Too many NFL head coaches are white

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      I have heard this a lot recently.

      Why does this matter?  Is there some idea that NFL owners are cool with making black millionaires as players but only white millionaires can be head coaches?

      I have no problem with some races or nationalities being either genetically or culturally better at some things vs others.  Humans are not widgets cranked out of a secular equity machine.  There are differences and that is fine.

      If there is no issue with most NFL players being black then why is there an issue with most head coaches being white?  If it is racist for their to be more white head coaches then it is racist there are more black players. Pick.



      It’s not what they think at all. Yes, the top guys make money, but the rest of them make less than average and have to work much harder. It’s long hours and little pay coming up the coaching ranks. It’s never glamorous unless you win.

      Read below, 20K a year for 20 hour days for 13 years before success.

      Also, just think about the skill set. A lot of it is structure and format and sets, reps and drills. A coach has to be incredibly organized in addition to being a motivator and psychologist and a whole bunch of other things. It’s very demanding. Coaches really are generals.

      Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 23-47-03 Pad for Performance - Vox Popoli



        I am not at all sure what you are trying to assert that does not have anything to do with what I was talking about.


        The racial angle. NASCAR is pulling this now, too, where there new driver program is for anyone but whites. The forced diversification of everything. It’s impossible not to notice that no one ever says a sport is too black, but they will say that an area, a sector, a vocation, a sport or anything else is too white and that needs to be fixed. Just that mindset is a severe problematic idea.

        What I was getting at above is just that coaching is a really, really, really tough job. It’s not like playing Madden. Bitboy said that Bill Parcells coaching tree in terms of coaches produced stands alone and that is confirmed by the article above.

        Another point is that coach is not like a token or quota position. I guess it can be but there is something about the top coaches that really chase some kind of greatness as they perceive it where they become beyond OCD about it. Jim Harbaugh once said he would adopt any kid that was abandoned by one of his players. One tragic story is the one about a very fine football coach, a black man named Tony Dungee. Fine human being in every way, but so into his coaching job and somehow, his son committed suicide. Top coaches put their work over everything and same with top CEOs.

        All I was saying was that there is a price to pay for being a top coach and these quotas and tokens should be careful what they wish for. To be the best, one must adopt a No Days Off model for years and years. I used to be into sports and regret it. If one is just a spectator, I really think it is a waste of time and money, but I read tons of sports stories at one time.

        I remember that movie Any Given Sunday where Al Pacino’s coach character was so into his job that is cost his marriage, family, and health. He lived for Sundays. There was also a pretty good movie called The Program with James Caan and I liked that one because it showed all the issues, like, in his case, he’d have to cover up the mistakes and sometimes, felonies that his players committed and all people go through those things, but it’s different when a sport commands such power and corruption that there is inequitable judgments. Both movies dealt with substance abuse like steroids and painkillers.

        All I was trying to say is that tokens and quotas may not be mentally and spiritually prepared for the price to be paid and the toll that the career takes on a person. It is unfortunate that they want to dole out these coaching positions based on race when so many guys have sacrificed everything in an attempt to be leaders of men. Clearly, the tokens and quotas will not have to face the same adversity.


          Well that is a great point.  Head coach is really not a job so much as a lifestyle.  It is a VERY niche set of skills that takes decades of football experience to acquire.  This is why the same 40 or so guys bounce from team to team.  It’s not because they are somehow privileged, it’s because VERY few people in the world have this experience and skill.

          The entire diversity thing is absolute bullsh!t.  ALL OF IT. It is no more than another method of control and forcing people into tribes.

          No one should be barred from a job due to race nor should anyone be given a job due to their race.

          Equal opportunity is the goal.  This had been achieved but then we as a society decided to destroy it.

          The ONLY diversity that matters is diversity of thought.

          The entire thought process that all humans are the exact same and are simply cogs in the machine such that there can or should be equal portions of races in a company or an industry is the most intellectually bankrupt thing I can think of.  It is also a very communist thought process.

          That thought process asserts there are no genetic, cultural, gender or preference differences between people. That is absolute insanity and absolutely contrary to reality.

          And if you look a little deeper grouping people by race means very little.  If you say black people should have 13% of the jobs in a given industry.  What does that mean?  Someone considered black could be from anywhere in the world.  They could be from any one of a number of lineages.   They could be apart of any one of many cultures or belief systems.  It’s like saying the propaganda phrase POC.  Person of Color.  That term means only one thing.  Not white.  It means nothing else.

          All of this garbage coming from the radical left and the establishment is lies, absolute lies.   People are being played and if they don’t realize it soon we will all wake up one morning with a boot on our neck.

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