Trump was a necessary step, but he should not run again

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      It’s not pandering.  You don’t win elections without some mass appeal.  Perception has to be kept in mind to some degree.  You can make wise decisions without pandering.

      This has to be adhered too because someone like Trump is essentially doing his thing without the support of the establishment so there must be a mass win of the hearts and minds of the people.  In fact it has to be done in spite of the establishment which makes it even more difficult.

      The left is not really the problem.  The elites/establishment is.  The left is just a tool for that group to push their globalist policies. So for someone to win an election without the backing of the establishment or the elites with all the big money takes a HUGE winning over of the people.  Hence needing to be mindful of how you talk and what you say.  This is not to say you cannot throw punches or defend yourself but those things can be done far more tactfully than what he did a times.

      Yes I am SURE there was cheating going on but Trump would have won that election even with the cheating had he watched his Twitter posts even slightly more than what he did.   Twitter use was a genius idea by him but he took it took too far sometimes and said silly stuff on occasion.

      Just my 2 cents.


        Trump, will NOT be re-elected, though he holds mass appeal, people also understand that unless he has BOT houses of congress nothing will get done.  Trumps legislative problems (gridlock) was because the politicians did not like him period. Democrats will never sign on to anything he brings forward and until the Rino’s are removed they wont either.

        Desantis would be a good choice. He is also one of the few who is a Stand Alone, so the vp pick would not be a big issue.  But he still needs to be careful who he picks.  But again unless he has control of both houses and rinos are gone it wont matter. Our Political system is Broke, it is purely political lines and we the People are being screwed by them.

        We need a Convention of States to fix it, because DC WONT! First thing would be term-limits to be in immediate effect. Next election all of them are gone. Then have 2 terms max IN CONGRESS as a Body.

        Then removal of Income tax in place of a National sales tax of 15% on all goods and services minus groceries. Let the people decide how much they want to be taxed!

        Remove The Fed from the Education system. States rights not Federal. Our kids would benefit from going back to a Pass-Fail system where teachers are Educating, not practicing for a test.

        A once and for all Immigration amendment.


        There are others, but unless the States say ENOUGH and fix the Fed by that means, its still going to be the same ole same ole.


          Well said.

          So long as the uni-party exists there will be no changes and the elites will continue to pull their strings.



            Correct, and why we need term limits.

            The day term limits become law, many things will change. Some things that will be minimized or abolished would be  Lobbyist, they would be of minimal influence. Pork in bills would cease. Most likely immigration and tax reform would be done in the first year or two and something many do not understand Judicial reviews would happen and Judges would be removed. Congress actually can do it as they can define “Behavior” and a activist on the bench is behaving badly.


            But the thing I would most like to see, Education reform. As in Get the Federal Government the fuck out of schools!!! Let the Governors have a convention to determine what should be acceptable per grade-level for passing. If a Student cannot pass then hold them back like it use to be, no more move along if you cannot pass. Also we must get work programs back in school, the trades are screaming for apprentices, start in the 7th grade even allowing admittance in a Union and by the end of High School a kid could be making Journeyman wages (thats roughly 24.00 and hour) 7 years in but with hours diminished because you had to be in school is about 3 years in. That would be a 40 year full pension would be 55 years old and some allow it at  30 years which means 45 years old, People that means you can have 30 to 40 years to enjoy life. (NOTE) <SOME Unions require you to be a certain age and not years in so check first>.

            I will give you and example of retirement:

            In at 18 currently with 30 years is retire at 48. So you could have 30 years times <bonuses and credits> at say 107.00. so 30 * 107.00 = $3,210.00 a month retirement. If you did a matching retirement it would be 30 * $214.00 = $6,420.00 a month.  If you were smart and Bought a house at 30 years of age on a 15 year mortgage it would be paid off at 45 years old. And a really smart guy/gal would have “if allowed” saved up sick and vacation for at least 5 years worth or typically about 20 weeks salary  or $42,000.00 owed on retirement to you. New Car. So at retirement you have a House and Car paid off. In the right part of the Country you are looking at monthly bills being about $2,400.00.  You will be very happy in retirement while those college grads are still sitting in the cubical dreaming of a vacation day.


            “But the thing I would most like to see, Education reform. As in Get the Federal Government the fuck out of schools!!! Let the Governors have a convention to determine what should be acceptable per grade-level for passing. If a Student cannot pass then hold them back like it use to be, no more move along if you cannot pass. Also we must get work programs back in school, the trades are screaming for apprentices, start in the 7th grade even allowing admittance in a Union and by the end of High School a kid could be making Journeyman wages (thats roughly 24.00 and hour) 7 years in but with hours diminished because you had to be in school is about 3 years in. That would be a 40 year full pension would be 55 years old and some allow it at  30 years which means 45 years old, People that means you can have 30 to 40 years to enjoy life. (NOTE) <SOME Unions require you to be a certain age and not years in so check first>.”

            One I would end Public Education altogether. Two, you lost me at Unions they are part of the problem currently, the Administrations of them make sure they all donate and line the pockets of the Democratic Party, even if the members vote Republican. Freelancers and Independent Contractors are the way of the future.


            @Vknid, The idea that Trump needs to moderate what he says is establishment thinking. I -like- that Trump says exactly what he thinks. We need more like that, not less.


            Oh, and consider just how much effort the establishment elites have put in to ensuring Trump -can’t- run or win again: the fake dossier, the two impeachment attempts, the stolen election, the Jan. 6th commission, and so on.

            Trump winning again despite all that would be an utter, shattering defeat of the globalist elites. Not even someone like DeSantis winning would be that crushing.

            (Plus, Florida might want to keep DeSantis for another term!)


              You can be a purist if you wish.  Nothing wrong with that.  However, the reality is that perception matters. That is why there is such a thing as political operatives and strategists.  If you want to win elections you have to appeal to the masses.

              I am not saying Trump should temper his personality.  I am saying he should choose his words more carefully.

              There are times to use “cutting” words but there are also times to not.



              I watched the movie JFK yesterday for the 1st time and suddenly I started to better understand how American politics work… and consequently, how Biden won.

              The establishment is so powerful…

              Before worrying about who runs, I think we better worry about how to fix the untrustworthy voting system.


                Well you can be lost at Union all you want, But very few freelancers and independent contractors in any business can retire at 45 to 55 with a healthy retirement and medical.

                But please tell me why Unions are so bad. (Other than they might not support your political ideology)

                Keep in Mind, Unions have attorneys if members need them (often as part of the benefits) Sure helped this guy when he was young looking to buy land and house and no clue about all the legalities. Cost me Nothing.
                When my kids were growing up or spouse and myself had medical, dental or vision issues arise, we paid our co-pay $25.00 and never worried about it after that.

                Sure helped in getting loans also.

                Lets not forget that wonderful retirement with benefits. plus the 401k, the IRA’s the decreased cost at some business’s and amusement parks.


                See I look at the benefits the Unions have supplied to their members far outweighs some of the stupid politics. Most those things I listed Independent/Freelancers NEVER get and cost them lots of money and a very unsure retirement. Just stating facts, Curious though how old are you?


                  A union is like any other tool.  It’s good or bad quality depends on how the tool is used.  In modern times in this country they most often seem (anecdotal by me) to be left leaning political forces of nature.  At least the large ones anyway.

                  They tend to be like a government program.  It was started with the best of intentions and initially helped many people.  But overtime it becomes established, gains a larger pool of money and takes on a life of its own to the point where it’s number 1 goal is not to help but to survive.

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