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@Vknid good middle ground positions. I like em.
Regarding the term, I think the right is too ideologically diverse to use the term Republicans. The Republican party doesn’t really stand for anything other than sensible economic policies. But ideologically, you have everything from theocrats to libertarians, from neocons to isolationanists, from deep staters like Romney to rebels like Trump or Rand Paul. When you say Democrat, everyone knows what is meant: Marxist lunatics. With Republcians, you have to specify. I’m libertarian / anarchist myself, which means I’m very much at odds with American conservatism. To me, conservatism is just yahoo socialism.
Which is the real tragedy of the US, no matter which party you vote for, you’re gonna get big government. So the best course for me is to vote for the lunatics under who the system will implode sooner.
I both agree and disagree about Democrats. While I believe they are more ideologically homogenous and far less diverse there is still a lot of play there. You still have a lot of actual liberals who are not progressives. I know a good number of them. But clearly the push from Democrats seems to be, be radical like us or get out.
I do vehemently disagree that voting for the lunatics is the best course because that is giving up and just hoping for America to fall. I truly believe the world at this time is a much darker place without America even as schizophrenic as it is.
History and especially society seem to work like a swinging pendulum. I think it’s swung as far as it is going to go left and it’s about to swing HARD right. But I think there will be more pain for all as that motion shifts from one side to the other. The birth pains of a new age so to speak.
To ensure I don’t misunderstand you. Progressive = Marxist / Postmodernist, right? I never quite understood what “progressive” meant ideologically.
Well the thing about my scenario is:
Option one: hypothetically, if the current hard christian right in the US wins, what will happen? Economic policies like under Trump, the US becomes economically and militarily stronger again, but eventually the hard right (as you predict) will piss people off so much with their abortion, anti gay, anti video game, anti social media etc stuff, that the pendulum will swing back to the left. Result: you have a Democrat run sole superpower.
Option two: the more likely scenario, no Republican ever wins the presidency again, and the Dems run the country into the ground. They will affirmative action retards into positions of power, including the military, taxes and regulations will go crazy, taxpayer money will be wasted on pork spending and the Dem’s private foundations, and the economy will eventually tank. Result: the US is severely weakened and will lose the arms race vs the China / Russia / India alliance. China will grab most of Asia, and Russia will eventually be able to extend its influence towards Europe (or conquer it outright) and save that continent from destruction. European culture is saved.
That’s not a hard choice. For civilization, it’s best if the US dies sooner rather than later. Let it all burn to the ground and maybe, just maybe, something better will rise from the ashes. But as it stands, the US is not worth preserving as a society or culture, and it’s a blight to the rest of the world.
First of all sexuality aka sexual preference isn’t a demographic. Babies aren’t born with attraction towards one sex or another.
This is false, kinda. It’s true babies aren’t born knowing whi they are attracted towards, your sexuality is something that you develop and realize at a later age but is definitely something you are ”born with” as it is decided by biological factors. Some may falsely argue that it is something that is just ”taught” and being gay is seen as unnatural when in reality the nature is full of gay stuff. Animals can have same-sex behaviour and it is definitely not something caused by pedophile democrat vampires grooming them or whatever
“it is definitely not something caused by pedophile democrat vampires grooming them or whatever”
I have seen some stuff recently where there appears to be a lot of grooming, as in more than we realized. Does that mean all or most? No, of course not but it does happen and it’s not rare. Also, trauma can also cause sexual issues or differences as well. It’s not all biology is my point.
Aside from inflicting heavy trauma, which can damage normal development, or pumping a kid full of hormones, the development of sexual orientation is 100% biological. No one decides to be gay or straight. People can decide to act either way, but they can’t decide what they’re attracted to.
No matter what your particular preference. Men, women, blondes, brunettes, asians, fat or skinny, feet, lace, vinyl, whatever you’re into, it was never a conscious choice. No one in the history of the world woke up one day and said ‘I’m too vanilla sexually, so from today onward, I will be attracted to my own gender’ or ‘My life is pretty good, but having a foot fetish will make it complete.’
That’s just not how it works. Anyone who says this is how sexual attraction works, is either a virgin who doesn’t know what they’re talking about, sexually dysfunctional or lying.
I tend to agree with that but that trauma part is not rare and is often inflicted as part of grooming.
African Leader HUMILIATES Macron as More Nations BAN LGBT!!!
Dr. Steve Turley
“No one decides to be gay or straight.”
I disagree. I have known people to prove me right. They get indoctrinated through school and or social media, like most of how it is done now. They want to do what is the cool or shocking thing.
So….they become LGBTQ. They chose it. They decide to.
10 years later they aren’t LGBTQ anymore. I’ve seen it many times. I have nothing against them, I’ve had friends who were. They knew where I stood, and it didn’t matter at the end of the day.
I feel that the majority of people who are LGBTQ, are not actually LGBTQ. Many times it is from childhood or other sexual trauma that they go with the same sex. Yes, there are mutations and other anomalies that happen, but the majority of people who are LGBTQ are that way by choice. Flat out.
A person can short circuit their mind essentially into “liking” things it wouldn’t normally like. Exposure does that, and our current society is drenched in pornographic/sexual exposure. A 10 yr old boy gets curious because he saw a gay sex vid pop, then he explores and wants to try it himself…even though he is not gay. But, his brain gets addicted to that stimulation to it so he turns gay and thinks that is actually what he is, even though he isn’t. It happens. Our brains are susceptible to way too many things now days. Garbage in, Garbage out.
“So….they become LGBTQ. They chose it. They decide to.”
It is such a fashionable thing at this time that not only do you have some folks choosing it from external influence but also probably many posers who enjoy the attention or the privilege that comes with the designation.
I know Milo is a controversial figure and for good reason. But the man is super intelligent whether he uses that for good or evil is suspect. But I once heard him explain in detail how a woman’s sexuality is far more mailable than a mans. And how a woman can be more easily influenced to go one way or the other where as a guy is typically far more strict with that. I found that interesting and thinking about things in general and looking at the world right now that seems to very much be the case in my summation.
Not necessarily on topic, but it’s more news out of Africa.
“So….they become LGBTQ. They chose it. They decide to. 10 years later they aren’t LGBTQ anymore”
They never were LGBTQ. They pretended to be because they wanted the attention.
It’s like people pretending to need a wheelchair. They don’t actually need one. You can’t short circuit your brain to change your sexual orientation anymore than you can short circuit your brain to become paralyzed. That’s hocus pocus nonsense.
“A 10 yr old boy gets curious because he saw a gay sex vid pop, then he explores and wants to try it himself…even though he is not gay. But, his brain gets addicted to that stimulation to it so he turns gay and thinks that is actually what he is, even though he isn’t. It happens. ”
No, that doesn’t happen. Because that boy would not experience stimulation in the first place. A 10 year old boy who was raped by his dad, uncle, priest, cousin, etc… maybe. It is possible to become addicted to sensation or stimuli, but that is a different neuropathological mechanism than sexual attraction. The vast majority of lgbt people have not experienced early childhood sexual trauma, so let’s not pretend that this is what causes people to become gay.
Going back to your example of idiots pretending to be gay for attention: it is well known that people become addicted to attention. Especially people with underdeveloped egos. They are taught that value comes from validation by others, and thus constantly seek validation (or likes), because they never knew how to develop a sense of self-worth. This lack of ego is the fundamental defect of these last generations.
And as you also said, eventually they stop being gay. Precisely around the time they stop getting attention for it.
Side note: I grew up in Europe where nudity was everywhere. Advertising for shower gels, magazine covers, billboards. Back then it was legal. Eventually they changed the laws due to pressure from the growing number of muslims and feminist groups. There were naked women, naked men all over the place. Never once did naked men interest me. On the contrary, I tended to avoid looking at that, because I found it unattractive. Naked women… didn’t really interest me until I was 12 either, but then little me would buy magazines with naked chicks on them if I found them attractive. No one told me to like women. No one told me to like men. There was all kinds of stimuli around. I went with what was natural for me, just like 99.9% of people on the planet.
I know Milo is a controversial figure and for good reason. But the man is super intelligent whether he uses that for good or evil is suspect
Milo was an entertaining troll during the gamergate era but is far from super intelligent and brings pretty much nothing of substance to conversations.
It is such a fashionable thing at this time that not only do you have some folks choosing it from external influence but also probably many posers who enjoy the attention or the privilege that comes with the designation.
I actually don’t think it’s that people choosing to pretend to be gay because it’s fashionable or people getting brainwashed by spooky satanists that cause the rise of LGBT people.
It’s just that there are actually more gay people than we think and now that it’s less a taboo to come out, more people are willing to do it and it creates an illusion that the amound of gay people are rising when it’s just amount of gay people coming out.
We saw a similar phenomenon in the mid 1900ths with left handed people. Left handed people used to be looked down upon and in some places even punished legally, so left handed people were forced to write with their right hands. But when people realized left handed people are not ghouls or monsters, and the bans were lifted, resulting in the number of left handed people going from around 3% of the population to almost 12% of the population.
Now, was the rise of left handed people because it became fashionable and hip to be left handed so right handed people pretended to be left handed? Or did the left handed mob groom children to be left handed? Or maybe the rise was just because people who were left handed didn’t have to pretend to be right handed to avoid getting dogpiled by a bunch of freaks.
I think we’re experiencing the same thing with LGBT people now, altho there still is a bunch of freaks like Tucker Carlson or Ben Shabibo yelling at them everytime they can
“Milo was an entertaining troll during the gamergate era but is far from super intelligent and brings pretty much nothing of substance to conversations.”
We will have to agree to disagree. I think he is probably a grifter and an a-hole but I have heard him speak deeply on many a complex topic and he has some good ideas and is clearly intelligent. I mean is he Thomas Sowell or Jordan Peterson, no but he is pretty smart.
“Now, was the rise of left handed people because it became fashionable and hip to be left handed so right handed people pretended to be left handed?”
I don’t think these things are anywhere near comparable and for many reasons. I don’t think it was ever celebrated to be left-handed to the point of just about having special privileges so the motivation was never there. Plus you cannot easily fake being left handed for the most part whereas someone can simply claim to be gay or trans and get all the privileges therein. And while I am no historian I am certain the goverment did not push it as an agenda, there were probably no left handed clubs, no left handed corporate push and no left handed story time in schools. Again, it’s apples and oranges.
“It’s just that there are actually more gay people than we think ”
It would have to be order of magnitudes more which does not make sense or seem plausible. Especially if we are to believe that one is born that way and it’s not something easily controlled or augmented. Also, if this were the case it would be a fairly homogenous rise in numbers across all demographics. But it’s not. It’s mostly the very young and mostly females (especially with the trans thing).
Gay/trans etc. exists no one doubts that. At the end of the day no one cares what adults do for the most part. The alarming thing is the attempt to reach children and the exponential and immediate rise in those situations. And it’s not as if this is worldwide. It is not. Many countries think we are insane at this point and I tend to agree.
Most people are fine with live and let live and that was really the initial chant of the early gay movement as I understand and recall it. But the combined push from governments, corporations and radical groups especially as it related to kids is not at all live and let live. It’s grooming and indoctrination.
We will have to agree to disagree. I think he is probably a grifter and an a-hole but I have heard him speak deeply on many a complex topic and he has some good ideas and is clearly intelligent.
from all I’ve seen he is very well articulate which kinda masks what he is saying to sounding more intelligent just like Jordan Peterson also often does. But Milo provides very little factual evidence to back up his claims and his intents are more just provoking the opposite which he used to be good at. Now he’s getting bullied around and provoked on stage by blue haired autists like Destiny.
I don’t think these things are anywhere near comparable and for many reasons. I don’t think it was ever celebrated to be left-handed to the point of just about having special privileges so the motivation was never there. Plus you cannot easily fake being left handed for the most part whereas someone can simply claim to be gay or trans and get all the privileges therein.
why can’t you just as easily say ”I am left handed”? But anyway that wasn’t my point really, it was more to demonstrate that if you remove laws oppressing certain characteristics of a group of people, the amount of these people are going to rise and lift their heads as they’re not getting executed anymore. But I’m also curious about the pretending to be gay, I’ve never witnessed it before and I don’t understand why people would do it. Like what privileges do gay people have over straight people? It would still make more sense for gay or trans people to hide their inner self as there still are some regulations towards them and the social stigma of getting yelled at by self proclaimed patriots at local walmarts or whatever. Just because someone waves a pride flag doesn’t mean they are gay or pretend to be gay they can just support it as a straight person.
Also, if this were the case it would be a fairly homogenous rise in numbers across all demographics. But it’s not. It’s mostly the very young and mostly females (especially with the trans thing).
Well it depends a lot on the culture. I would think that there are around equal amounts of gays no matter the gender or age but older people might stay longer in the closet due to the time period they grew up in tolerated it less, and from my personal anecdotal experience I’ve seen more males come out than females.
But let’s say you’re right that more females come out as gay, but there are many factors that might be the reason for that. For example, the masculine expectations placed on men. If a man wears makeup, paints nails or goes to the hairdresser to take extra care about looks then it goes against the traditional masculinity and some men might be worried about how people would react to that so it would make sense that men tend to have a higher treshold to come out of the closet.
Same with the trans issue with an example from Mr Beast. Idk if you’ve heard about it but one of Mr Beast’s crew members Chris came out as trans recently, didn’t make any kind of ”agenda pushing” or whatever y’all call it but had an announcement about being trans and immediately the next Mr Beast video got bombarded with dislikes, hateful comments and requesting Mr Beast to kick Chris out and not have her appear on his videos anymore and all hell broke loose literally because one person came out as transgender and suddenly all these patriotic transvestigators were everywhere in Chris’ social medias. Like literally by revealing you are trans and trying to live your life you get these ghouls coming for you and not leaving you alone.
So yeah I think that not many people prefer to pretend to be LGBT due to the shitstorm coming at their way and I would believe men and especially older men are too scared to come out due to the hate coming at their way.
Gay/trans etc. exists no one doubts that. At the end of the day no one cares what adults do for the most part.
I wish it was this way but it isn’t. Just recently a trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney had the one off ad with Bud Light and Nike and immediately hogs started boycotting and screeching about boycotting these ”woke companies”. And the funniest thing is that most people hadn’t even heard about who the hell Dylan Mulvaney was before Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and all these other transvestigators were bitching about it.
Like I actually start to believe that if someone unfollows Matt Walsh and 5 other transvestigators on Twitter and started following trans people instead, they would actually see less discussions about trans people after that because, my god, a trans person can’t even fart without these people finding out and being upset about it