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All of them. The only four current leaders in the entire world I can think of who aren’t destroying their own countries for the WEF’s evil plans are Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu. Maybe the Serbian guy as well, though he is under immense threats by the EU and US and has begun to buckle.
Trump was great while he lasted. Never had any real power, but he delayed their plans.
Fair enough. Honest.
Would also add…Uganda. And it’s actually sad that people with more common sense than high IQ get it.
Let’s look at the class treatment in the west:
And it’s all the same…NYTimes, Hollywood, Maddow , Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper and it’s been like this for a while. Privileged treatment. Better than Americans are treated.
They don’t get anything. They’re just inbred, genetically inferior savages looking for an excuse to act out their feral instincts. ISIS, Uganda, Iran, all the same shit.
In the USA LGBT people have the same freedom as anyone else if not maybe more at this point. So unless you are speaking about other countries I am not sure what you mean.
For the most part in the west you are correct that they have same legal freedom, but there still are many places where they do not have the same opportunity, for example in being legally able to marry. And then we still have a social stigma, where they get culturally oppressed in society through discrimination, hate crimes and so on. And by that, it can be anything between getting killed for being LGBT to getting bullied or people shouting slurs at them for being gay or whatever.
The Nashville shooting is another example. The person who did it was a transgender who deserves to rot in hell, but many on the collective right have launched a witch hunt towards trans people saying things like transgenderism is the most evil thing on the planet (Matt Walsh) and we must completely eradicate transgenderism (Michael Knowles, which by the way is dangerously similar to Goebbels we must eradicate judaism speech) and play identity politics when a trans person does the crime but when it’s ”one of our guys” doing it, it’s just an unfortunate lone wolf
“And then we still have a social stigma, where they get culturally oppressed in society through discrimination, hate crimes and so on.”
Not in the west no. It’s more celebrated now than anything else. To be LGBT is now in fashion, to be clear, in the west.
“but many on the collective right have launched a witch hunt towards trans people”
That is an outright exaggeration. You are conflating multiple flavors of that topic to reach that conclusion. I am sure there are some who might think this but at the same time you have some trans groups (for example) threatening stuff as well. So the radicals are being radical but that is on every side.
Gender dysphoria is known as a mental illness so clearly it’s not something folks want to champion or perpetuate in itself. I think THAT is what people want to “eradicate”. Not trans people. And folks don’t want minors allowed to be able to make life altering decisions before they are adults. Again, that is nothing against trans folks.
All this shenanigans is a hate soup being put together by the powers that be because they love when we all hate on each other. And every time someone crazy does something crazy those same powers rush to exploit the hate.
Clearly there are evil forces at work and folks with horrible agendas at play. But when we all settle into our little tribes and yell at one another the elites get their way and we lose regardless of what tribe thinks they have won.
Not in the west no. It’s more celebrated now than anything else. To be LGBT is now in fashion, to be clear, in the west.
ehh, I disagree with this. It’s being celebrated sure but LGBT people are still being resisted, bullied, looked down upon and even attacked. I just wish they could get normalized to the point that they don’t get looked down on and the ”pushing LGBT” would also stop. Like I’ve said before, the LGBT movement is not gonna stop before they are treated equally in everyday life.
I used to be against the LGBT movement myself as it was ”woke pushing” or whatever but I kinda just ignore it these days. People don’t need to actively support it but just let those people live their lives and mind your own business.
That is an outright exaggeration. You are conflating multiple flavors of that topic to reach that conclusion. I am sure there are some who might think this but at the same time you have some trans groups (for example) threatening stuff as well. So the radicals are being radical but that is on every side.
Possibly, but when knobheads like Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder etc with a large following keep demonizing and calling for purge of transgenderism for millions of people it certainly doesn’t make things easy for trans people.
” keep demonizing and calling for purge of transgenderism”
Why would you not want to heal a mental illness? They are not saying transgender people should not exist. The only thing they are really going on about is minors and hormones and surgery. Which I 100% agree with. Again you are conflating things in my opinion. Obviously that whole situation is not a simple thing and you are speaking about it as it is a simple thing that you are either 100% for or 100% against. It’s not that way.
” It’s being celebrated sure but LGBT people are still being resisted, bullied, looked down upon and even attacked.”
Yeah I am not sure how those 2 things can exist simultaneously in general. It’s either one or the other. I am sure we could find isolated cases of each of those but that does not mean they are happening wholesale or are systemic. I can point to cases of any race, gender or orientation being attacked or disliked for it that does not mean it is a systemic issue. But I will tell you this. The quickest way to NOT get acceptance is thumping people over the head with it. That will in itself cause negative feelings. That is just human nature.
At the end of the day if we see things different then that is what it is. What’s important is that people attempt to hash stuff out.
Why would you not want to heal a mental illness?
we could open the can of worms about this, as I don’t see it as a mental illness.
They are not saying transgender people should not exist.
Then what exactly does complete eradication of transgender mean? Isn’t eradicating something literally that they stop existing? It’s some dangerous wording.
Obviously that whole situation is not a simple thing and you are speaking about it as it is a simple thing that you are either 100% for or 100% against. It’s not that way.
Of course not. I do not support children transitioning under the age of 18. I think all surgery procedures, be it plastic surgery or gender surgery, should not be allowed before the age of 18. But if someone over the age of 18 is born as male being their sex but feel like their gender is female then I have no issue with them transitioning. Gender is like a spectrum, which even the redpilled manosphere, unknowingly or not, agrees with when they preach about manliness like masculine is on one end and ”soyboys” or feminine qualities is on the other side and it functions like a slider. Basically, if you are able to compare someone’s masculinity, saying someone is more masculine, then you basically acknowledge that gender is not A or B, but you can be something ”in between”.
So, if someone is born woth a penis but is on the gender spectrum far from traditional masculinity and feel more comfortable and natural like that and want to have the surgery, then feel free. I want people to have the freedom to do that and let them live their lives without gatekeeping or harrassing them.
Yeah I am not sure how those 2 things can exist simultaneously in general. It’s either one or the other. I am sure we could find isolated cases of each of those but that does not mean they are happening wholesale or are systemic
I think it can. People supporting trans rights give them their backing, but people opposing don’t. LGBT people, especially trans people are still over 4 times more likely to be attacked and victims of hate crimes.
And I do worry about how the recent incident is going to affect them, if people are going to go full vigilante mode on them when people like Tucker Carlson and other ghouls are painting it as the transgender movement is trying to destroy christians or some shit.
It’s not a mental illness if it has a physical cause. In a few years there will be a “vaccine” against gender dysphoria by blocking antigens like anti-NLGN4Y. That will prevent virtually all cases of both gender dysphoria as well as homosexuality.
Until then, all talk of eradicating transgenderism is indeed just the nazi-like genocidal longing of wanna-be Goebbels shitheads like Michael Knowles.
Conservatives’ continued insistance of vilifying LGBT people is the reason I will be voting democrat for the first time in my life. If both sides are evil, I may as well be on the winning team.
First of all sexuality aka sexual preference isn’t a demographic. Babies aren’t born with attraction towards one sex or another. So, this entire agenda is already based on a foundation that is a lie. Second, no one can force anyone to accept anyone else for their lifestyle choices whether it is mandated by law or not. Third, the “alphabeters” are really no different than anyone else, but this community, for the most part needs to feel empowered, because they are inherently destructive to society, which is a fact.
I’m not talking about individual adults who make choices regarding their personal lives. I’m talking about the agenda to make enemies out of people who don’t want their children subjected to the sexual deviancy that is promoted by those specifically identifying with this community. They come and call normal people ‘nazis’ and such for having moral standards for themselves and their children: demonizing the Bible, calling them bigots, labeling them as alt-right conservatives, haters of freedom, etc., and it is all blatant lie in the guise of fighing against ‘intolerance’.
I’m tired of it, and am here to literally make war with those of you who want to stand by the destruction of society. Trust me, it will happen because you’ve pushed too far to pander to a group of psychopaths and you f*cking know it. You have enabled the very evil agenda of eugenics while claiming its about your sexual freedom when you’ve had it for DECADES NOW. You want to virtue signal about bullying as a deflection to play victim at the expense of the destruction of the family building block when that happens to literally everyone on the planet who isn’t on top of the social hierarchy. You want people to be kind to you but then don’t show kindness to anyone…not even the people you claim to back and support. You have become intolerable and I’m not afraid to say it or to be intolerable towards you.
There are things in this world that are worth standing up against. One is democide via eugenics. The other is the attempt to project evil onto others in order to justify one’s own bad behavior and lifestyle decisions. We’ll see who’s left standing afterwards.
“It’s not a mental illness if it has a physical cause.”
Never heard that one before. I am not mocking your statement I literally have never heard it put like that.
“Until then, all talk of eradicating transgenderism is indeed just the nazi-like genocidal”
Again, if it is all illness as you claim (whether that be mental or physical) why would you not want to make it go away? It’s not that anyone is talking about locking folks up or whatever.
“Conservatives’ continued insistance of vilifying LGBT people is the reason”
Oh I am sure there are some that do but on the whole that is simply not true. In fact you have pretty much exactly backwards.
“I will be voting democrat for the first time in my life”
Why not it’s working out so great right now.
I’m sure I posted the research here before.
In short: researchers identified a biomarker that accurately predicted if a male child would later become homosexual. In some cases the mother’s immune system identifies the son’s Y chromosome-specific proteins as foreign and produces antigens that inhibit them. Specifically those that form the male sexual cortex.
All humans start as female in the womb. With proteins specific to the Y chromosome inhibited to some degree, the sexual cortex remains mainly formed by the X chromosome, which is why you end up having a male who – depending on the severity of the maternal immune reaction – is either mildly bisexual, fully interested in other males or on the extreme end feels like a female.
Quoting from an Austrian research paper:
“This hypothesis states that some mothers have antibodies against two Y-linked Produce male fetal proteins. These Y-linked proteins play a important role in prenatal male brain development. The concentration of this Antibody increases in these mothers with each additional male fetus at. The effect of these formed antibodies is reflected in changes in Brain structures in the male fetus associated with sexual orientation (Blanchard, 2001; Blanchard & Bogaert, 1996a). The two Y-linked proteins that these antibodies target are they are protocadherin 11 (PCDH11Y) and neuroligin 4 (NLGN4Y). “Y-bound” in this context means that the proteins NLGN4Y and PCDH11Y dated male Y chromosome (Bogaert & Skorska, 2011). To test the “Maternal Immune Hypothesis”, the plasma of mothers from half of whom had at least one homosexual son, with plasma from Mothers who did not have sons and with men regarding the protein type compared antibodies. The results supported the validity of the hypothesis.”
While this paper is mainly about the fraternal birth order effect, it proves the main mechanism: the sexual cortex is impacted during fetal development.
Other mechanisms include early hormone exposure, i.e. a female fetus being exposed to testosterone.
All research indicates that it is a birth defect.
“Again, if it is all illness as you claim (whether that be mental or physical) why would you not want to make it go away? It’s not that anyone is talking about locking folks up or whatever.”
Uganda is. Isis is. And you have idiot nazis and jesus freaks applauding them.
Of course I want everyone to be healthy and no one born with an abnormality. I want people to not get cancer. But we can’t wish away illnesses. Humanity has wished cancer would go away for centuries. It takes time and it takes research.
I don’t make any difference between IS, Iran or Uganda sentencing gays to death or American conservatives wanting to deny them the right to marriage. The degree of oppression is irrelevant. You either recognize that it’s a birth disorder and support them having absolutely equal rights, or you don’t. There’s no moral middle ground.
And so long as conservatives intend to further deny lgbt people equal rights, I will never vote for them again. Especially not now that you have Republican governors talking about reversing gay marriage or banning gender affirmation surgery.
That being said, I do not endorse transgender surgery or treatment before puberty, because the hormonal profile of a person can undergo dramatic chances. Also any doctor administering transgender treatment without proper prior testing (including for these antigens and f-mri scans which none of them do) should lose their license and be sued for damages. Diagnosis before treatment.
Both the Dems and Conservatives have made a circus of this pathology and the people afflicted by it. Both are despicable.
I’m voting Dem because I’d rather see the country burned to the ground and erased from history sooner than later. I know that an America ruled by the Dems cannot last and will eventually lose to Russia. An economically strong America ruled by Republicans might eventually defeat Russia. Russia is the last beacon of freedom and European culture in the world (along with Hungary, Serbia and a handful of others). America on the other hand is the main driver of white genocide. All countries under American hegemony have opened their borders to third world immigration and gone full communist. Therefore: death to America.
“And so long as conservatives intend to further deny lgbt people equal rights, I will never vote for them again. Especially not now that you have Republican governors talking about reversing gay marriage or banning gender affirmation surgery.”
No one intends that (in the USA). They have every right anyone else has already so that discussion is really a non-starter and only based on propaganda. No one is banning surgery for anyone other than a minor that I am aware of.
“That being said, I do not endorse transgender surgery or treatment before puberty, because the hormonal profile of a person can undergo dramatic chances.”
Agreed. I am all for adults doing whatever even if I disagree with it but the stuff with kids is wrong and harmful. And THAT is the only thing anyone conservative (and its not just conservatives by any stretch) are talking about banning or barring.
“Both the Dems and Conservatives”
I find it interesting you use those 2 terms because one is a political party and the other is a huge group of folks aligned by a common ideology. True conservatives don’t like Democrats sure but they tend to not like establishment Republicans either because they are seen as 2 sides of the same coin. So you conflating conservatives with Republicans is very incorrect and a Democrat is not the antithesis to Conservative that would be a progressive.
The David Knight Show
LGBT are “shock troops” of building Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of “conversion therapy” has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. WATCH what he has to say: No, therapy — just Christ.
EU: Jail for Talking About Christian Conversion