Unpopular Star Wars opinions

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    Dunno if there already exists a thread like this, but I couldn’t find one. But let’s go:

    Rogue One was boring. I legit can’t remember a single character from it even tho I watched it only 6 months ago.

    The Last Jedi isn’t the worst movie in the franchise and I actually liked boomer Luke more than OG trilogy Luke. The whole trying to kill Kylo was out of character but otherwise I really liked the path they took with old Luke.

    Babu Frick was cooler than Boba Fett

    Leia is a bad character and my god her actress can’t act for shit

    A New Hope is one of the worst movies in the franchise.



    I don´t agree with everything you said, but I understand that not everybody liked Luke trying to kill Kylo even though I think his motives were decently established.

    But regarding A New Hope, this scene truly was the worst 10 minutes of my life.



    rogue one i did find boring at the time , but over time i liked it more than the rise of mary sue and the last jedi , the vader cameo was best thing about it and donnie yen


      The Mandalorian is woke trash and Baby Yoda is just a way to get normies to like Star Wars and to buy toys


        The love story in the prequels with Anakin and Padma was actually decent. It served it’s purpose to show how Anakin turned to the dark side.


          The prequels are better than the original trilogy


            Hayden Christensen is a good actor


              My unpopular take is that the Mandalorian is not really all that good and that it will soon become woke.  Baby Yoda is just cute and that is why everyone likes it, but you can already tell by how they are placing and hiring women that it is going to go woke sooner rather than later.  Also, all the bad guys are white guys of course.

              In the end, it is conditioning for the kids out there and it will go woke.

              Graphics (800x600) (2)


                Its already woke


                The Phantom Menace is not THAT bad. Granted, it’s still not very good, but I don’t think it’s absolutely terrible like a lot of people try to make it out to be


                The Holiday Special is underrated.  Also, watching it on psychedelics produces a whole new secret narrative that everybody ignores because they

                can’t imagine Star Wars conveying such a message. The Star Wars Holiday special is bad, but it’s a special kind of bad… but it’s also a direction of

                Star Wars that is completely forgotten… where Wookiees were becoming really important, and one day perhaps, I’ll lay it all out, where the Marvel comics

                were going at the time, and the Wookiee cookbook and storybook… there were going to be Itchy and Malla action figures… etc….


                I don’t think white male bad guys is a fair criticism. First, you must have forgotten about Moff Gideon from the final two episodes. He’s not white. But even if he was, the Empire was completely white males from the OT with women only shown to fight with the Rebellion. I don’t think anyone would say the OT was woke, but it would make sense to keep all the Imperials white guys for continuity.

                I have a feeling it will go woke later on too, but it’s decent at the moment. It’s like any TV show with good and bad episodes. I personally think the highs outweigh the lows of the series currently.


                  Hey, we actually agree on something 😸


                    Eh, is this bad guy white?



                      I remember most of Rogue One, though it is one of my least favorite Star Wars movies, but i did like K2SO and had tears in my eyes when he died

                      Last Jedi is the worst movie in the franchise, not because of the story line, that’s subjective, but ’cause it was directed like shit, also the movie felt unfinished, both Empire Strikes Back and Attack Of The Clones had big reveals for Luke and Anakin, Last Jedi was missing that for Rey, about boomer Luke, i can understand why he could’ve ended up that way, the problem’s that it wasn’t explained properly in the movie, and that made it feel like KK&co. were purpousfully ruining the character (wich i wouldn’t put past them, but that’s a story for another day), ways to explain Luke’s behaviour, for example, why did he cut himself off from the force? That could’ve been ’cause he felt Han’s death in the force, and it was too painfull, so the only way he had to deal with the pain of losing a friend was to cut himself off from the force, that would also explain why he was shocked when Rey and Chewie came to Ach-to without Han, not ’cause he didn’t already know, but ’cause he was in denial, on Luke trying to kill Kylo, i don’t think that was ever his intention, i think igniting his lightsaber was part of the impulsive behaviour that runs in the Skywalker family. Bonus, i love Porgs

                      Babu Frick is cute more than cool, on the subject of Rise Of Skywalker, it’s my favorite out of the sequels, it might be a bit of a mess, but that’s partly Last Jedi’s fault, the only critiques i really have are add more force ghosts and eliminate the Reylo kiss

                      Carrie Fisher’s my favorite actress, so @SuperSoynic_Speed don’t insult her 😾

                      A New Hope’s good, it might not have the epic lightsaber fights the other movies have, but it has one of the best space battles in movie history

                      Attack Of The Clones is my favorite of the prequels, and Anakin and Padmè’s romance is cute

                      I like Jar Jar

                      I enjoyed the Solo movie

                      • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.
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