Ukraine, a war or a money laundering event?

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  • #295717

    There was no invasion under Trump and the clandestine operations were set back. All of this strife happened off of his watch.

    How do you know Russia is just not simply playing it’s role? It’s something very, very bleak to consider that Russia is just the scapegoat, within the fog of war, to be blamed for wiping out undesireables that the west wants cleared out of the Ukraine. Population reduction. Russia and Z work together to massacre and bomb the resistance to the western shyster takeover of that country.

    Most of the western public are too concerned with sleaze, rainbow flags, and Drag Queen story hour to care about people at this point. They are sexually obsessed perverts because smut has been marketed to them their entire lives and they think that’s how they are supposed to be, beasts instead of human.


    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 06-14-47 Zelensky Backs Expulsion Of Christian Monks

    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 06-54-40 stories-main What Really Happened






    How do you know Russia is just not simply playing it’s role? It’s something very, very bleak to consider that Russia is just the scapegoat, within the fog of war, to be blamed for wiping out undesireables that the west wants cleared out of the Ukraine. Population reduction. Russia and Z work together to massacre and bomb the resistance to the western shyster takeover of that country.

    What role? Role of invading and murdering? Of course they are to blame for attacking a neighboring country. There is no justification for what they’ve done. Murdering people for supporting equal rights for sexual minorities?

    How the fuck can someone yap about the unfairness of people getting kicked off Twitter for ”just having another opinion” as if it’s the worst shit ever, but then turn around and say ”yeah they played their role in murdering, raping and destroying a country because the west think different”?

    The hypocricy and your lack of ability to see things objectively is insane. Would you keep the same energy if the west launched a unified attack on Russia and slaughtered them and destroyed half the country for not accepting gay people?

    Why should Russia be able to dictate over Ukraine and invade them? Your arguments are like straight out of the medieval period that it’s okay to attack and murder people and cry about churches. Some real psycho zealot stuff right there.

    I repeat, that none of this bullshit would happen if Russia wasn’t a dictatorship run by a midget loser who wants to put his finger print in history books as the second coming of Stalin


    The hypocricy and your lack of ability to see things objectively is insane.

    adding to this, how come you moan about Ukraine shutting down Russia linked orthodox churches but have no problem with Russia bombing them? Crying about Ukraine shutting down news reporters with link to Russia but no mentions about Russians getting arrested and thrown into jail for protesting the war and saying war is bad?


    West attacked it’s own people and imposed perverts and groomers like Zelensky and Hollywood shysters. I don’t blame anyone for sticking up for countries that say no to groomers and pedophiles and Gerbil Richard Gere and sissy Zelensky and the Weinstein and Epstein rape crowd. That’s what the west did to it’s own peoples. Don’t want to see it happen to anyone else.

    Churches all over EU and Canada are burning. Trains are derailing. Banks are collapsing. Meanwhile, it’s drag queens and queers and sexuality that they want you to focus on. Zelensky dances in heels. The PM of Finland, some feminist, wants to dance around and spread her legs with her mouth agape. NATO and the West talks about replacing their own populations with foreigners who go on welfare, and then, they raise the retirement age to keep the poor boomers working for no future for their own offspring. Russia did not do any of this and I do not blame any country for not wanting to be around Victoria Nuland or Samantha Power or any other inept, destructive yenta.


    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 08-58-52 JUSTICE REPORT


    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 09-00-07 Reaction To New Army Ad Is All It Can Be


    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 08-58-38 JUSTICE REPORT



    Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 09-13-53 TruckGab (@TruckerGate) - Gab Social

    To Samantha Power, GTFO of Hungary.


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    Zelensky BANS Orthodox Monks as Putin Vows to DEFEND Christians!!!

    Dr Steve Turley
    Full Brian Rose interview with Hersh for free at his site.


    West attacked it’s own people and imposed perverts and groomers like Zelensky and Hollywood shysters.

    Ukrainian presidents before Zelensky were imposed by Russia. I still see no reason for waging war. What happened to your ”just because they have different opinion…” energy.

    You still haven’t said anything bad about Russia bombing churches etc. It’s just conspiracy theories and psychotic yapping.

    We kinda have reached to the final stop where alt righters go mask off and show their true colors and justify war and I don’t really think it’s possible to have any kind of discussion here as you deflect any kind of questions and points and resort to lies and claims with no evidence.

    Meanwhile, it’s drag queens and queers and sexuality that they want you to focus on. Zelensky dances in heels. The PM of Finland, some feminist, wants to dance around and spread her legs with her mouth agape.

    it’s really not. Zelensky is asking for help in getting a tyrannical dictatorship country to back off. In Finland we are pretty occupied with Russian cyborg attacks and information influencing with far right useful puppets are being influenced by Russian politics to push to idea of surrendering and allying with Russia, which we have been fighting against for a long time and prospering while Russia stays as the same depressing shithole.

    NATO and the West talks about replacing their own populations with foreigners who go on welfare,

    source? I highly doubt NATO, a military alliance would have any say in countries political matters.

    I already challenged your white genocide/replacement conspiracy theory but you didn’t have any response to it, only yapping more garbage and ignoring it.

    I will shortly summarize it again. Decreasing birth rate isn’t a conspiracy to get rid of white people. It’s a matter of capitalism and progress in modern developed societies. You can see how countries all over the world, Asia, Africa, Europe, America etc that developed countries have decrease in birth rate while poor countries have higher. China is a good example. Look at the developed cities birth rates vs poor regions and you might understand.

    Everything becomes a conspiracy when you don’t understand anything. A rule of thumb is that Occam’s razor principle applies almost every time.



    It’s a matter of capitalism and progress in modern developed societies

    to further explain, countries that are developed don’t need 8 kids to work on agriculture anymore. Also due to medical development, we don’t need to pump out 8 children to make sure 4 of them live long enough to be useful. Also, in capitalistic societies people are so occupied with work so they need to choose between career progress and families. A great example are ultra capitalist countries like Japan and Korea. Women decide to not have children because they want to have a steady job and not risk losing their place as human resources are disposable.

    Another reason is poor and non developed countries do not have contraceptives or access to abortion so more unprotected sex and rapes lead to more children. Again, it’s something you can simply study and research to find out that it’s not just white wester countries facing decreasing child rates, it’s every developed country no matter race, religion or whatever.

    A good example is China where you can compare the birth rates with the development and income increase throughout the years, and you will find out that throughout time when a city/region develops, the birth rate decreases.

    But if you wanna stick to psychotic conspiracies and close your eyes to reality go ahead, but you kinda lose the whole ”right wing is about facts and logic” card at that second.


    China had a One Child Policy. China is a horribly ignorant example and a very shameful and embarrassing one at that.

    The mask is slipping from Zelensky, Pete Buttigieg and Barney Frank, that the sissy lobby is looting the world so they have have more designer labels, mansions and handbags.

    The French Yellow Vests, the Dutch Farmers, the Canadian Truckers and other protests across the entire western world are by peoples that are financially looted and raided for monies that go to invaders and border crossers. They receive while the countrymen of the west are looted and raided and robbed.

    The mask is slipping from Zelensky, Buttigieg, Barney Frank, Yuval Horari and other flamers. You see their hatred of women. You see their heterophobia. You see their hatred of biological children. You see their bigotry and their tyranny and their authoritarianism. You see their Christophobia, hatred of churches and clergy. The Mask is slipping from the rainbow brigade. They were always a hate group.


    Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 06-38-44 3b69e30adff5b516.png (PNG Image 466 × 310 pixels)

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