Top 5 of Anything

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  • #182945

    Idea from another forum I used to be part of a long time ago, it’s pretty self-explanatory.

    Top 5 Manga
    1. Berserk
    2. GinTama
    3. Fullmetal Alchemist
    4. Attack on Titan
    5. Dragon Ball

    Top 5 Soft Drinks
    1. Dr. Pepper
    2. Mountain Dew
    3. Fanta
    4. Pepsi Max
    5. Coke Zero (Vanilla)

    Top 5 Workouts
    1. Deadlifts
    2. Squats
    3. Bench Press
    4. Overhead Press
    5. Barbell Row


    Top 5 Films
    1. RoboCop
    w. The Silence of the Lambs
    3. Goodfellas
    4. Blade Runner
    5. Pulp Fiction


    Top 5 Films
    1. RoboCop
    2. The Silence of the Lambs
    3. Goodfellas
    4. Blade Runner
    5. Pulp Fiction


      Mountain Dew 🥤

      hungry goku


        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Top 5 anime:                                                 Top 5 Star Wars movies:       Top 5 MCU movies:</p>
        <p style=”text-align: left;”>1) Digimon                                                     1) Return Of The Jedi             1) Avengers Endgame
        2) Fullmetal Alchemist                                2) A New Hope                        2) Thor
        3) Detective Conan                                       3) Empire Strikes Back          3) The Avengers
        4) Zatch Bell                                                  4) Attack Of The Clones         4) Avengers Infinity War
        5) Hamtaro 🐹 (childhood favorite          5) Revenge Of The Sith          5) Captain America The Winter Soldier</p>

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.

          Sorry, my computer fried 💻👼


            Top 5 anime:

            1) Digimon

            2) Fullmetal Alchemist

            3) Detective Conan

            4) Zatch Bell

            5) Hamtaro 🐹 (childhood favorite)

            Top 5 Star Wars movies:

            1) Return Of The Jedi

            2) A New Hope

            3) Empire Strikes Back

            4) Attack Of The Clones

            5) Revenge Of The Sith

            Top 5 MCU movies:

            1) Avengers Endgame

            2) Thor

            3) The Avengers

            4) Avengers Infinity War

            5) Captain America The Winter Soldier

            This should be easier to de-code 😅


            Top 5 countries in the world:

            1. Japan

            2. Spain

            3. Australia

            4. Norway

            5. USA


            Why did I post the same list twice?


            Yey! Another list your favourite x type thread.


            Favorite Switch games

            Smash Ultimate

            Fire Emblem 3 Houses

            Xenoblade Chronicles DE

            Xenoblade Chronicles 2

            Mario Odyssey



            Top 5 Elder Scrolls Storylines
            1. Main Quest (Morrowind)
            2. Dark Brotherhood (Oblivion)
            3. Main Quest/Coldharbour (ESO)
            4. Clockwork City (ESO)
            5. Main Quest (Oblivion)

            Top 5 Classic Sonic Games
            1. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
            2. Sonic CD
            3. Sonic Mania
            4. Sonic 2
            5. Sonic 1

            Top 5 Modern Sonic Games
            1. Sonic Colours
            2. Sonic Generations
            3. Sonic Adventure
            4. Sonic Adventure 2
            5. Sonic Unleashed

            Top 5 Handheld Sonic Games
            1. Sonic Advance 3
            2. Sonic Rush
            3. Sonic Rush Adventure
            4. Sonic Advance
            5. Sonic Advance 2


            I agree with Japan being #1 and at least you put the USA on the list although I’ve lived in Australia for most of my life and I wouldn’t even put here on a top ten countries list. It’s certainly #1 on the most expensive countries list. I would say:

            1) Japan

            2) USA

            3) Canada

            4) Switzerland

            5) Germany

            10) South Korea although sorry but the people there are DUMB!

            11) Serbia (because of the food and how cheap it is – that’s the only good thing. Best tasting food I’ve had in my life but not the traditional stuff – fast food is good.)

            11) Australia but only because it has the best weather and no natural disasters. There’s nothing inspiring or motivating about wanting to be in Australia. Those other countries I listed at least have some things about them that are cool or inspirational. Australia has no diversity of geography to speak of, no history to speak of, no culture to speak of, the people have no shared values to speak of, does not produce anything the world needs besides raw materials…I guess the only thing interesting about Australia is that it feels like a different country every 5 minutes. Everything closes at 5PM – you finish work and already everything is boarded-up…a burger costs $15 with no fries and no drink included – the drink is $7.50 and you get a small cup and no refills…the food doesn’t even taste good… In Japan you can have all-you-can-eat for $6 and the food is beyond any comparison (it’s better over there). Same with the USA although the USA is pricier than Japan now.

            I would only recommend Australia to those who love getting mauled by great white sharks. I only speak from experience because I’ve lived in all of the countries listed, and many people would disagree with me I’m sure but this is how I feel and none of what I’ve said is made-up.


              Top 5 videogames

              1) Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 (PS2)

              2) Rabbids Go Home (Wii)

              3) Snafu (Intellivision)

              4) Mario Kart (all consols)

              5) Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive)


              For me Australia is exciting since the climate and wildlife there is completely different from mine without a language barrier. I had USA at number 5 since it has soooo many things and factors that I really  dislike but I couldn’t exclude it from my list.

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