Tim Pool

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Tim Pool

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  • #286372

    There’s somethings I don’t like about Tim Pool and somethings I like about him.

    What I like about him is that he’s honest, he’s a good skater and singer.

    What I don’t like about him is that he’s acts like a child sometimes, he’s a bit weaker, he’s a pussy ass bitch, he’s out of touch, and he always make excuses alot.

    I do have my critiques of him

    He needs to stop interrupting people

    He need to stop making excuses

    He needs to learn some self-control


    “he’s out of touch”

    I disagree with that. He is more in touch with reality and normal every day people than the majority of anyone in the media. His confrontation on Joe Rogan with the two nutbags from Twitter proves that. He has his own opinions yes, but his grasp on real every day life is pretty spot on.

    Now sure, he lives up there in his castle now. He fires people for utterly stupid and childish reasons then whines because they had “Cast” in their own show title and get’s them to change it (Adam Crigler), he flies people all the way out to come on his show and right before they go live he tells them they aren’t coming on for stupid childish reasons once again (The Quartering). He is kind of a dick sometimes. Sure, he is NOT perfect and clearly has an ego, but you get “informed” much better watching him than you would on most all other media.


    True and Fair Point he manages to get people well informed. Since I do get well-informed with Tim around. But I just saw a clip of Adam appearing in the One American Podcast discussing why he was fired from Timcast and he plans on doing a stream talking about it in his own channel alone. It makes me wonder whatever the fuck is going on with Tim.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by VinzingerG.

    Jimmy Dore as guest. Used to hate this guy and man, did my opinion of him change. I listen to Jimmy probably more than Tim Pool. Bill Hicks was brought up, but I think today’s streamers like Jimmy Dore offer far more insight in a comedy-adjacent setting.

    Can’t believe that the comedy circuit allows Jimmy Dore to tour the comedy clubs. Dore gets out a lot of truth.


      Anyone can have opinions but only wise people listen with an open mind.  I respect folks that can sit and discuss even if they might disagree.


      Timcast IRL – Soros Starts MAGA WAR, Pits DeSantis Against Trump To Help Democrats w/Ann Coulter

      The Pool is hot lately.


        Not a huge Coulter fan but she brought up many good points.  This was a good one.

        The best show in sometime though was the one with Jimmy Dore.   He had some really interesting things to say.





          That is an AWESOME episode.  Believe it or not as I type it I am playing it right now.  I am about halfway through.


          Ya, I loved this episode with EVS. I’ve been a long time supporter of Comics gate artists and watch him on his Youtube channel all the time.

          I just wish the G&G and EVS could get over the beef, but I see EVS’s point about why it is there. However, it isn’t nothing that couldn’t be hashed out sort of like when Jeremy and StarWarsTheory reconciled. G&G and EVS should be allies, Nerdrotic too.


          Not a riveting conversation, but RP is a living legend. I recall his line “Socialism for the Rich” about the bailouts way back then. And they’ve been looting you ever since.

          Also, talk about rigged elections, RP had a lot of support.

          Timcast IRL – Russian Arms Dealer WARNS Biden Admin Will Try To END Trump’s Life w/Ron Paul

          A lot of comments say that this episode was not very good and that his mental lucidity is in decline.


          Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 07-19-23 685f32b4778b124d.png (PNG Image 466 × 442 pixels)




            Actually I found it pretty riveting.  They talk deeply about some pretty complex topics with Ron Paul being able to recite examples of what he saw for much of it.  That was a damn good episode.


            Ron Paul would have made a great president. But they would have JFKed him.


            Alex Jones.

            There have been times AJ has blown my mind when he goes on these far out rants. There was one time on a rant years ago, when he talked about Big Tech CEOs micro-dosing and convulsing in fetal positions on the ground begging and pleading for some demonic entity to send them the new hot software product. Alex has made me laugh my A off too many times.


            I disagree with that. He is more in touch with reality and normal every day people than the majority of anyone in the media

            A guy who uses the red moon to predict a republican landslide and blames on every single woman in the world and wokeness for being single sounds like a loser who is pretty detached from reality to me, just sayin

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