Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › “To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.”
I recalled this quote from the Matrix. I remember when first watching the movie 20+ years ago (as a much younger man) I found the quote in the movie profound.
“To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.”
As a person now with an additional 20+ years on them I find this statement highly incorrect.
Every animal on the planet (human or not) has impulses. The difference between humans and animals is we humans have a choice to not act on them for the good of ourselves or others. In fact, most of our laws are punishment for giving into your impulses.
So here is a correct reformulation of the quote in my opinion. (I removed 2 words)
“To deny our own impulses is the very thing that makes us human”
Perhaps in a way, the people who made The Matrix have proven your point. Look at the Wachowski Brothers now. Well, the Wachowski sisters who so formerly were brothers.
“To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.” – The philosophy of Sadists.
The thing is people in the modern world have never been taught how to just sit, experience and release their feelings. Instead they’ve been taught that (physical) action is necessary to mitigate such impulses.
Now that’s not to say that physical activity doesn’t have it’s place. A good workout can burn off adrenaline when you’re experiencing the “fight or flight” response, but it’s just a quick, temporary fix. Unless you stabilize your mind, it’ll be a never ending cycle of escalating emotions and “acting out”.
Mindfulness among other traditional meditative practices can help greatly to stabilize the mind but it takes discipline and commitment over time to realize changes — two things the average “modern” individual doesn’t have.
Well it is very much a thing to ponder.
Many people at this point assume religious morality and all its “rules” is meant to subjugate you when people should be “free” and allowed to do whatever pleases them. That is most often the reason (that I am aware of) that many folks who label themselves as LGBT (but not all) feel diametrically opposed to religious morality as it tells them their impulses are to be denied. I assume this is why that movement has been the biggest cudgel against Christianity and intentionally so as it lays out the simple argument, “if I feel it how can it be wrong?” That itself is an error in thought in my opinion because if a society validates every desire, want or impulse simply because it exists, then you get what we see now, chaos. And that’s why we are seeing society so stressed and a push for normalizing even pedophilia because if anything is valid, then anything is valid.
Denying yourself of your own impulses because you find them immoral or even just personally harmful, is a healthy thing. Whether you do this for God or yourself it does not subjugate you, it frees you from being a slave to those desires and impulses and living a life of misery moving from one 5 min pleasure to the next without ever finding contentment. And that is the very bait the tyrannical left uses. They promise you happiness and thrill in doing whatever floats your boat. That ends in a life of misery with misery being alleviated momentarily here and there that leads to more of the same and before you know it you no longer see any value in life.
Morality and self control allow you to also have pleasure and happiness but since it is something you work for it is not shallow and is long lasting. The goals you work towards here are not fleeting, have value and reward you over the long haul and even allows you to ride out the rough spots in life so that you ultimately have a level of happiness often enough where you are actually content and satisfied with life. In the end you appreciate being alive instead of wanting revenge for your mere existence.
Civilization collapses when the rule of law and order is given away to impulses and lawlessness, and gives way to anarchy.
The impulse to riot and loot during the summer of “peace” and all the damage and lost lives it caused…
The impulse to road rage or commit domestic violence…
The impulse to stalk, hijack, kidnap someone…
The impulse to yell “Fire” and set off explosives in a crowded area…
The impulse to rape or torture or commit murder…
The impulse to steal or vandalize…
The impulse to be barbaric…
The impulse to do drugs and avoid reality/responsibilities…
The impulse to cheat, to commit adultery, to have an affair…
The impulse to do what “feels” good for you, no matter how much it hurts others…
And then, when it comes to being caught, tried for your crimes, instead of accepting responsibility, cry “I was impulsive/suffered for mental illness/temporary insanity/etc.”
When people come together as a family, a community, a city, a state, a nation, a civilization, etc. there are expectations…. norms.
“Civilization collapses when the rule of law and order is given away to impulses and lawlessness, and gives way to anarchy.”
Bingo. And what happens then? The people BEG for someone to ride in with an authoritarian fist and do whatever it takes to make things better. This is the point we are rushing towards.
“The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!” …and I’ll look down, and whisper “No.”