Tim Pool and Cenk Uygur

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      I was excited to watch this video this morning.  I knew Cenk has said some whacky Trump stuff but I assume he just has something against Trump and I figured he is still smart and even keel.

      No, no he is not.

      He is either absolutely blinded by agenda or he is a massive idiot.  His views are one sided, rigid  and unrelenting.

      Objectively, I watched this.  And given the number of times he said “no I don’t know about that” and “left-winger” and “right-winger” he is an absolute tribalist with blinders on or lying through his teeth.  Some of the things he said I disagreed with and some things I thought was utter lunacy that bore no resemblance to reality.

      Anna Kasparian is far more understanding, informed and even keel.  Cenk is bordering being a lunatic.   He is everything he accuses others of.

      I do agree with Cenk on the anti-establishment and corporatist stuff but for me it ends there he has no tethers to reality.


      Cenk is a Fed. He is a low-level intelligence officer. Alex once said he comes from a smart family in Turkey. It was actually another Turk that exposed him, a fine lady named Sibel Edmonds. I don’t know how it all works, but all these people come out of central-casting and then, have the nerve to pose and LARP as progressives. Katzenberg gave him over ten million. Him and Rachel Maddow both came from the failed Air America, which also had Sam Seder. Air America was the left’s attempt to counter conservative radio, which, let’s face it, was basically Rush.

      I didn’t get a chance to watch either one yet, as I am not a fan of TYT at all. Cenk does have great strong aggressive energy. Ana got some professor position in CA and, since Ana Kaspian was mentioned, I will post her interview with Patrick Bet-David below. As much as I despise their mentality in every single way, it was re-iterated to smash the left/right paradigm and I do attempt to kind of see where the left is coming from at times. Out of all of them, the only one who can make me chuckle is Hasan. I never watch Piker either, but the one time I did, he made me laugh.

      I am still very gullible, but it’s getting to the point where I think that anyone who even has a significant platform is dialed in. Yes, Cenk is borderline manic and yet, people worse than him are allowed to cross the western borders. If you think he’s bad, the machete types are ten times worse.

      Anahit Misak Kasparian is an American political commentator, media host, and journalist. She is the main host and a producer of the online news show The Young Turks, having begun working as a fill-in producer for the show in 2007. She also appeared on the television version of the show that aired on Current TV.


        “Cenk is a Fed”

        Not sure about that but I would agree that he is playing a part.  Whether that is to retain a paying audience or for some other reason I don’t know. Although it’s ironic he blames Joe Rogan for “audience capture” when Cenk is the one suffering from that.

        I have watched him on TYT and he pulled the same act on Tim Pool.  He spits out a few surface level facts and then when challenged with deeper facts he claims he does not know about that and they gets all fiery and animated while abandoning logic.

        You know who positively reacts to little facts and an over emotional reaction?  Young people.  They are very susceptible to that I think because they equate your level of emotion with your level of correctness.  It’s not a negative thing really, it’s just kids they have not learned different yet and that gets taken advantage of quite intentionally.

        I listened to Cenk on Pool’s show.  There is no way he is an idiot.  He knows exactly what he is doing.  He very artfully goes into and come out of emotional flurries as he needs to depending on the situation.  He used that on Pool and to some degree it worked because at that point what even challenge him further because he will just get even more insane.  But he lies through his teeth constantly, he knows it.  I have no doubt he is a liberal guy but there is no way he is dumb enough to believe the things he says to others.

        Anna is the same way but she seems to feel guilty about it.  On the TYT show he goes insane and she tends to recoil a bit and does not really join in.  I do believe she is more intelligent than Cenk.

        It must be said though that Pool having these conversations does a lot of good.  Every leftist he has had on gets their arguments exposed quickly and it ends with a lot of  “I did not know that I will have to look it up” and they end up repeating obvious falsehoods that everyone knows is not true.  And most of them like Cenk end up in flurries of emotion and foul language when pressed.  Pool says he respects Destiny though.  Which I don’t get.  Destiny is not as rigid as the others I will give him that but he spits the same falsehoods and curses like a sailor during a logical conversation which is a signal to me you are a dingdong.

        These leftists have trouble with Tim Pool’s challenges.  If they went up against someone like Thomas Sowell, Dinesh, Jordan Peterson or Larry Elder they would end up looking like Cathy Newman did when she “interviewed” Peterson. Pool is a smart guy but throw them against someone with decades more experience and a mind like steel trap and they would come off looking childish and foolish.  And they know it and that’s why those things never happen.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.
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