Ubisoft Does a Race Swap in Prince of Persia & Added Rap in Trailer

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    It appears that Ubisoft had race swapped a character this time in their New Prince of Persia title

    “Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown”


    Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

    Some claim that the new character isn’t a prince but a warrior to rescue the Prince.

    Not everyone is happy with the character considering the tile of the game “Prince of Persia.


    According to what others had said  elsewhere as well

    There are no Iranians/Persians that had dreadlocks hair styles.


    Not everyone in most trailers weren’t happy with the choice of song/music either in the game trailer.




    Even at the Ubisoft Gamers and Iranian Gamers are criticizing Ubisoft for the current choice of Character who doesn’t look Persian.


      I think normal folks (not radicals) are so used to having things forced on them we are getting very sensitive to it and maybe overly so.  And that is actually a natural reaction of course to repeated coercion but we must take care to not become what it is we are criticizing.

      This is a game which essentially (visually anyway) is a collection of art.  We can look at the character and say well it looks like this or it looks like that but for the most part that is opinion and personal perception.  This is very different from the Cleopatra situation where objectively we know the race/heritage of the character and they choose someone specifically not matching that.



      Human history according to entertainment companies: Everyone except Hitler was black.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

        “Human history according to entertainment companies: Everyone except Hitler was black.”

        OK, so I actually laughed out loud on that one.  I am not sure if you intended that to be comedy and I apologize if it was not but it was damn funny.

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