Trump, convicted.. of nonsense.

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      I don’t care what side you are on.

      Convicting a president on made up charges in a sham trial should scare everyone.

      If they will do it to someone in the public eye that is a billionaire, they will do it to you and when they do no one will ever hear about it and you will suffer in silence.

      And if you are saying, well I hate Trump so good and F him.  Then you are a useful tool cheering on the machine that will place the same shackles on you its placed on Trump.

      They are sentencing Trump on 7/11, 4 days before the Republican convention.  Why?  So after they jail him the RINOs can pick someone else.  Most likely Nicki Haley.  And whether she wins or the Biden wins, it ends up the same.

      The establishment WILL jail Trump.  And they will dare you to do anything about it.

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

      Nikki Haley is a warmongering lunatic and maniac in the neocon John McCain mold. I like Dr. Shiva and I like Vivek, but Nikki and Rishi Sunak and maybe some Big Tech CEOs are clear puppets and order followers. The Indian scammers are getting out of control on my end. They have call centers with excellent service and then, try to get you to buy gift cards to get your wifi working or to like, unhack your Venmo. Indians have their scamming down to both an art and a science. Very competent at corruption, I’ll give them that.

      None of these warmongers like Nikki have protected even one western city from alleged Hamas invasion. The uncaring  is incredible. Can’t really say these people are your reps.




      Heard one guy said he’ll vote Trump.

      Outlaw President. That’s what he said.

      The first Outlaw President.






      So, President Trump was convicted of a “crime” that someone in his accounting department marked a “legal expense” as a “legal expense” whose statute of limitations had expired in 2019, and that those “legal expenses” were paid to a convicted liar who admitted he stole from the Trump Organization and paid off a porn star who had in interviews and in a written statement said NOTHING had happened, in order to cover up a “crime” the prosecutor (and the court) could never define, and one in this the jury was told they do not need to know nor even agree what that crime actually was.

      Even though there is no law that says “being Donald Trump is a crime”, that is exactly what this fiasco is all about.

      The “crime” is Donald Trump is Donald Trump.

      How the USA has fallen to below 3rd world/banana republic status.


      Never thought I’d see a video clip enrage me more than the vids of this sick fuck thirsting over little children

      I don’t even know what to say:


      A good framing on the situation:


      Those DEMonS are too stupid to realise what they’ve done. It’s on baby! It’s on!


        Those DEMonS are too stupid to realise what they’ve done. It’s on baby! It’s on!

        First off, it’s NOT just Democrats.  It’s the entire establishment which is nearly 50% Republican.

        Secondly, THEY ARE NOT STUPID.  Stop saying that because you disarm people who might otherwise see what’s going on.

        I can assure you that everything they do is centrally decided by a couple of think tanks.  And mostly likely decided months in advance.  They are not reacting they are executing a battle plan.

        Understand that it’s not just a few handfuls of bad people doing for themselves causing all this.  You have a political apparatus that probably comprises of 10’s of thousands.  Yes the head of the snake is in DC but the tendrils go all through state level politics.

        Do you really think the AG’s in the states launching charges against Trump do so under their own power?  Of course not.  They are being directed.  That’s why Fanni Willis could act such a fool because it literally does not matter what she does.

        And let’s not fool ourselves here.  You have a couple of realities about to reveal themselves.

        1) Whatever they will do has already been planned.  I feel confident they will jail him or try.  If that was not the case they would not have floated months ago a law that states a felon cannot have secret service protection.

        2) After the election on 11/5 (regardless of who is elected) this country goes through a period of even harder times and we will all end up looking back to 2016 fondly and wish we could revisit it.

        3) You can indeed run from reality.  But it WILL find you and when it does it will not be kind.  Reality is about .5 steps behind us right now.

        4) If Trump is elected, understand that is not a war that was won.  That is simply the first battle in the war to turn things around.

        5) Pain and discomfort are coming.  We will feel it no matter what happens in the next few months. We can either feel it now and sacrifice for the future or we can try to avoid discomfort and do what is easy by prostrating at the feet of the nonsense.  The latter means we end up essentially enslaved and guarantees your children do as well.


        We have to -ALL- take the bull by the horns.

        Trump Bull


        • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.

        This is a precursor to more control and more corruption.

        And, as I type that, now they are going after Alex Jones, again.


          This is a precursor to more control and more corruption.

          It is a precursor to total control and total corruption.


          I’m curious, what piece of evidence or reveal would be required for you to start thinking maybe Trump isn’t this honest saint who can never do wrong?

          It really feels like an all roads lead to Rome situation, where the outcome of ”Trump is never wrong” is first established and then people are building backwards from that to see how they can defend him


          What piece of evidence have you got?


          After nearly a decade of them throwing everything at President Trump (fake and debunked russian dossier I hear some people still claim is real).

          To all the government agencies who “signed off” on all those fake being real.

          To all the agencies whom REFUSED to go after deplorable Clinton crime family (unsecure server/emails, people being killed aka mugged/self deleted (epstein).

          To them not pressing charges on bumbling biden and his mishandling of classified documents he had ZERO authority to have because his is old and forgetful.

          A two (and some are now saying) three tiered justice system.

          And you ask, what proof?

          Just cause one side is corrupt to all hell, and it does not help that alot of the RINOs are too, does not make everyone just as corrupt.

          Projecting yourself onto others does not make them as horrible as you are, which is what these attacks on President Trump has been, and will continue to be.

          And we don’t even have to mention those in NY had changed a law so that this trial could even take place!  In a direct attack on Trump, and how partisan the court system has become.  (We don’t even have to talk about “activist” judges, or DA’s sole campaign was to “get TRUMP”.)

          Here we are, a decade since Trump first announced he was running for POTUS, and we still have not gotten “evidence”, just fake stories after fake stories, lies, etc.



          The thought experiment is about if you can not give an answer on what would make you change your mind on a topic, you probably have no intentions of changing your opinion and are operating on a narrative basis. That’s why I would like to hear your answer first.



          After nearly a decade of them throwing everything at President Trump (fake and debunked russian dossier I hear some people still claim is real).

          as far as I know, after the investigation it was concluded that there was no evidence and it didn’t proceed further.

          To them not pressing charges on bumbling biden and his mishandling of classified documents he had ZERO authority to have because his is old and forgetful.

          It’s actually quite common to take classified documents, the difference is that Biden returned the documents immediately when asked while Trump didn’t, and was hiding them in his bathroom and showing classified documents to people who should not be able to see them.

          as the report itself says,

          ”after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite.”

          “Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview, and in other ways cooperated with the investigation”


          Instead of hard empirical evidence, we hear this line about thought experiment, but why not just admit that the arguments presented are just not very good?
          By the way, a lot of the streams I listen to are from guys that are somewhat on the right, but a bit independent, and they make far, far better arguments against the former president than the left does, or that these courts, lawyers and judges do. This can also be seen at the protests, where the participants do not have their ideas and arguments and case together. It makes one wonder how real all of this is, when we get very bad arguments, but major conflict and demonstrations. It clouds what really needs to be said, which may be the entire point of all this theater and show.
          The honest saint angle went bye bye with Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Not sure if you saw the meme, but it listed the former presidents and their net worth before and after office and Bill Clinton was way ahead of all the rest in terms of money. Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden are so sleazy, that there is no credibility from allegations when the left starts pointing fingers. There was also a story about Joe Biden wanting to hire a meme manager. I’ve already seen many good memes from the right against Trump. What this tells me is that either Biden’s people are not paying attention, or that they lack real intention.
          It is very lazy to use thought experiments on others instead of yourself. Seems like an excuse from a severe lack of thought.




            I’m curious, what piece of evidence or reveal would be required for you to start thinking maybe Trump isn’t this honest saint who can never do wrong?

            No one thinks any of that about Trump.  What we do think is that he cares about the country and the American people to some degree.  And whatever that degree is 1000x more than most of the folks in DC.

            I rather have an asshole tell me the truth than someone gently tell me a lie.


            The thought experiment is about if you can not give an answer on what would make you change your mind on a topic, you probably have no intentions of changing your opinion and are operating on a narrative basis. That’s why I would like to hear your answer first.

            What would change your mind such that you find Biden even more repugnant than you find Trump?

            All the nonsense thrown at Trump is nonsense.  If you can objectively look at the details of the charges, raids and so on you are the ideolog in the room. And if your answer is, well government says…   Then you need to stop abdicating your freedom of thought because someone says they are an authority.   If you intrinsically trust the federal government then you need to do the most basic research outside of main stream “approved” sources.

            If Trump was so awful, all they would have to do is challenge his positions.  This does not happen because the establishment (not just Democrats) know they would lose on that.  So they come at him and others (many others) with law-fare.  J6 folks, the folks they went after for protesting near abortion clinics, James O’Keefe, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon etc etc etc.  If you think all that is just and right then you refuse to critically think outside of your agenda.

            • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vknid.
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