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Misleading information.
Misleading terms.
Misleading forecasts.
Agendas over science.
Still… climate ≠ temperature, but temperature is a part of the climate. It’s like saying days and years are the same thing. Just making things clear. Climate is the long term average of temperature, amount of storms, rain, snow etc (=weather) on a long-term scale.
I’m sorry, but I have to send back this order or Word Salad you have served. You are defining, twisting words to fit a specific view, and explaining terminology that was created to do nothing but alarm people and create an industry to steal wealth and jobs from normal every day people around the world. As stated by others already, the “green industry” was nothing but a scam to enrich the likes of Al Gore and other climate cronies. Cap and Trade…or Cap and Tax as it really was, was nothing but a way to steal money from the economy and put it in the pockets of left wing elites.
The term “climate change” is barely a decade old, because it was created as the rebranding of global warming, because the populace of the world had stopped buying into that when the constant disasters predicted never happened. The giant hole in the O-zone layer that was supposed to destroy life as we knew it on Earth never amounted to anything. The world turned and life continued as normal.
So enter “climate change” as the fresh alarmist term to gin up the population. And guess what, it worked. It created a whole new generation of climate zealots determined to make everything worse for modern civilization in order to virtue signal and avert catastrophes that have failed to happen over and over again.
The entire leftist climate strategy is to constantly shift the goal posts on terminology and crisis, keeping the uninformed afraid, because the uninformed are easily rattled and made scared. And one thing leftists are good at is terminology changes to keep people confused and fabricating crisis. Never once have I been presented with so called climate change catastrophe data that is truly destroying civilization as we know it. When I ask, all I ever get is rhetoric and projections how the world will end at some date down the road…a date that always changes.
Don’t forget to breathe. I didn’t mention climate change. And I didn’t twist anything. I just said climate and temperature are two different things and that’s a fact, whether you like it or not. They are two different definitions and saying temperature change = temperature change is objectively false but apparently you get downvoted for spitting facts. And no, the term climate isn’t a word made up by SJW’s or whatever to scare people, it actually has a very useful purpose. And to remind you again because it seems a bit hard to comprehend, climate is not the same as temperature.
Again, I didn’t take a stance on climate change. Calm down.
NO, but those in the media, and those pushing their agenda on “climate change” have done just that.
They point to temperature change to make their claims of climate change.
THEY use the terms together.
The fact change is something that happens every day, as weather is not static.
In other articles, even the reporting of temperature changes have been proven to have been manipulated.
Since record keeping devices were not as accurate as todays, they “experts” had adjustments to past results.
OH, when they marked it down as 68.5 degrees, they meant it was 68.3, etc.
BY making the past slightly cooler, their arguments of temperatures going up plays into their agenda.
Also, each temperature reporting device needs to be in an open clear area with natural ground around it.
Well guess what?
Alot of the devices in western countries are now surrounded by metal and concrete, which holds heat, heating the air above it, and the device records that additional heat.
So comparing yesterdays oranges to todays apples.
Then, if you look at the green new deal, and what it costs to the environment, it is WORSE for the climate!
The energy and raw resources and manufacture and reclaiming after its end life, is many times worse than what we have now.
Facts mean nothing to the church of global warming supporters like the soiboi.
No one supports global warming.
Also, I seem to be the only one here understanding the difference between temperature and climate. I already expected the crazy cowboy is too clueless to understand it and start ranting about some other things rather than disproving my statement (or rather, fact) but I assumed other people would be able to know the difference but I guess not. Oh well.
tem•per•a•ture tĕm′pər-ə-choo͝r″, -chər, tĕm′prə-
The degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment.
A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter, expressed in terms of units or degrees designated on a standard scale.
cli•mate klī′mĭt
The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.
A region of the earth having particular meteorological conditions.
A prevailing condition or set of attitudes in human affairs.
I’ve tried posting this twice but it wouldn’t let me. Here’s hoping:
Greenhouse gases are called that because they create a hospitable environment for more vegetation, and the vegetation then absorbs the CO2. So even if CO2 were something that’s bad for the planet, it’s something that has a way of eating itself. And the more vegetation GNGs (greenhouse gases) create, the more CO2 is consumed by said vegetation.
But there are the man made CO2 emissions – so is that a problem? Not according to the ice core samples:
According to this over the entirety of the history of the arctic ice caps, which is hundreds of thousands of years, while CO2 and temperature have shown a consistent trend of synchronized movement, CO2 increases follow temperature increases and not the other way around. That means that correlation doesn’t equal causation when it comes to CO2 and temperatures, so higher CO2 numbers don’t lead to higher temperatures but the other way around.
Climate alarmists (I call them that because they call those who independently study and question the data as “deniers”) often refer to Greenland’s temperatures as proof (another unscientific word) that temperatures are increasing. As you can see 0 indicates the all-time average temperature, while the red line shows the trend over the last 100 years. The average temperature is consistent and that consistency is unchanging, and it is even slightly below the all-time average by less than one degree. Remember – they tell us that a one degree change is disastrous but human activity as currently projected by even the alarmists isn’t even going to touch a whole degree of temperature change over the next 100 years even according to the most alarmist claims.
Right here is an example of the sorts of tricks they use – you only need to worry about the purple line which is the temperature – and as you can see – it is consistent with the trends over the past 800,000 years. Some other things are thrown in there such as vulcanic activity, solar activity, and greenhouse gases, but as we have established there is no positive correlation between a rise in CO2 and temperature, so it doesn’t make any sense to include that in this chart. It is designed to look scary and nothing more. If you read into what their definition is of “GHG forcing” it’s actually overcompensating for “Human induced changes in greenhouse gases” as if that translates into actual GHG emissions due to humans. It’s all based on some mumbo jumbo model instead of combining actual man made CO2 levels with non-man made CO2 in which case the green line would not spike like that as humans only account for 3% of C02 emissions even according to the loudest fearmongering voices when it’s probably closer to a fraction of a percent (not that it matters). And their “forcing” methodology assumes that there is a cumulative effect when you combine GNG forcing and solar radioactive forcing and volcanic forcing etc. and it’s a big mess of redundant information and it still doesn’t explain how CO2 contributes to temperature changes. They seem to think that they’ve demonstrated that CO2 causes higher temperatures because when you consider the impact of CO2 in combination with actual causes of temperature changes it looks as though CO2 has something to do with it when it really doesn’t.
NASA is very deceptive –
It starts of with “how do we know” instead of “do we know?” But aside from that, it uses examples that are cherrypicked to show the outcome that they want you to see – so they use charts that show CO2 emissions which are supposed to offer proof of warming – but where’s the warming? For that they give you charts on their website that show in comparison the recent cooling trends of the past 30 years as being small in comparison to the last 150 years, but why don’t they show you the same kind of chart for CO2 that goes all the way back 800,000 years? Because that chart would show the same thing as the third chart I posted – that despite CO2 and other factors temperature trends haven’t changed, and if you go back beyond 1880 it doesn’t look as dramatic, because that would show to people that there is a cyclical trend beyond the period that they cherrypicked but they selectively chose the year in which the temperatures were at their lowest in recent history for their charts to look the way they want them to look.
They link to this site which is like a brochure for how cool and important the stuff they do is regarding ice cores: but I covered the relevance of the ice core data above where it suggests that CO2 has never in history of the arctic caused the temperatures to go up – so why should that change? Rather than discuss actual data they show you slideshows of pictures of their machines and tell you about all the ways they spend taxpayer money on “science.”
I wonder why they go out of their way to mislead non-scientifically-minded people about climate change? I guess this has nothing to do with it whatsoever:
According to “their” computer models.
Yay, using faulty coding and ignore historical trends, so can make any outcome you want.
Climate Change is nothing more than the Far Left’s version of The Day of Judgement in how they keep changing the date which is that Climate Chanfe will happen in 12 years, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 10 years, then change it again then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 7 years, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 5 years, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 3 years, then say Climate Change is gonna happen next year, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 8, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 5 months, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 2 months, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 20 days, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 2 days, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in 7 hours, then say Climate Change is gonna happen in………..5 minutes………and say we need to close the door so that Climate Change doesn’t get in like the scene from The Day After Tomorrow.
Basically Climate Change turned into this scene from South Park when they talked about Global warming.
And heck Climate Change got so Day of Judgement like that Far Left weirdos even proposed cannibalism as a way of appeasing Climate Change like it was some kind of Pagan God sacrifice….I kid you not.
I can’t find the video where Timpool talks about the Left literally proposing cannibalism as solution for Climate Change but I found this video showing actually Lefties proposing it infront of politicians on the Far Left.
What do you expect from the same people who are “science” stupid.
One of their agendas is for population control, is it not?
The need to kill as many humans as they can, by any means as they can. Endless wars to kill more and more people.
With stories of so many missing kids in america each year (and stories of them being sacrificed to the devil, be it on an alter or to pedo islands), there has to be some truth to them. (Especially since the media at present cannot profit off it for their agendas – so it is not reported on, period).
Just like they made killing humans in an abortion clinic, that they want to make killing of all humans into the main stream is not surprising. They already allow abortions and infanticides, and gang-on-gang murder, wars, why not make money off of more death.
Their hatred for human life is as dark as their lack of souls.
Yay, cows produce too much methane, so we have to do away with it as it is BAD for climate change. Let’s replace beef with human cannibalism. This reduces methane, this reduces the human population (and those who are not fully indoctrinated in their cult/political opponents, etc).