United Nations wants you to eat no more than .5oz of red meat

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      The United Nations. Performing social engineering for the elites for at least the last few decades. I wonder when it is formed if the idea was it was going to tell us how to eat?

      I figure if this is what they are up too at this point they might as well disband there is no need for them.

      PS – UN, kiss my arse.


      Well I see no problem in recommending to cut down a bit on red meat consumtion because of its health risks. Banning is another issue. But for example east Asians have less heart problems and longer life expectancy, and one contributing factor is they eat more chicken and fish while westerners eat more greasy and salted red meat.


      Eating more hamburgers and steaks. That’s the kind of peaceful protest I can support.



        I don’t that has anything to do with red meat itself but with how it is prepared. But too much of anything is bad for you.


          FUCK THE UN!
          Think I will have me a Half-pound Bambi / Porky burger tonight, Thats 80/20 Bambi / Porky.
          Tomorrow going to go with 160z KC Strip.

          My grandparents ate Steak an Taters 3 nights a week and plenty of Burgers for Lunch, ALL lived in to their late 80’s. My Parents are in their mi 70’s and ate red meat all the time still going strong. So FUCK the UN and any “scientist” who says its not healthy.

          What is not healthy is trying to tell me what to eat and what is deadly is anyone stupid enough to try to tell me my coffee is bad.




            They want us to eat bugs while the steak is reserved for them. Remember a few years ago they tried to say red meat was a carcinogen? I wonder if Al Gore and Obama or George Bush stopped eating steak.


            I don’t that has anything to do with red meat itself but with how it is prepared. But too much of anything is bad for you.

            true, but in same portion sizes red meat is by far the most unhealthy. Which is why athletes for example usually prefer chicken and fish over it.


              You are confusing “unhealthy” with calorically dense. You are also very much conflating meat types. 6oz of most any type of lean meat has nearly the same calories. It’s the fat content of the meat that will add a lot of calories in small portions. So 6oz of a lean meat will have X calories but 6oz of an unlean meat that has a very high fat content will have many more calories. This is not to say natural fat is bad for you inherently. In fact, in the right amounts it is quite healthy. But there lies the devil in the details, in the right amounts, as fat is super calorically dense.
              No, red meat is NOT unhealthy it just generally has a higher fat content and therefore will contain more calories but it very much depends on the cut of meat.


              The big PUSH is because so many of the elites have in the last decade purchased LARGE plots of farmland, in order to make their pesticide and chemical induced “plant based” foods to replace meats.

              Also, the UN is a bunch of hypocrites!

              Oh look!  We have nations that treat females as sex objects to their husbands to roles of “woman’s rights”?

              When it comes to anything the UN has to say, remember MOST of those bureaucrats ARE leftist extremist pushing their WOKE/SJW agenda onto the world stage.


              Besides, they are all about the NWO, one government under them, while using a flat-earth map as their FLAG – does not that warn you about these people!


              @Vknid red meat is way saltier, has more cholesterol and more saturated (=bad) fat than chicken and fish for example. Fish even has omega 3- fatty acids which is actually healthy.

              So to explain simply: eating red meat increases the chance of heart problems as well as colorectal cancer which for example Chadwick Boseman died from. As I said earlier, in countries that eat more white meat (for example East Asia), the amount of people dying because of heart diseases and colorectal cancer is waaaay lower than western countries, which eat more salty and cholesterol heavy red meat.

              And no I’m not saying you will absolutely die from ass cancer if you eat red meat. I eat red meat myself. But there is a correlation, which is why I personally choose chicken or fish over red meat if possible for the same price.


                You are conflating a lot of things about meat and making assumptions off of things I believe to be incorrect. Just because someone wrote a research paper or the UN puts out a “study” does not make it gospel. The fact is humans know a lot less about diet than what the marketing garbage will have you believe.

                I am not saying people should eat red meat all day everyday. No one should consume anything in an over abundance. Hell, too much water will kill you. But in proper balance red meat is not bad for you. Although I am sure the pork and chicken industries would love for you to think that.


                What? I’m confused which part you disagree with (or rather refuse to believe because of some weird reason). It’s the basics of nutrition facts that red meat has higher cholesterol, salt and saturated fats. Is this the part you refuse to believe? Or the fact that nutrition with high cholesterol, salt and saturated fat is worse for your health than food with lower rates? I’m genuinely interested why this seems so hard to believe in.


                  I disagree with most of your assumptions that you baking into this.

                  -Does beef have more sodium?
                  it depends on the cuts but a little more yes, is it so much more to be a health issue? No.
                  Again, balance matters in everything
                  -Does beef have more cholesterol?
                  a tiny bit, again depends on the cuts
                  -Does beef have more fat?
                  not always no, depends on the cuts
                  You are making these generalized assertions and applying them to all foods of the same type, it’s not that simple. Just because beef has slightly more things in it that are bad in high quantities DOES NOT make it poison. You have to strike a balance with everything.
                  Again, yes, beef has a tiny bit more of these things (depending on cut) BUT THESE ARE THINGS YOUR BODY REQUIRES. You just cannot eat it all day long but that goes for anything. So this assertion that beef is bad for you IS INCORRECT.
                  Compare some nutrition facts. Here are some. I used 6oz because it’s an amount of a protein I will eat at a meal to hit about 300 calories for that meal. Notice most proteins are the same calories for the same weight give or take.
                  Don’t just look at the numbers also pay attention to the cut. You will notice chicken thigh is as high as some stuff as beef or higher. But thigh is very fatty, breast would be less for example.


                    My Red meat consist of:
                    Deer, Elk, Antelope, Goose, Duck, Buffalo, and Beef.

                    My White Meat consist of:
                    Turkey, Quail, Pheasant, Chuckar, Rabbit, Squirrel, Wild Boar.

                    Tuna, Trout, Walleye, Striped Bass, Crappie, Catfish, Sunfish.

                    Now let me preface, excluding the beef, Buffalo and tuna (i get it 24 hours old) I Harvest the rest myself, Yes that means I shoot it or catch it. I also grow a garden an harvest other things from nature. I would say my red meat is much leaner than most the crap you get in the store and promise my fish is fresher as it goes from knife to fire.

                    Exhibit (A) Bake Goose
                    Baked Goose

                    Exhibit (B): deer an eggs

                    Exhibit (c):Seare Ahi Tuna

                    So now What is healthier again?


                    I disagree with most of your assumptions that you baking into this.

                    Again, yes, beef has a tiny bit more of these things

                    you claim to disagree, but you just agree with what I said but twist my words. You agree that in general red meat has more salt, cholesterol and saturated fats. The comparisons you linked showed that red meat has more salt and cholesterol. Red meat also usually has more saturated fat ( https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/saturated-fats ).


                    Just because beef has slightly more things in it that are bad in high quantities DOES NOT make it poison

                    My point is that I think westerners and espacially americans should cut down a bit on red meat and if possible choose fish or low fat chicken. Like you agreed, red meat has more salt, fat and cholesterol.

                    And I know, it’s not dangerous per se unless you eat it all day but I hope you understand that westerners already eat way too much salt. 90% of americans eat more salt than they should (and in general too much fat and cholesterol, which is why so many americans are obese, news flash.) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/304833#Need-to-reduce-sodium-in-manufactured-and-restaurant-foods

                    So that is why it’s logical to cut down on salt and cholesterol, and one way is to exchange red meat for fish for example which has healthy fats and is not as salty and cholesterol heavy. And again, I’m not for banning red meat or whatever, but I do think it’s a valid point for medical institutions to say ”hey, maybe prefer white meat instead of red to get your sodium level down a bit and live a healthier life”, just like it’s a valid point to say ”hey, maybe jog a bit more so you’re not overweight and live a healthier life”

                    To summarize, living a healthy life is about correct amount of exercise and good diet. If you have no health issues and your salt intake is normal then go ahead and eat red meat, as you have no problems. But considering that 90% of americans consume too much salt and red meat is not poisnonous as you said, but it’s still unhealthier than white meat, maybe try more white meat then.


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