Trump, convicted.. of nonsense.

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  • #319978

    “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”

    (you) targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. (their) modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.

    This is exactly what they have been trying to do to Trump since the day he came down the stairs of Trump Tower to announce he was going to campaign to become POTUS a decade or so ago.


    When you have judges and DAs and prosecutors with letters after them names, campaigned on getting a conviction against ONE PERSON, is political motivated and each and every one of them should be recused from the case as being obviously BIASED and motivated SOLELY on POLITICS.


      The thing about what is happening to Trump is it’s happening to many others as well.  We just don’t know about it as much.  The federal government has railroaded people for decades.  It’s nearly impossible to defeat an entity that has limitless funding in court.  This has been called racism for years but it’s not.  It’s classism and uneven enforcement based on the government’s desires.   And this has become so common place they can now do it out in the open and people believe it is acceptable.

      It won’t be acceptable when it happens to you and that day is coming unless we change things, and now.

      “we’ve been dancing with the devil for way too long, I know it’s fun but get ready to pay your dues”

      • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Vknid.



      It’s always nonsense. That is part of their game.



        It’s really not nonsense.  It all has a planned effect.  It only seems insane if you assume the goals stated are the actual goals.  If they told you the goal was to erase the west and reduce the population globally it would make perfect sense.

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