TikTok and Mental illness

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      Much of YouTube is a wasteland. Void of anything good or useful. But there are some folks in there who produce videos where thought is really put into a topic along with research and you can learn some stuff. Think Jordan Peterson, Sargon etc. (The Lotus Eaters is amazing)

      Here is one such example on the topic of mental health and tiktok. As a father I can tell you I have seen a lot of this for myself and can confirm it.

      Anyone with children should watch this.


      Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok and any other social of that kind is a mental illness. As a family member of many people who use it…..I have seen the things Twitter and Facebook did to my older sister, aunt, and cousins.

      My family is the inmates running the crazy house now.



      I agree with her 100%. I have followed her for a long time now. I think part of the problem is that kids are allowed to be on social media and I think that is wrong. If I had a kid they would have no cell phone until they were old enough to pay for it. Period. No facebook, no twitter.

      And where are all the women like her? I’ve been setting here single for 13 f**king years trying to find women like this.


      I wasn’t allowed a mobile phone until I was around 13/14 at the time. Bare in mind that it was back in the days of the old Nokias so my first one was basically a Nokia 5110. Not much you could do on it other than play Snake and pairs. Most kids had mobiles by the time they had just left Primary School so yes it lead to me being bullied quite a bit for not having a phone unlike half the class. Even when I finally DID get the 5110 I wasn’t allowed to take it into school with me because it would be seen as a distraction. Plus we had strict rules that if you took out your phone during class, you wouldn’t get it back until the end of the lesson!

      Again, back to the topic at hand…I’ve been saying for a while that TikTok should be nuked anyway. You only need to look at some of the stupid challenges to know that something should be done about it.


        She is probably single because while I am sure she can pick any guy,  the guy with enough resources has not presented himself yet.

        The reason you don’t find the women like her is because they are married already.  And once they get divorced they are no longer like her.

        At this point in the west, finding a really good woman is like digging for diamonds in a minefield.  Sure, there is a chance you might find one but the reality is you will  most likely lose some limbs and wish you were dead.



        @DragonLady : I was bullied too, but for other things. Like being talented. People were jealous. And, when I stood up for myself, I got punished. When I stood up to black kids for harassing and insulting me or my friends, I was the one getting suspended.

        I don’t have Tik Tok, and never will. Children should not have nor be on Tik Tok. It’s a disgusting app. People worried about a character showing her boobs in a game, but Tik Tok and Twitter are ok for kids. Really? Can’t show some skin on a female character, but it’s sure ok to blow heads off and kill. Utterly upside down ass-backwards “morals” people have now days.

        : Yeah. I pretty much given up myself. I have tried every dating site and app. Nothing. I am not interested in the games people play. I am not selling a product, which is most of how people present themselves. They lie in their profiles or don’t tell you things to get more “attention”, when that is not who they really are. I am 100% honest from day one. I want something serious and lasting. I see awesome girls with dipshit guys all the time too.

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