UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion

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    Audie “The entire language of that article conveys the idea that any legal age restriction is potentially unjust, that whatever they mean by “consent” is more important than any legal age restriction, and “consent” may be legitimately given by children under 18–how far under 18 is not specified, and thus is anyone’s guess. Ah, the wonders of vague language.

    What this article espouses is, essentially, a sexual free-for-all, with the only caveat being whatever they mean by “consent”, and I’ve little doubt that, when it comes to it, they’ll interpret that word as loosely as they can.”

    That’s the main problem with the article. It’s worded extremely vaguely, which means that pedo politicians and ruling class people will use it for what we all know they’ll use it for.
    It’s not an easy subject. There have been cases of 18 year old boyfriends going to prison for rape for having a 17 year old girlfriend. And everyone knows humans reach sexual maturity around 11, and girls usually start being sexually active at 13 (boys a little later, mostly for lack of opportunity). In terms of genetic healthy, women reach peak fertility at around 16. After that, the telomeres begin to degrade and the risk of birth defects increases. For women, having children as early as possible is the way we evolved. Which makes sense, given that life spans were shorter in the past, and that parents had to be somewhat physically fit to provide for their young.
    Laws should generally not criminalize our own nature.
    On the other hand, laws should protect children from sexual exploitation. While a 12 year old girl may fall in love with a 21 year old guy and even want to have sex with him, he still bears a responsibility as an adult to not engage with someone who hasn’t fully sexually matured. On the other hand, at 14, 99% of girls know what they’re doing (boys once again lag behind). There has to be some balance between individual liberty, natural instinct and adult responsibility.

    The age of consent in Western countries ranges from 14 (Germany, Switzerland, Portugal) to 16, with a handful exceptions even higher at 17 (Cyprus) and 18 for some US states. There’s probably no blanket right or wrong, since everyone matures differently.

    Whenever the left pushes for something sexual, then by very definition it will be in service of promoting pedophilia. That’s their ultimate goal. But it doesn’t mean the right should just go for a blanket opposition, like it did with gay marriage. Because that is always going to lead to a political loss, meaning the left will ultimately get its goal of legalizing sex with children. Instead, one could rationally look at questions of consent, age of consent, and close-age exceptions to perhaps come up with a better system than one which criminalizes an 18 year old for having a 17 year old girlfriend.
    What the optimal solution is (if there even is one), I couldn’t say. I don’t know teenagers well enough, and my time as a teenager sucked so bad that I spent most of it playing video games.



      That post to Audie was really good.  You highlighted the differences of opinion well and did not play sides or attack anyone in doing so.  You laid the matter bare for all to see.

      I will say this though from a very general perspective.  You seem very interested in trying to find the right answer or solution from a legal standpoint.  I think most of us think in those terms.  Whenever something happens or we think about an issue our first thought is to consider what laws could be made to solve that.

      Well the thing is, you cannot legislate morality.  Laws do not generally prevent people from doing things they are simply are a list of consequences for an act.  And increasingly we can see that they these are not working.  There are many reasons for that of course including not enforcing the consequences which DOES lead to encouraging negative behavior.

      But at the end of the day we cannot exist on legality alone.  There must be a common and shared morality.  Sure, that leads into a discussion of whom gets to decide that and in my mind only God does.    But regardless of what your answer is for that a people cannot live by laws alone there has to be a binding morality and common sense of decency.


      Thank you very much. And yes, morality must come before laws. Morality or a clear concept of right and wrongmust be the foundation to law, else the law is unjust.

      To you the standard of morality is god, to me it’s nature. Same basic principle, but we differ on where we derive right and wrong from. You derive it from authority, I derive it from observation. Chances are, we’d agree on 99% of things, but the mere fact that we disagree on the source of morality is probably a good example for why there should be different nations for different people. Because if I don’t believe in the source of your morality and vice versa, then we’re at an impasse to which there can exist no possible (nonviolent) solution. But we’d been through all that.

      Legality aside, what’s your opinion on an optimal age of consent or even definition of consent? I.e. when a 14 year old comes on to a 19 year old and he (or she) engages, then in Germany no one would care, in the US he goes to prison as a rapist and has to register as a sex offender. Who (if anyone) is right?


      > Whenever the left pushes for something sexual, then by very definition it will be in service of promoting pedophilia. That’s their ultimate goal. But it doesn’t mean the right should just go for a blanket opposition, like it did with gay marriage. Because that is always going to lead to a political loss, meaning the left will ultimately get its goal of legalizing sex with children.

      Opposition to pedophilia is not a “right-wing position”, nor is it even political; it’s a primal, ancient instinct. Nature selected parents who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children, and while that instinct may be latent, it’s still there. By attempting to normalize pedophilia (including by casting it as a political question), the Left is awakening a force of nature it really should have left alone.

      As such, I believe the Left has already lost. The cultural momentum is against them, and Nature itself is against them. The only question in my mind is how much politics itself will change as the process unfolds. (And I don’t see the Right leading the cultural charge against the Left; they will simply be caught up in the current.)

      I see the destruction of the Left coming from decentralized decision-making: millions of people independently coming to the same conclusions, without a central influencer, decision-maker, or political figure (or party) to herd them. That’s where “Go Woke, Go Broke” comes from, and the right-wing political structure is superfluous to this process.

      The Left has become used to changing the definitions and identities of things, but in this matter, they are directly contradicting Nature itself and the instincts Nature has installed into the human race, and I suspect those instincts will prove immovable and unchangeable in the majority of the population. The lever the Left is using to attempt to destroy Nature’s instincts will instead transfer the destructive energy back to themselves.

      Regardless of how the Right handles this, I don’t see the Left surviving as a viable political culture. (I think the question is more whether the Right will survive, or how much it will change, not by political design, but by the decentralized process described above.)



      Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 14-29-53 36e2b79195348a1a.png (PNG Image 568 × 568 pixels)


      Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 17-07-48 Ryan Dawson on Twitter


        “Legality aside, what’s your opinion on an optimal age of consent or even definition of consent?”

        I do not think there is a global answer to that for the whole world.  All we can do there is make sure in our nation that lines are indeed drawn and they are drawn for the right reasons so as to protect children.  And of course those lines in the sand must be enforced.

        Since all people are different obviously there is no single age where every person can be considered an adult to give “consent” or be allowed to do anything else an adult can.  But again, we draw a line the best we can and then we must hold to that line because bad people with bad intentions will try to erase or soften the line.

        Am I saying a 19yr old should be jailed for having relations with a 17yr year old?  No.  But our justice system should be able to be counted on to act appropriately between that case and a 30yr old person convincing a 13yr old to have sex.

        I am perfectly fine with the line being 18-21 for all adult activities and having the thought process in place that prior to that age you cannot give consent.  Does that solve all issues and problems?  Of course not but all we can do is the best we can.

        If we are speaking morality.  There again there is no perfect answer.  But what is moral is to have a line drawn and to hold to it.

        Also, we need to hold to that line regardless of whether the offender is a woman or not.  I have read about case after case of women getting a slap on the wrist for what a man would be in jail 20yrs for.  That is wrong and should not be tolerated.


        Equality before the law is long gone unfortunately.

        18-21? Wow. I would probably choose 14 like Germany and Portugal, mainly because genetically it’s better if women are younger when they have children. This is also why I’m against women pursuing careers. They end up 35-40 until they “have time” for children, by which time their telomeres are shot, and they end up having kids with autism or other defects.

        I liked the old model with the man as breadwinner and women raising children, but admittedly, that left women in a precarious position of not having financial independence and potentially being tied to an abuse husband. Another one of those instances where an ideal solution appears elusive.


          “18-21? Wow. I would probably choose 14 like Germany and Portugal, mainly because genetically it’s better if women are younger when they have children. ”

          That’s the entirely wrong reason to pick such a requirement.   You make that line in the sand to protect children and not for any other reason.

          ” I’m against women pursuing careers. They end up 35-40 until they “have time” for children”

          I am not against it and I think women should have that freedom. However, they should not be lied to like they have been for decades and told that they will find happiness working a 9-5 and not having children until later or at all.  This is a harmful lie meant to assist in depopulating the world.  It also in my mind tries to take away the actual power women have.  They can carry a child and have many natural gifts to that end that men just do not posses as a whole.  This goes back to my post on tradition.  There are very good reasons the man typically provides while the lady stays and cares for the children.  It’s not patriarchy or oppression it is because each sex is better at those things on the average.  The idea that humans have evolved a certain way successfully (and against all odds) but NOW we got it all figured out and everything from before is wrong.  That is an insane thought process to me.

          “I liked the old model with the man as breadwinner and women raising children, but admittedly, that left women in a precarious position”

          There is risk in everything in life.  This is why whenever someone chooses to procreate a partner should be VERY carefully chosen.  Today people do the exact opposite and look what has happened.  Is that better than before where there were occasional failures vs. now where entire sections of the population have 1 caring parent if they are lucky?  There will never be a perfect answer to such things or a 1 size fits all solution.  But clearly what we were doing before was far more successful than now.

          If we combined women having the freedom of a career if they wish while also very much placing actual importance on family and parenthood I think that would be a good solution.

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