Unpopular Star Wars opinions

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  • #199023

    An update of a rumour, and why Padro did what he did.


    Oh cool a doomcock vid. Havent seen him since I was kicked off Blotube.

    Fuck Aname.


    I was super excited to see Ahsoka in live action and I have to admit… it was disappointing!

    Togruta may not grow as humans to but I am fairly sure that they are not growing and shrinking when they get older. That Ahsoka from todays episode was botched. Look at the rinkles in her horns? Whoever created them took Star Wars The Clone Wars Ahsoka and recreated her the same as a decade before. Just for comparison Shaak Ti is a bit older than here when she died and she is much more mature than Rosarios version.


    That is my unpopular SW opinion, THAT version of Ahsoka sucked… her face is middle aged but she has the body of a large early teen… not what I expected




      I can understand why Ahsoka’s lekku are wrinkled, as they’re made with make up, practical effects, even Aayla Secura’s were wrinkled in the prequels


      I do agree that the lekku were too short, but she does not look middle aged

      Both Ahsoka and Rosario Dawson look younger than their age

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by DigiCat.
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