Twitter Destroys Dragon Age The Veilguard And I Am ALL For It

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    Twitter Destroys Dragon Age The Veilguard And I Am ALL For It.
    I usually dislike the toxicity of twitter even when it is well deserved, but I am making an exception for this. Bioware & EA need to be roasted for this. Hear me out, I don’t care that there is all this representation, but what I DO care about & the reason I am making the video & the next 1 is because of how imbalanced & unfair the representation actually is.
    Most of our women are actually attractive & sexy & many of them are far above because they put in the extra work that they want for themselves. That woman is not at all represented in this character designer. Men & WOMEN want to play as attractive characters, why take that autonomy from them? Because men would abuse it? Shut the hell up! Shut the hell up you stupid pile of cells. Stop trying controlling what people do with their time & money.
    Severe arrested development of teenagers that are in their 30s & 40s that never grew up. Make your voices heard & vote with you wallets. Thank you for watching & please stay tuned for the next video you absolute stellar legends.


    I know for years these people were bullies and ruined people’s lives so they could take over all these studios. But this is going to start getting sad, and not in a funny way.

    This industry is depressing now.


    I think the character design style is a big negative. The characters with the horns look REALLY stupid. It’s too cartoony for a game like this imo.

    The trans stuff in character creator, meh. Ya, it’s pandering, which is in everything now days and part of why the industry has gone downhill. But, you don’t have to use it. So, don’t use it and move on. It’s like people who complain that there is an easy mode in a game, or the yellow markers. If you aren’t going to use it, why care?

    The bottom line is, the Bioware we all used to love is LONG gone. In fact, you can trace the decline to when EA took over, which was during the very end of production of Mass Effect 2. Which is why Mass Effect 2 was still very good, EA really didn’t do anything with that since it was so late in Production. During Mass Effect 3 is started, and you could tell. Everything since has been step’s down.


    I’ve got surgery scars from various heart operations from over the years (some for life) but I DON’T want it represented in a game. EA have done this in ‘The Sims 4’ recently and all it’s done is made me feel even worse about myself than I already do. Stuff like this doesn’t help and has the complete opposite effect on people. Yes I’m proud of my scars but I don’t want to be parading them around like a trophy.



      I’ve got surgery scars from various heart operations from over the years

      Very sorry to hear that. Glad you are here with us.

      My take on the goofy game stuff is I buy what I like, I avoid what I don’t.  I know it’s all a comment on culture and that is important to talk about but I dislike beating that dead horse.  That’s just my opinion.



      That’s why my Simself on ‘The Sims 4’ doesn’t have a scar down her chest! If other people want that for their Simselfs that’s fine but I’m not putting it on Sim-me despite it being another “battle scar” (as my Celtic ancestors might’ve called it lol). Top and bottom line is that most people like to play as a ideal version of themselves in ‘The Sims’. They’d rather not have anything to do with stuff like this.


        It’s natural for us humans to fantasize.  You cannot aspire to be without fantasy.  And no one fantasizes about being exactly what they are or some suboptimal version of themselves as there is no point.

        I am a tiny ginger guy.  If I am going to play a game and make a character I don’t make myself small and red headed, I would be 7 foot tall with long jet black hair :P

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