UK’s Nigel Farage refused by multiple banks in the UK

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      We have heard it happen here in the US with folks who battle against the woke/goverment getting “othered” by multiple financial insinuations.  Well that same playbook is being used in the UK against the same folks in the UK.

      Nigel Farage Announces He’s a Victim of Financial Deplatforming

      Sure it’s easy to say to yourself, well it does not affect me I am not well known or famous and maybe as long as I keep my head down I will be fine.

      I offer you this in response.

      “First they came for the Communists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Communist

      Then they came for the Socialists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Socialist

      Then they came for the trade unionists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a trade unionist

      Then they came for the Jews
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Jew

      Then they came for me
      And there was no one left
      To speak out for me”

      –Martin Niemöller




      When he asked them why his accounts were being closed they said it was a “commercial decision”.Could they have been any more vague?

      In one video it was suggested that financial institutions are possibly being pressured by EU interests who were against Brexit.

      Absolute nonsense.


      In any case I’m surprised these institutions continue along this path given that we are seeing a growing push back against these oppressive policies. Perhaps these fascists believe that as a bank providing “essential services” makes them immune to any sort of backlash.


      There are always alternatives. They tried to crush YouTubers “Triggernometry” using similar tactics and failed. This too will fail and also irreparably taint their reputation.




        I think these types of actions are more successful than you think.  The goal of such high profile cancellings is not to crush or dissuade the actual target from dissenting. Actually it probably just emboldens them more as that’s the type of person down for the cause.   But the goal of these cancellings is to strike fear and uncertainty in everyone else who disagrees with the powers that be.  It’s to make others think twice before they speak, post or do anything against the system.


        A high profile example of what can happen to the average person.

        If they can do that to him, what is to stop them from doing the same to us?

        Here in Canada, we had the bastard son of castro forcing the banks to freeze patriotic Canadians who were participating in a lawful and peaceful protest (which is our constitutional right).

        Publicly backlisted, making companies hot wanting to hire such people incase the government then goes after them, etc.

        As some people are saying, the time for the mark of the beast is almost here.  If you don’t take the mark, becoming loyal to the agenda, you will NOT be allowed to work, earn money, have a bank account, buy food, etc.


          “If they can do that to him, what is to stop them from doing the same to us?”

          This is indeed the thought they are trying to instill in everyone’s mind.  But it’s a tool of fear that preys on human nature.  When a person is hit with fear it is naturally just applied in the context of the self.  So when we see someone kicked out of a bank we think holy crap what if they did that to me, I better keep quiet.  But we have to think past that and realize THEY CANNOT CANCEL ALL OF US and it is for the absolute good of society we don’t self censor or keep quiet.

          “As some people are saying, the time for the mark of the beast is almost here.”

          This cannot be overstated because it’s going to happen and if that does not prove to a person the Bible is worth considering and therefore God is I don’t know what will.

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