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When did it become so second nature to hate on this guy? I get a bit of it, he’s been wishy washy on Trump, he can be a bit condescending.
But dude works his ass off, and he does GOOD work.
There are a lot of haters in this sphere, there are a lot of people that sit on their streams and they goof off with their friends, and they make lots of money, but none of them ever hold themselves to standards. In fact a lot of the content here ends up being a bit of a joke.
I enjoy this community, I enjoy having a place to go where we don’t have to like the bullshit from Hollywood or the modern gaming studios pumping out cheap, subversive garbage.
But I also respect people who work hard and give a shit about doing their jobs. I’m trying to avoid naming anyone, but there are a great many people that Tim made A LOT of money platforming them and giving them work, and allowing them to be a part of the enterprise he started after a lifetime of busting his ass.
This Tim drama was fun for a while. But at this point it’s starting to rub me the wrong way. No one gets off their ass any more and tries to do anything impressive any more. And most the time it ends up turning into a damned half assed grift. So many fairweather people out there talking shit.
It’s easy to say “hey I never throw my employees under the bus” when you don’t actually produce something. No news, no articles, no movies, no comics, no games. When it’s literally your job to just be friends with people and enjoy yourself and be in a good mood, its’ REALLY easy to talk shit about people that are trying to herd their cats and make something with purpose that actually matters.
So many sideline haters in this sphere with no skin in the game talking shit about people actually giving a fuck and trying to execute and create culture. It’s frustrating.
It’s a free country, people are allowed to be haters, free to point fingers at people actually in the arena busting hteir ass doing the HARD and painful work to create quality work. But it’s hard to take the hate seriously when none of them are taking any risks or producing anything of lasting value themselves to create better a culture.
Everyone’s a critic.
I think there is valid criticism of Tim in many aspects. His treatment of Adam Crigler for example. That does not equate to hate, it’s criticism and opinion. But, everyone who is a content creator is going to get “hate”. Ya, Tim may “work hard” but he also is a control freak, needs to be the center of attention, kicks people off his show if they prove his talking points wrong or counter him too much, and has a lot of behind the scenes drama because of how he is in real life off mic.
Now, does setting for a few hours a day behind a camera and mic really equate to “working hard”?. I work 10 and 1/2 hr shifts for 7 nights in a row. THAT is work, not what he does. He gets to set there doing that, and getting rich off it. But, he just spent 2 hrs yesterday whining about it, publicly. Exposing his drama for all to see for 2 hrs. I found it rather pathetic frankly. He said he can’t work like he does and have a family at the same time. I say…..WELCOME TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! He also has WAY too many employee’s when he needs to get rid of at least half of them. He does not need piles of co-hosts for example, but he has many.
I could say other things. But, you get my point. There is criticism there in my words, but not hate. I still respect what he has built and done, he does have a decent show often. That does not mean there is not criticism and opinion about it all and him. He is far from perfect.
But there’s a threshold. You say “control freak” and “perfectionist” and “drama”.
I see proffesionalism.
There’s something wrong in the world today where people see others who want to do good work as assholes. It’s an epidemic. It’s EVERYWHERE.
I hope i’m able to convey this notion well, because it’s actually a big deal. In communist nations, as nepotism spreads, everything goes to shit, and that’s been happening here in every sector, even youtube, for over a decade and people are so used to this decay in standards that they don’t even realize they do it any more. Have you guys noticed you might go to a Subway, and the “sandwich artists” don’t do as good a job as they did 10 years ago? People just don’t give a fuck about doing their jobs any more.
You can look at this scene, and they all talk shit. Does anyone here EVER say anything positive about anyone outside of maybe Trump? Or George Lucas… some personality that helped make star wars or some comic book.
This scene just seems to resent people who actually take pride in doing cool shit. And that comes off as a bit hypocritical after all the shit that’s been talked about movies, comics, tv shows, games, etc.
Everyone in this sphere talks MAD SHIT, because people don’t hunker down, and do good work.
Then the ONE DUDE who actually busts his ass and does a high quality show in relation to others in this space, get’s a bit prissy that he’s surrounded by a bunch of lazy, ungrateful fucks, and the entirity of everyone here rises as one to demonize the everloving fuck out of him.
These criticisms are subjective. “He’s a control freak”, well… maybe the people he surrounded himself with don’t do their fucking jobs.
It’s like a microcosm of this world we live in, where everything is going to shit, education, health care, entertainment, JOURNALISM, you name it. This country is a shell of it’s former self and that stems from one central cultural rot. No one holds anyone to any standards or praises or rewards those who go above and beyond. In fact people form these little clicks where everyone talks shit.
Same thing happened with Crowder. This scene is up their own ass about how low their standards are. How they don’t care if Rippa puts out shit comics, how they don’t care if anything goes well, or anyone does a good job outside of grifting on the camera. All while simultaniously talking MAD SHIT about every single TV show, movie, and video game.
Like what is it. Does this sphere give a fuck about people cracking eggs to make an omelette? Or are they just perpetual haters that want it both ways? It just comes off as if they don’t actually give a shit about the things they suppose to stand for. Though to be fair, times are changing, geeks and gamers is more a cultural center now than gaming or reviews.
Just kinda sick of everyone rolling around in this puddle of mediocrity. Everyone’s perfectly happy in this sphere just doing the bare minimum, and god forbid anyone try to actually rise above and provide quality journalism or want to do higher level.
Not going to harp on Rippaverse too hard, but that is the perfect example of the double standard of this sphere. You not going to talk shit about certain things because it affects the bottom line? I get it. But these guys have crossed a threshold with Tim, and it absolutely has entered hater territory.
I don’t think anyone has any idea how much $$$ Adam made from Tim. The worst things i’ve heard him say is that Tim was a control freak and annoying. Like bro, the only reason he was able to hire all these ungrateful assholes is because he busted his ass and held people to standards and got that show off the ground doing compelling talks, and news.
Hints of envy at the #’s he’s pulled, resentments because he brought the hammer down and expected people to do their damned jobs, and sure he went in front of everyone and chastized them for not pulling their damned weight. 20 years ago we would have nodded our heads and said, “Yeah fire those shits and hire some quality employees who give a fuck.” But those employees don’t exist any more. People these days are so coddeled it’s maddening.
We talk about Making America Great Again. That’s not going to happen until people get a swift kick in the bum, and we’re able to tell each other to do their damned jobs again. When we can start having standards again. When people start having to eat crow for doing a shit job of things.
I definitely respect you medical professionals more than just about anyone, so just want to get that out of the way.
Tim Pool reaches normies with good information. Personally, his show is not really for me. I’m more into BlackPilled Devon Stack, Nick Fuentes, RagingDissident, David Knight, and some others. Tim Pool is kind of the Don Imus of indie streaming. He reminds me a bit of John Campea. The funniest thing to me though is when Tim is accused of being on the right or even more hysterical, when they accuse him of hate, when he basically is skateboarding off duty. A lot of these peopel like The Blaze or Crowder or Charlie Kirk are kind of Con Inc. I’m sure the left has the same kind of firewall, but anyone who is dialed in with the GOP, the actual party, is not the base people. They are there to keep the base at arm’s length. It’s happened time and again. For example, I was told from boomers that Newt’s “Contract with American” was null and void as soon as Republicans were handed full power by the voters.
The control freak, big ego star allegation is not just for Tim Pool. Some would say the same about Alex Jones or even Gary. The bright lights will change you. I can sit here and snark on people, and I do, but to be in the hot seat is an entirely different thing. I heard a lot of good humble people got jobs as reporters on a national level and it changed them. Would say the same for politicians that get too big. They have to change. One guy who impresses me is Jeremy because he tries hard to stay humble and he’s always kept his composure on Piers or when he had Zach Snyder on. These corporate types always bring race into it to put down the people to score points with the rich globalists. It’s almost automatic for them to put down the little guy.
Medical professionals and other working class tradesmen are the real bedrock of the country. Would hope that more young men pursue those things. Real work. Real substance. Again, I am not the biggest Tim Pool fan, but think that the more people a CEO or company can employ, the better until it’s not. We need more people employed and, gotta say, I do NOT envy the employers. Peter Schiff talked about how employers are treated worse than criminals at certain times.
I don’t mind the Tim Pool hate. He’s not my kind of streamer, but I am super grateful to him. To see some skater in a beanie pull in more ratings than network media is mega thrilling to me. I get big pleasure in that. That’s how much I despise the idiot box and all the TV channels. Won’t go into it more, but I think they are worse than any foreign enemy. No one maligns Americans more than the old guard media.
I’m not even the biggest Tim Pool fan either.
I’m so glad you brought up Gary, because I kinda sense that he struggles with this too. He doesn’t want to look like Tim and he’s lived most his life being low key, but you really get the sense that he takes a ton of pride in putting out quality videos. I’m speculating here, but I think he probably clashed with some of his employees the same way that Crowder did trying to get them to do their work.
And great point about how fame changes people. Once people become more succesful most of them become totally toxic, it’s where the phrase “never meet your heros come from” and why it’s kinda special how there are a few stars that stay down to earth and don’t endulge in to fancy lifestyles and still remain faithful to their fans. I have a good bit of respect for Asmongold in this area. Dude has other issues you could say, but he’s a real down to earth genuine guy and I really respect that.
Tim is too IMO. Dude coulda retired a LONG time ago and live the good life, or make more money selling out. He never did, he stuck to his convictions and even tried to build a huge empire trying to make the world a better place bringing truth and culture to the world. We can make fun of the music he made, but he put himself out there and some of it was even pretty decent!
But we live in a decaying world. People want to make fun of people who bust their ass and try for more rather than praise them.
I’ll just be direct because I don’t mean to totally talk shit. Jeremy is also a great fucking YouTuber (the best Trump booster there is IMO) . Fun dude, awesome friend to his coworkers, he values the people around him more than just about anyone. But if I’m being honest, this is easier to do when you’re surrounded by great people that you consider friends.
It’s easy to get on a soap box and say what a great leader you are when you don’t have to crack a whip because what you produce is actually friendship. There aren’t gaming tournaments here, there aren’t regularly scheduled game reviews like what angry joe does. And that’s fine, Jeremy and his team are kicking ass being proffesional friends and that’s actually fucking amazing. This is so many people’s dream. And to be fair, a lot of work has to go into just doing this. These guys do bust their ass trying to make this look easy, but you guys know what I mean. It’s not as hard as doing the tangible stuff.
I don’t like being negative, I really enjoy this space. It’s fuckin’ retarded and I wouldn’t want anyone to know I watch this crowd XD. But being stupid fun is exactly the rare thing many of us have a hard time finding these days and I really appreciate this scene. But the thing that’s really died off of late are things of quality.
Quality journalism, quality news, quality culture. Tim took this seriously, and you could tell. No one else did. Dude did his part to try to enact positive change in the world while the haters around him with their greater numbers grouped up and became that sounding board where everyone blew up all the criticisms to some crazy overblown charicature.
We’re never going to make this country great again if we treat everyone trying to rise above and do good shit like peices of shit so we can feel better about ourselves, if we’re crabs in a bucket. You see this time and again, rumors start among a larger in crowd and people tell lie after lie to feed the groups hate and it blows totally out of proportion. Same shit happened to Trump.
Everyone calls Tim a hater. Imagine what it must feel like to pay your employees hundreds of thousands of dollors, or even millions of dollars and have them just goof off in your skate parks, enjoy all your emenities, goof off all day and just show up on stream taking everything for granted.
The older I get, the more rare I come to realize just having a mediocre drive to do anything great and any talent at all, and the stomach to push forward to do those great things are rare as hell. Maybe I’m getting too sappy, but that’s what I love about this sphere so much. A lot of people here have that. Gary and Jeremy for example, even Jay to a degree.
Anyway, rambling at this point. But it’s easy to hate. Shit look at EVS, he’s probably the biggest hater of all, it’s kind of consumed him. I used to defend him but he’s become smeagol, all he does it hate hate hate against “the zeros” and while he used to have a leg to stand on leveraging criticism, he doesn’t really do that hard work any more he used to lord over everyone else. He’s kinda turned into everyting he’s criticized.
I’m not sure it’s anyone’s fault, but this goes back to what we value in this society. More people will tune in to watch EVS talk shit about people than to hear him talk about his comics. Jeremy talking shit about Tim gets huge crowd response. It’s not even necessarily the creators fault’s, we’re become the bloodthirsty crowd that loves rolling around in the muck enjoying the blood sport. Our standards have fallen and we’ve been conditioned over the years to enjoy the shit talk and the attacks.
We used to come here because we loved star wars and we missed great movies, but year over year, we’ve been overcome by the naysaying and the spite and the envy, to the point that this scene is now cannabalizing itself since there are no great shows or movies to discuss anymore.
The election is having a big impact, people are going NUTS right now, and that nervousness is seeping into all our lives as the zeitgeist braces for impact during the election. Hope once this is over with we can find it in ourselves to tryt o find the good in one another and do great stuff again, not to find petty differences and things to be envious about. We can’t keep going like this or things are going to continue to decay and the world will start getting pretty dark.
I have watched Tim Pool for several years. The dude has made the full transformation from lefty (he was never insane though) to functionally conservative. And I attribute a lot of that to him running his business. I send him money every month because he also tries to affect culture and that is where I think the key to change lays because that’s how it went sideways to begin with.
I dang near pulled my monthly contribution when Pool went on that rant and had his employees begging for their jobs live which I found heartbreaking to be honest. The young guy in glasses telling Pool he worked hard and would do more if Tim simply asked hurt me. My Dad instincts kicked in and I just wanted to give that young man a hug.
However, when he mentioned marriage and a child on the way it made sense to me. When you are already running a crazy business (dude needs to learn to delegate) and you hear the words “I’m pregnant” and then the next day stuff breaks and things go wrong, I can CLEARLY see someone snapping. His only mistake is he went live. That was a very bad decision but live and learn.
For anyone whom does not have children. Up until the point of “I’m pregnant” the decisions you make in your life mostly only affect you and if you F up really bad you know you can probably sleep on a friend’s couch worse case scenario. But once you know a child is coming you are hit with the realization what you decide DIRECTLY affects another human who entirely depends on you and loves you unconditionally. That is equal parts a beautiful feeling and a scary one.
@Vknid Great insights I wasn’t even thinking about. Another reminder that things are never black and white.
Tim Pool is reportedly selling his entire Timcast operation to The Daily Wire effective January 1, sources confirmed to Media Right News.
One source told Media Right News that a Daily Wire employee has been questioning Timcast employees to determine whether they will be terminated, while a second said it is unclear which employees will retain their positions.
Sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to concern of legal reprisals.
Damn site ate my repsonse again!
What a crazy turn of events. What a shit show Timcast has turned into, I always thought a lot of the criticism was misplaced but now that he’s not in that perfect position to be the fence sitter, seems like he’s ready to sell it all away.
That said he’s about to be a dad, combined with becoming dissilusioned who knows. Something tells me he’ll be back in the relatively near future. Dad duties don’t take up your entire day and Tim’s a workaholic. But we’ll see!
Lots of people claimed Tim was a phony over the years, but watch this clip.
Now that Tim is leaving the game he’s going harder than ever
This isn’t the sign of a fake.
Crazy theory, Tim might be given a role in the Trump admin, he’s a smart guy with good ideas and conviction. Hoping he’s not totally out of the game.
Tim at his best in that clip. It is a noble thing what he is talking about. To free those that were falsely imprisoned. Looking back, that whole situation was staged very well, so I admire the entrapment of it, except that that there was no plan, it was just a staged show of numbers.
One thing Pool is starting to do is bash Candace Owens and Brett Cooper. I think he will lose people if he continues with that because they are girls and they are not in any kind of authority position. It makes sense for influencer battle beef, but it wastes the viewers time because NGOs, the intel agencies, the deep state are the ones causing problems, not a couple of girls online. This is what happens when a person is afraid of AIPAC is that they make targets of irrelevant subjects.
Will be interesting to see if Tim Pool wastes his intellect and talent punching right. That clip of him about Jan 6 was very good, because someone said that there was no plan to overthrow and how could there be? It’s been said the real govt now is a donor class for globalist high tech trade corporations and it has very little to do with who is in office, as they are just pieces, like chess pieces, to be moved around and replaced, as members of the uniparty.
I liked Tim Pool’s song “Will of the People,” but founding just did a parody of it that is funny.
No hate on Tim though. He knows who runs things and who has the money and the sham that all of it is.
That dudes a little on the nutty side, but he does some great songs! Kind of a shame he doesn’t use a better camera and audio recording, lot of talent there getting bottle-necked by audio quality and video quality.