Transgender runner deemed ineligible to run in Olympic Trials

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    Transgender runner CeCe Telfer deemed ineligible to run in Olympic Trials

    Transgender runner and NCAA champion CeCe Telfer will not be allowed to compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials in the 400-meter hurdles because she did not meet the World Athletics eligibility regulations.

    OH, and what did the regulation state?

    Telfer was deemed ineligible to compete in the trials in Eugene, Ore., because she did not meet guidelines put in place in 2019 that pertain to transgender athletes in women’s events.

    Per the guidelines, runners in international women’s events between 400 meters and one mile must have testosterone levels below 5 nonomoles per liter (nmol/L) for a span of 12 months. USA Track and Field was reportedly notified last week that Telfer had not met the guidelines.

    And what are those levels normally:

    “normal” healthy range in males is anywhere from 9.2 to 31.8 nmol/L.

    “normal” healthy range in females is considered to be between 0.3 and 2.4 nmol/L.

    So for international competitions, you are still more male, hence can’t compete in a woman’s even.

    Telfer is the first openly transgender woman to win an NCAA title. She notably competed on the men’s team at Division II school Franklin Pierce.

    Two years later, as a trans, won an NCAA title, when before on the men’s team could only place:

    In the 400 m hurdles at the 36-inch men’s division height, was ranked 200th in 2016 and 390th in 2017.

    You have to wonder how much THAT was the reason for wanting to race against females instead of male.



      Bottom line, you CANNOT change your sex. You can have surgeries that can make you look more like the opposite sex but it is purely cosmetic.

      If adults want to take changing themselves that far then have at it.

      But to try to make anyone think you have changed sex is ridiculous.

      “you can cut the ears off a mule, but that don’t make it a horse”


      Biden administration ‘erasing the borders’ of biological sex, women’s sports activist says

      One of the first actions President Joe Biden took following his inauguration was to sign an executive order preventing discrimination against people based on gender identity, which said children “should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.”

      What a complete and utter mistake!

      Opponents — including leaders in states such as Florida, Tennessee, and Idaho, and activists including Beth Stelzer — insist that female-identifying biological males playing against women is unfair to biological females.

      We have a separate sports for males and females for a reason.

      Guess “reasons” is not a good enough reason for these fools.

      Stelzer, an amateur powerlifter who has testified before numerous state legislatures on this issue, started the organization in 2019 when transgender lifter JayCee Cooper protested after being excluded from the Minnesota Women’s State Championships due to what USA Powerlifting deemed to be Cooper’s “direct competitive advantage” over female competitors — among whom was Stelzer.

      Which it was.

      “There’s so many, and they’re immutable,” Stelzer said of the physiological differences. “We can look at bone structure. Our bone lengths are different. So are arms and legs, and then the angle in which they go into the hips [is different] as women are childbirthing. Hand and feet sizes are different.”

      Males also generally have larger hearts and lungs, and different hemoglobin levels allow for the transport of more oxygen throughout the body, Stelzer said.

      So while biologically there are medical and scientific differences between the two sexes/genders, facts don’t matter to those people who want to destroy female sports.

      Stelzer argued the administration is “basically erasing the borders of what biological sex is” with its interpretation of Title IX.

      “And so, not even 50 years, we have been trying to get equality, and now we’re erasing that,” she said.

      But I thought, hearing their propaganda that a female can do anything a male can do, and vice verse.  Their is no difference anymore.

      Male/female are all just social constructs that needs to be erased from history ASAP.

      I believe, based on science and medical community, there are and has always been and there will only ever be TWO-SEXES/GENDERS.

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