Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › Transparancy Tube…..we got a problem folks
Good Afternoon Everyone,
please when you have a chance spread the word about what is going on with this crap below. Apparently it is another way to spread misinformation about your youtube content and whether you are far left or far right. Geeks and gamers from what ive seen since I have been a fan is neither far right or far left. They stick with the facts and when needs be voice their opinion. However its never one way. Welp Geeks and Gamers is on this website as being anti-sjw and far right even though that may not be the case. This website also is not asking for permission to put your youtube content on here either nor is it asking to take information from us the subscribers. Please take a look when you can and stand up to voice your backlash of this crap. Thank You.
Here is the link
Several u-tubers have been talking about this, and how mis-categorized alot of channels are being labeled.
The retarded cunt who made this shit is clearly dumber than dogshit.
Most of the people he claims are ALT-right are Demonrats or not even Americans.
You have to remember, anything to the right of the extreme left, is to the “right” on them, and then by definition, is “right” wing.
So many libertarians, and centralists are to the “right” of the extreme left, hence they too are labeled as “right” wing.
And many u-tubers who do not talk politics, nor take sides, since they are not declared as leftists, are labeled as “right” wing.
It goes both ways. To people further on the right, people who are on the left of them, but still on the right, are left wing lunatic SJWs.
For example Niko Bellic accused me of being ”probably black, gay and an SJW” and the Cowboy implied that I’m a communist, when I’m a straight white male on the right side of the political spectrum.
And G+G doesn’t usually voice their opinions on politics per se, but there are moments where Jeremy encourage people to vote for Trump and the majority of the content of G+G is about roasting left wing politics in geek culture. They are anti left wing politics and their political bias shines through even if Jeremy claims they don’t want to express their political views, so I would consider G+G a right wing movie/game channel.
so I would consider G+G a right wing movie/game channel.
Yet Jeramy & RK are the only ones in the company who voted Trump. Most of his employees are DNC voters.
Yeah I feel where all of you are coming from. This is some crap. People need to be aware of this and what the main purpose is, which is to attack anyone that doesn’t go far left. Mind you the person who created it is from Berkeley, CA. So that in turn let’s you know right away what this is about. Disgusting.
I’m 100% sure Josiah voted Trump. I don’t know if your statement about the others is true, but if it is them that’s a good point.
However, 90% of the content G+G pumps out is strongly right leaning, as it’s usually Jeremy or Josiah making videos. So the content they put out is heavily right biased.
And I think the poitical messages in the content they put out indicates more if the channel/company is right or left leaning, versus what the political view of ”background workes” is.
I thought midnights edge said the fuck was from Austrailia?
If it is in fact from Berkley I can confirm that people in the Gay area are the epitome of you are either with me or my enemy.
Jeremy said in one of his vids, he will be creating/rebranding his channels.
And each with be more specific/stay on-topic.
So there will be a gaming channel, a sports channel, and a personal/political channel.
I think there was going to be a member/livestream channel, and some other ideas he was floating on about.
We’ll see.
Clownfish pointed out that they have already had a discussion with the dude that put them on there. And they are pissed. That’s how I first heard about it. The dude that created it has said it was research reasons, however I believe its either to attack anyone who is not of a certain organization. So if its a witch hunt for the far right then you’re target with the help of this site or you’re a target if it is the other way around. I feel like we are in the Martyism age again. Geez this is sick.
Its time to bring McCarthy out of Deep Freeze. He needs to go back to work rooting out the commies from our nation.