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But if Wallace doesn’t have covid that theory falls apart
This news will make a fuckton of SJWs cry cause Trump is doing just fine.
One must be even dumber than Id origionally suspected to not comprehend that a bioweapon can be spread by people who are not infected with it.
Well if you wanna go with some weirdo conspiracy theories then I guess it holds ground
Did Wallace before, during, or after the debate walk near or touch the podium Trump was assigned to? NO.
Theory still stands as plausible.
It also works if someone within his circle (tested positive).
Trump could have been virus free going into the debate, but came out virus positive afterwards.
Or, as the legacy media is saying, the most likely cause was from someone within his circle.
Then the question becomes, when/how was that person(s) infected?
If they could not get the POTUS directly, then indirectly would work just as well.