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Trump is in deep doo in the poll numbers. Not that I believe them but yikes. Get out and vote and pray.
They said that last time lol
Were you polled?
Was anyone you know who might think about voting for him polled?
Have you ever actually met anyone who was polled?
I know I wasn’t polled.
Polls, stats…it’s all subjective. Anyone can massage questions and numbers to get results they want.
The only poll that matters is election day.
One guy is an asshole who is trying not to eat bait, but is kinda doing jack shit. The other guy is a communist, racist-rapist asshole. Both are horrible shit heads, but I can’t see Biden getting popular knowing he’s only pissing more people off.
Did you not learn your lesson last time?
Like the 99% poll that he won’t become president. We finally need to get away from the concept that asking a very small amount of people is representive of the entire country.
polls are a good wake up call though. Just a reminder the importance of voting! Vote!
The came communist shitbags who claimed that Killary would take 99% of the electoral college are saying the same shit now.
We stand the fuck up and vote and we will be fine. We will defeat the globalist swamp creatures. Just like in 16.
That being said its long past time for the hangings for treason to start. So fucking tired of the nonstop bullshit coming out of the DNC propaganda arm.
It reminds me a lot of France, with a cuckfaced dude going on TV with his fancy red scarf, saying nonsense or that he made a survey to ask opinion of folks which always fit his ideologies.
The guy literally wakes up, go to the local café in his neighborhood filled with rich and powerful individuals. So of course they have the same ideas that are different from the actual population.
Like someone said earlier, you can also manipulate numbers, polls are a sample, but where the sample comes from?
If it’s the same place that his dominated by one party or another you’ll get a majority for one specific party.
Democrats really need to lose, Chaz/Chopchop and Black Lies Matter are just a glimpse of what awaits you guy if you choose blue.
Remember, you can get the right polls you want by pushpolling!
Last September, the polls had Killary up by 20 points. On election night, the Democrats were crying their eyes out. The same is going to happen. I do not know one person voting Democrat. My only worry is vote stealing. They found 23,000 dead people on the rolls out in California last week.
2 of my gaming group are hard core demonrats.
they really did fall for all of the anti Trump bullshit.
What do you mean they fell for all the Anti-Trump bullshit? Also, what i have found is that if you just turn it off, it all goes away!
Well lets see: They both fell in lockstep over the Muh’ Russia lie.
They fell into lockstep over the burn down the Electoral College cause Killary won the popularity contest lie.
They fell into lockstep when Cumy leaked classified documents to the media to create the Mullebitch lie.
They fell into lockstep when Shifty Shitt tried to frame the President over a phone call.
In short they dont research anything that the Commie news regurgitates. even when shit is disproven they refuse to listen to logic.
It is a matter of ppl believing the bullshit from the FAKE news, have no idea how things work and just goes with the flow of what the wind is one day or another. It is rather pathetic! It is not a matter of they dont research, they dont know anything but spouting off the same bullshit you hear in the fake news.