence. They need a boogie man, they want us all in tribes hating each other and they want to unite the leftist tribes into a voting block via hatred for the one group they can agree on hating without infighting. Everyone else jumps on the bandwagon for personal reasons as a mindset has been created that if you believe in this hatred NONE of your failings are your own it’s all someone else’s fault.