Tim Pool and the founder of BlackWater

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Tim Pool and the founder of BlackWater

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      This was a very enlightening interview.  This part here was super interesting and this guy explains why he founded Blackwater (it’s not what you think) and how it evolved into a private military force.

      Another point even more appropriate is when this guys explains how society breaks.  Like I have thought for some time now, it can and does happen literally overnight.  Listen to how he explains Katrina.  I have personal knowledge as I lived through Katrina.  Due to the flooding society broke in a bad way and you ended up with roving gangs doing as they please within a day or 2 of it all breaking down.

      What I did not know is what he mentions they say when they first came in.  There were lots of dead bodies.  Not from flooding but the gangs were killing people.

      So this thought that society will always be there.  Things will always be ordered a certain way is nonsense.  If we don’t tend to society and it becomes weak, then at the first sign of trouble it snaps.  Then it’s essentially dog eat dog overnight.  I think that the “establishment” wants this badly so they can rule with an iron fist as people will beg the government to save them when it all falls apart.

      You might call that crazy but letting criminals free, disarming the public and indiscriminately bringing in millions of people from all over the world in a short time is a guaranteed way to break society.   I have no doubt that these people currently in power would rather rule over ashes than not rule at all.



      Thank you for posting this. Saw the clips posted, but could not find the full thing until now, thanks to your post. Good comments, too. Not only is EP smart, but he’s earned it, too. Some said that he was from of wealthy family, so he could have done something else, but instead, he chose to challenge himself. I know he offers some kind of American made encrypted smart phone.

      Yeah, Katrina is the future of the country. They say that as soon as the lights go out, you’ll be living in cave man days right away. The people of South Africa are already experiencing rolling blackouts and you have people there that are experts in A.I. and Tech that sit in the dark with sticks during the blackouts. They are lucky if they live through it.

      There are already roving gangs in the USA. They are equipped with Signal Jammers and they raid and loot the wealthy neighborhoods.

      Anyway, thanks to this thread, I finally found the full thing, which was frustrating because I am a Timcast member and it was not there the last time I looked.


      The comments section mentioned the other interview he did, which I recall was mentioned by Matt Bracken as well. EP is one of those few guys. They say that the washout rate for Seals is over 80%. Anyway, you have to be alpha just to graduate. Think about that in a group of alpha groups, EP might be one of the top guys. Cernovich once shared a tweet that just to try out, the candidates are all MMA types, Division 1 athletes, former pro jocks, all competing to make elite squads. Tweet said there’s nothing else like it on earth offered to men.


        Yeah, Katrina is the future of the country. They say that as soon as the lights go out, you’ll be living in cave man days right away.

        Well no.  I still live near NOLA and we lose power from to time and a week without power is not unusual.  During Katrina I was without power for 2 weeks.  There was some fuss here and there but nothing major.  Now, no if that happens in major city?  Mass chaos within a few days because it is so dense.

        But the thing people have to REALLY understand is.  No power = no water unless you live near a fresh body of water.  So after 3 or 4 days of generators running out of fuel people die en masse without water.  You won’t make it anywhere near the point where you might starve to death. Sure in a small area water can be brought in to help as they did during Katrina.  BUT, let something happen in a large area and you you won’t be able to stop mass deaths.

        It scares me because I think if things continue to slowly slide, at some point it snaps and it a falls apart within a couple of days.  When you are fighting people for water and food, no one will ask your pronouns, they won’t care if your a woman, they won’t worry anything about offending you as they beat you, kill you and take what they want from you.  It’s Lord of the Flies in no time.

        THAT is why we should care for society, participate in it and work to make it better like folks used to instead of recoiling from it as much as possible.  If we don’t tend to it, as you would a plant, it will whither and die and many folks with it.

        Anyway, you have to be alpha just to graduate. 

        Alpha is not the word.  You have to essentially be a serious physical and mental specimen. It’s no different than the dudes in the NFL.  They are so physically gifted compared to normal people that they are dang near super human.  The seals/special forces are the somewhat the same except they also have to have as much mental fortitude as as physical.  They have to be able to beat someone else in battle and also win mental battles with themselves.


        Water. Someone said after the hurricane in Florida, all was wiped out, and he said no matter how much water you think that you have and that you have prepared for, it’s NOT enough. Go figure.

        Anyway, here are two addresses he made to Oxford. I have not watched them yet. Did read his book: Civilian Warriors the Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror.

        I admire the guy. He did not slack. Did something with his gifts and blessings. Real grit and conviction.


        Patrick Bet-David sits down one-on-one with Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

        Erik Dean Prince is an American businessman, former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, and the founder of the private military company Blackwater. He served as Blackwater’s CEO until 2009 and as its chairman until its sale to a group of investors in 2010. Prince heads the private equity firm Frontier Resource Group and was chairman of the Hong Kong-listed Frontier Services Group until 2021.

        3:47 – Erik’s background and his family’s business success.
        11:19 – Erik discusses why he founded Blackwater.
        16:27 – Erik explains who Blackwater’s first client was.
        27:02 – How the United Nation’s hypocrisy led to Blackwater’s founding.
        29:57 – How the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole led to Blackwater’s landing a $7 million a year military contract.
        34:27 – The difference between a country’s nationals fighting for their countries vs hiring a Private Military Company.
        41:26 – Was Blackwater better at training soldiers than the U.S. government?
        54:27 – Is there an oath soldiers took to train with Blackwater.
        55:16 – Erik discusses the CIA’s role in the Ukraine vs Russia war.
        1:05:18 – Erik explains why he left defense contracting.
        1:14:32 – Was Blackwater hired to train soldiers for The Wagner Group?
        1:22:52 – Erik claims a Chinese Cyber Attack was behind the AT&T outage.
        1:34:31 – Did “Leave the World Behind” predict a future cyber attack on the U.S. electric grid?
        1:41:07 – Erik discusses which social and political issues Americans are united on.
        1:48:52 – Erik explains who was behind the Cinema Rex fire that started the Iranian revolution.


          I watched that live.  I was waiting for the FBI to rush in for J6 “crimes”.  He essentially laid the establishment bare.  Anyone who thinks the Demons in DC (that’s my new metal band) care about you at all has clearly been on the propaganda teat for a long time.

          People don’t seem to understand, the people in power see you in the same way you see a sink full of dishes in the morning. Just a minor chore to deal with but you detest the effort.   If Hillary Clinton believed she could put 10,000 random children in a woodchipper to be president she would begin a  campaign to tell you how compassionate woodchippers were.

          I mean if you look at what’s going on in the world with loss of energy sources, loss of food production and tyrannical laws compelling speech and action, they are pretty much putting us all in a woodchipper.

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