Trump shows Evidence of Voter Fraud

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  • #192299

      Notice how the MSM is ignoring this?

      In Brooklyn, 25 percent of mail-in ballots were ruled invalid during the June Democrat primary.
      In a New Jersey special election, nearly 20 percent of the ballots were thrown out, and four people are being prosecuted for fraud.
      In a Florida primary, more than 35,000 mail-in ballots were rejected, and over 100,000 ballots were rejected in California.
      In Pennsylvania’s primary, half of the counties were still counting ballots a week after the election.
      The story of discarded military ballots discovered in Pennsylvania, many of them were cast for Trump.
      Reports in Wisconsin of three trays of mail containing absentee ballots were found in a ditch.
      In North Carolina, voters reported receiving two ballots in the mail.


      The DNC doesnt deal with facts. They deal with emotion and fear rules the day.

      They know that the mail in balloting is full of fraud; thats why they pushed so hard for it.


      Texas AG charges 134 felony voter fraud


      Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced four arrests Thursday on dozens of felony charges in connection with an alleged vote harvesting scheme during the 2018 Democratic primary elections in Gregg County.

      “It is an unfortunate reality that elections can be stolen outright by mail ballot fraud,” Paxton said in a statement. “Election fraud, particularly an organized mail ballot fraud scheme orchestrated by political operatives, is an affront to democracy and results in voter disenfranchisement and corruption at the highest level.”

      Gregg County Commissioner Shannon Brown, Marlena Jackson, Charlie Burns and DeWayne Ward face 134 felony charges in total, according to Paxton’s office. The allegations include election fraud, tampering with a governmental record, mail-in ballot fraud and more.


      Yes, voter fraud is REAL!


      New Yorker’s get bad ballots


      Mail-in voting has gotten off to a rocky start in New York City, where election officials sent out a large number of absentee ballots with the wrong names and addresses on the return envelopes.

      The faulty ballots were sent to an unknown number of voters in Brooklyn and could result in ballots being voided if voters sign their own name on return envelopes bearing different names. More than 140,000 ballots have already been sent out so far across the borough and it is unclear how many people got the wrong envelopes.

      So if a person does not notice the mistake(s), the ballots could be voided or worse, the voter could be potentially charged with voter fraud, IMO.


      This says it all.


      Ya know if Grabass wasnt a gun grabbing commie she would have been the only one of the DNC who is remotely electable.

      Everything she says here is known to be done by the DNC. She must really be pissed that they pushed her out after destroying all of the old people in the debates.


      Well, there are no checks and balances with ballot harvesting.

      If like you say @MrDragonbane she WAS in the dnc, then of course she would know how they have been doing it.

      No wonder the dnc are so hard pushing for mail-in ballots, and ballots being allowed AFTER the polls closed.

      Here is a bunch of “uncounted” ballots.  Oh look, 99.99% of them are for the dnc candidate.  What a co-incident!

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