Uganda makes it illegal to identify as LGBTQ

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    Africa is leading the way.


      I was just about to post that!

      While I don’t think it should be illegal to be gay or to state it, clearly what’s going on in this country with groomers is WELL beyond just that.  One thing has lead to the other somehow.

      God does not make mistakes. It is not a sin to exist as God made you to be a gay person.  But like all of us, the sin comes in with the choices you make and the actions you take based on those choices. Gay or straight we all are called to be Godly and we all have a cross to bare.

      I don’t think gay people are an issue anymore than being straight is an issue.  I think the problem is most likely groups of militant groomers who have infiltrated all rungs of power that are now pushing for change.  They have infiltrated many things from the Church to the gay movement itself and hijacked these things for their goals of being able to legally and openly abuse children.



        Did not watch the Vid, but I think all labels except for “Men and Women” should be illegal, banned and barred. All a Label is, is a way to divide and cause strife.  Labels for Men and Women should be for Bathrooms and Areas where it is to keep genders separate for clearly obvious reasons to anyone with half a logical reasoning brain.

        “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

        Theodore Roosevelt 1907


          “All a Label is, is a way to divide and cause strife”

          They want the country in tribes and at war with one another because in such a state “we the people” are not only powerless but we functionally cease to exist.


          3 steps back for humanity


            “3 steps back for humanity”

            It should be understood that people are people they are not their goverments.

            I know the “progressive line” is that all cultures are equal and valid.

            Well, they might all be valid in that they exist and there would be parts that are good and parts we disagree with.  And that is fine.

            We (the west) needs to just keep our hands to ourselves and let people live how they wish in their own countries.  That seems to be the thought process within the west (let people live how they wish) so I am not sure why we would not extend that to the rest of the world.


            Just for people who like talk shows. This is a bit off topic. Dr Stella Immanuel with a really far out show. It’s not about sex or gender, but more about globalism and preparation. If you are into End Times stuff, this might be a good show.

            She mentions that Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa. She says that’s why they are being targeted with the CBDC. They changed the color of their currency and made everyone download an app on their cell phone. Nigerian naira is their currency. The Naira.



              I honestly believe the entire situation with using LGBT as a coercive hammer is to assist in depopulating the world while controlling those whom are left through a doctrine they (the elites) control. And you know what.  So far, it’s working.

              It’s like anything else really.  Take ANY movement with the potential for money and power  and bad people will usurp it for their will.  And that has happened here as it has happened MANY times before.



              We (the west) needs to just keep our hands to ourselves and let people live how they wish in their own countries.  That seems to be the thought process within the west (let people live how they wish) so I am not sure why we would not extend that to the rest of the world.

              of course, I do not wish the west to roll in with tanks because of it like Russia style, I’m just expressing my displeasure towards the fact that in 2023 there still are countries where certain people not only get treated as subhuman and second class citizens due to their sexuality which cannot be changed. I obviously wish they they would change it but as you said, we can not force them.


              not only get treated as subhuman and second class citizens due to their sexuality which cannot be changed.

              *not only get treated as subhuman and second class citizens but also get thrown in jail or even executed


              I honestly believe the entire situation with using LGBT as a coercive hammer is to assist in depopulating the world while controlling those whom are left through a doctrine they (the elites) control. And you know what.  So far, it’s working.

              opinions. I think people want LGBT people to have the same freedom, both in law and society, as everyone else but as long as people are resisting it there is need for all the LGBT thing until it gets normalized. But I’m curious how the depopulating works and what your evidences are to back it up?


                In the USA LGBT people have the same freedom as anyone else if not maybe more at this point.  So unless you are speaking about other countries I am not sure what you mean.  I am not sure how you get more normalized than goverment backing and celebration of the thing itself. And I am not certain it should be normalized. I do not see how it is the business of goverment to normalize anything. People should be free to accept or not accept what they wish.

                As far as the depopulation thing the WEF and other elites have made it known that is one of their primary goals.  They want less people in the world. So encouraging and indoctrinating people into homosexuality clearly causes unions which produce no children.  You have the same result when you encourage transgenderism (especially in the young) and cause people to sterilize themselves. Is that the only depopulation method?  No but it is one of them.

                Is that the only reason to use a movement as a hammer?  No.  A state craving power does not care which doctrine it uses to beat people over the head with so long as it has one so it knows whom has fallen in line and who has not. It allows you to create 2 classes very easily, those who are allied with the state and those whom are against and those folks will be othered.

                At the end of the day the gay movement has been co-opted by militants and radicals and it is used for their purposes that now have little to do with the well being of gay folks.  And again, this is not new.  It basically happens with every movement because bad people will infiltrate anything that gathers them money and power.


                God made you to be a gay person

                Jesus fucking christ, so the gay gene exists? LMAO


                Uganda, a country with an average IQ of 74, acting accordingly. Naturally, Western bible thumpers applaud. Birds of feather flock together.

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Wisdom.

                Zelensky, Pete Buttigieg, Barney Frank, and others are looting your country and ripping you off. They are more than first class living off of your people. Just totally leeching off of you. They rob your country. How many other casting couch queens are in western governments that have enriched themselves while selling out your peoples to the World Economic Forum and other fraternal organizations? Macron in France? Who else?

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