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Tagged: CNNTrump, PresidentTrump, trump, Trump2024
They are not trying to prop up Trump. They thought they could make him look foolish. Yes they plan everything but if there is one thing they always fall victim too it is there own hubris. They just KNOW they are superior to everyone else in their minds they don’t even question it. And they thought for sure they could make him say something they could capitalize on. In the end they were wrong.
It was not about ratings (although I am sure they will take them) and it has nothing to do with helping Trump it was all about attacking him and it failed.
I don’t think it matters much because since they are willing to change laws and make stuff up to charge him on they will eventually convict him of something.
I’m surprised Trump agreed to it but in a pre-meeting post on social media he said they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. He must have received a huge chunk of change to appear on the Clinton News Network.
And from the left’s point of view this is obviously a desperate attempt to distract the population from inflation, crime and war all of which continues to escalate under this incompetent administration.
At this point they (the uni-party) don’t care about running on anything positive. They will play the same game they played last time. Vote for Democrat X because everyone else is a racist, misogynist, transphobe. And it does not matter that those things are not true they will make up what they have too.
Now that is if Trump is on the ballet. If not you will likely get the awesome choice of 2 uni-party people and in that event it does not matter you get the same things either way.
And those types of “choices” are why we are where we are.
Now in that woman’s defense, saying silly things on the internet does not mean you were not raped or sexually assaulted. What does speak to not being raped or sexually assaulted is a lack of evidence for something that happened 30 years ago that you supposedly kept quiet about through the decades Trump was on TV and loved by the left until he decided to oppose Hillary and Biden.
> Nothing the left does is an accident. They are masters at 3D chess.
They may -think- they are, but they’ve isolated themselves from reality, and the reality-based consequences of their choices are confounding them.
In this case, I don’t think CNN would have ended the show early if making Trump look good was their goal.